
187 lines
5.0 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require("fs");
const irc = require("irc");
const Summon = require("./spells/summon");
const botName = "BabiliBot"
const client = new irc.Client("localhost", botName, {
channels: [
localAddress: "",
port: 6667,
userName: "aewens",
floodProtection: true,
floodProtectionDelay: 1000,
autoConnect: false,
stripColors: true,
encoding: "utf-8",
debug: true
client.config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("config.json", "utf8"));
client.spells = [
// NOTE - Once the #chaos throne is returned to it's king, this will remain
client.blacklist = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("blacklist.json", "utf8"));
// Format:
// {
// timestamp:,
// spell:
// }
client.memory = [];
const contains = (text, test) => {
return text.indexOf(test) > -1;
const logBlacklisters = (from, message) => {
const blacklistLog = `${from} tried to issue ${message}`;
fs.appendFile("blacklist.log", blacklistLog, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Blacklist", blacklistLog);
const addBlacklister = (from, message) => {
// Log reason for adding to the blacklist
const blacklistReason = `${from} was added for spamming ${message}`;
fs.appendFile("blacklisters.log", blacklistReason, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Blacklist", blacklistReason);
// Apply to current session
// Apply to future sessions
const blacklist = JSON.stringify(client.blacklist);
fs.writeFile("blacklist.json", blacklist, (err) => {
if (err) throw err;
console.log("Added to blacklist:", from);
const castSpell = (client, from, to, incantation) => {
let casted = false;
client.spells.forEach((_spell) => {
const spell = new _spell(client, from, incantation);
const response = spell.test();
if (spell.casted) {
casted = true;
if (response.say) {
client.say(to, response.content);
if (!casted) {
client.say(to, `${from}, malsagxulo! That spell does not exist.`);
// For those who cannot handle Esperanto, plebeyoj!
const useCheatCode = (client, from, to, cheatCode) => {
let cheatCodes = {};
// Generate cheat code
client.spells.forEach((_spell) => {
const spell = new _spell(client, from, "");
cheatCodes[spell.cheatCode] = spell.spell;
if (contains(Object.keys(cheatCodes), cheatCode)) {
castSpell(client, from, to, cheatCodes[cheatCode]);
const checkBlacklist = (client, from, to, message) => {
const now =;
const lastUsed = client.memory.slice(-1).pop();
const lastTimestamp = lastUsed ? lastUsed.timestamp : 0;
if (contains(client.blacklist, from)) {
// Log the blacklisters for later scrutiny
logBlacklisters(from, message);
client.action(to, `is ignoring ${from}. Malsaĝa!`);
return false;
// Add to blacklist if abusing bot
if (now < lastTimestamp + client.config.timeout) {
// Add exception for author of bot
if (from !== {
addBlacklister(from, message);
const banishment = `Malpermesante ${from}`;
client.say(to, `${banishment}! I no longer head your words.`);
return false;
return true;
client.addListener("message", (from, to, _message) => {
console.log(`${from} => ${to}: ${_message}`);
const message = _message.toLowerCase();
const triggerWord = client.config.triggerWord;
const address = botName.toLowerCase();
if (message.startsWith(triggerWord)) {
const incantation = message.split(triggerWord)[1].trim();
const check = checkBlacklist(client, from, to, incantation);
if (check) {
castSpell(client, from, to, incantation);
} else if (message.startsWith(address)) {
let cheatCode = message.split(address)[1];
// Why punish formality?
if (cheatCode.startsWith(": ")) {
cheatCode = cheatCode.split(": ")[1];
} else if (cheatCode.startsWith(", ")) {
cheatCode = cheatCode.split(", ")[1];
cheatCode = cheatCode.trim();
const check = checkBlacklist(client, from, to, cheatCode);
if (check) {
useCheatCode(client, from, to, cheatCode);
client.addListener("pm", (from, message) => {
console.log(`${from} => ME: ${message}`);
client.addListener("error", (message) => {
console.error(`error: ${message}`, message);
client.addListener("registered", () => {
// client.say("NickServ", `RECOVER ${botName} ${client.config.password}`);
client.say("NickServ", `IDENTIFY ${client.config.password}`);