20190825 ======== # Redukti Components: * State: Dictionary holding values of application state * Action: A name and data pair that encode a change to the state * Reducer: A function that takes a state and action to produce a new state * Root reducer: Passes the state and action to all reducers # Derivide Components: * Event: Destination, type of change occurring, old value, and new value * Stream: A series of events * Pool: Collection of resources for off main thread tasks * Plugin: Takes events from stream, performs side effect, and returns result * Schema: Set of rules describing the structure of data, used for validating * Blob: Collection of data validated against schema(s) * Database: The validated form of the blob from schema(s) # Taijitu Components: * Dispatcher: Waits for new events and sends them to new reducers or listener * Listener: Waits for new events and sends them to plugins or dispatcher