#!/bin/bash # shebang for syntax highlighting purposes # Colors _NON="\[\033[0m\]" _BLD="\[\033[1m\]" # YEP BALD _BLK="\[\033[30m\]" _RED="\[\033[31m\]" _GRN="\[\033[32m\]" _YLW="\[\033[33m\]" _BLU="\[\033[34m\]" _PRP="\[\033[35m\]" _CYN="\[\033[36m\]" _WHT="\[\033[37m\]" __debug_trap() { # Set necessary pre-command variables (PROMPT_COMMAND is a # command so its excluded here) if [[ "$BASH_COMMAND" != "$PROMPT_COMMAND" && "$LAST_BASH_COMMAND" == "$PROMPT_COMMAND" ]]; then INC_TIME=1 LAST_RT="$EPOCHREALTIME" # This should be the last thing done in this function fi LAST_BASH_COMMAND="$BASH_COMMAND" } trap '__debug_trap' DEBUG __get_cmd_time() { # Set hours minutes seconds and remove preceding zeros local YEAR=$((10#0$(($(TZ=UTC printf '%(%Y)T' $CMD_TIME)))-1970)) local DAYS=$((10#0$(TZ=UTC printf '%(%j)T' $CMD_TIME))) local HOUR=$((10#0$(TZ=UTC printf '%(%H)T' $CMD_TIME))) local MINS=$((10#0$(TZ=UTC printf '%(%M)T' $CMD_TIME))) local SECS=$((10#0$(TZ=UTC printf '%(%S)T' $CMD_TIME))) # Choose whether or not to print hours minutes and seconds [[ $CMD_TIME -ge 31536000 ]] && printf '%sy ' ${YEAR} [[ $CMD_TIME -ge 86400 ]] && printf '%sd ' ${DAYS} [[ $CMD_TIME -ge 3600 ]] && printf '%sh ' ${HOUR} [[ $CMD_TIME -ge 60 ]] && printf '%sm ' ${MINS} [[ $CMD_TIME -ge 1 ]] && printf '%ss ' ${SECS} # If you want to have a limit uncomment the next line and replace somenum with # the minimum microseconds # [[ $CMD_US -ge somenum ]] && printf '%sμs' ${CMD_US:-0} } __sig() { # Giant switch case for getting the name of the signal (`kill -l`) j=0 for i in $@; do if [[ $j != 0 ]]; then printf '%s|%s' "$_WHT" "$_RED" fi j=$((j+1)) case $i in 126) printf ACCES ;; 127) printf NOENT ;; 129) printf HUP ;; 130) printf INT ;; 131) printf QUIT ;; 132) printf ILL ;; 133) printf TRAP ;; 134) printf ABRT ;; 135) printf BUS ;; 136) printf FPE ;; 137) printf KILL ;; 138) printf USR1 ;; 139) printf SEGV ;; 140) printf USR2 ;; 141) printf PIPE ;; 142) printf ALRM ;; 143) printf TERM ;; 144) printf STKFLT ;; 145) printf CHLD ;; 146) printf CONT ;; 147) printf STOP ;; 148) printf TSTP ;; 149) printf TTIN ;; 150) printf TTOU ;; 151) printf URG ;; 152) printf XCPU ;; 153) printf XFSZ ;; 154) printf VTALRM ;; 155) printf PROF ;; 156) printf WINCH ;; 157) printf IO ;; 158) printf PWR ;; 159) printf SYS ;; 16[3-9]|1[7-8][0-9]|19[0-2]) printf RT$(($i-128)) ;; # Savagery *) printf $i ;; # Print exit code if not in list esac done } __ssh() { local CON=($SSH_CONNECTION) local SRV_IP="${CON[2]}" [[ -z "$SRV_IP" ]] && return local SRV_PORT="${CON[3]}" # 4 chars from startand 4 chars from end local SRV_IP_CUT="${_CYN}${SRV_IP}" [[ ${#SRV_IP} -gt 8 ]] && local SRV_IP_CUT="${_CYN}${SRV_IP:0:4}${_WHT}*${_CYN}${SRV_IP: -4}" printf '%s' "${_GRN}${_BLU}[${SRV_IP_CUT}${_PRP}${_BLD}:${_NON}${_CYN}${SRV_PORT}${_BLU}]${_NON}" } __prompt() { # Get exit code (must be first) local PLC=(${PIPESTATUS[@]}) # Reset time when prompt was first displayed after command # this contributes to the 40 microsecond difference in $CMD_US and the actual time it took if [[ "$INC_TIME" != 0 ]]; then PROMPT_RT="$EPOCHREALTIME" INC_TIME=0 fi # *_RT may not be set LAST_RT="${LAST_RT:-$EPOCHREALTIME}" PROMPT_RT="${PROMPT_RT:-$EPOCHREALTIME}" # Get relative times # Remove decimal point, simulating multiplying by 1 million PROMPT_RT1M="${PROMPT_RT/.}" LAST_RT1M="${LAST_RT/.}" CMD_US="$(($PROMPT_RT1M-$LAST_RT1M))" CMD_TIME=0 # Remove last 6 chars, simulating dividing by 1 million to get a more accurate difference [[ ${#CMD_US} -lt 6 ]] || CMD_TIME="${CMD_US::-6}" [[ ${#CMD_US} -lt 6 ]] || CMD_US="${CMD_US: -6}" CMD_US="$((10#0$CMD_US))" # Set prompt sections # Text # ssh detection and indicator [[ "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]] && local SSH="$(__ssh) " # [INT], [4], etc. local i for i in ${PLC[@]}; do if [[ $i > 0 ]]; then local SIG="$(printf '%s[%s%s%s] ' "$_BLU" "$_RED" "$(__sig ${PLC[@]})" "$_BLU")" break fi done # [user@homeserver:~] local COL="$([[ $UID == 0 ]] && printf '%s' "$_RED" || printf '%s' "$_YLW")" local UHD="${_BLD}${_BLU}[${COL}\u${_PRP}@${_CYN}\h${_PRP}:${_GRN}\w${_BLU}]" # 2y 351d 12m 43s 382969μs local TIME="${_YLW}$(__get_cmd_time)" # Random colored $ or # _RAND256="\[\033[38;2;$((RANDOM%256));$((RANDOM%256));$((RANDOM%256))m\]" local IND="${_RAND256}\\$" # Set the prompt PS1="${_NON}${SSH}${SIG}${UHD} ${TIME} ${IND} ${_NON}" } PROMPT_COMMAND=__prompt