base64 = require('base64') function export(filename) local outfile =, 'w') if outfile == nil then error('failed to create "'..filename) end for _,line in ipairs(Editor_state.lines) do if line.mode == 'drawing' then local svg_contents = export_drawing(line) outfile:write('') else outfile:write( end outfile:write('
\n') end outfile:close() end function export_drawing(drawing) local out = {} table.insert(out, '\n') for _,shape in ipairs(drawing.shapes) do if shape.mode == 'freehand' then export_freehand(shape, out) elseif shape.mode == 'line' or shape.mode == 'manhattan' then export_line(drawing, shape, out) elseif shape.mode == 'polygon' or shape.mode == 'rectangle' or shape.mode == 'square' then export_polygon(drawing, shape, out) elseif shape.mode == 'circle' then export_circle(drawing, shape, out) elseif shape.mode == 'arc' then export_circle_arc(drawing, shape, out) elseif shape.mode == 'deleted' then -- ignore else assert(false, ('unknown drawing mode %s'):format(shape.mode)) end table.insert(out, '\n') end table.insert(out, '\n') return table.concat(out) end function file_exists(filename) local f = if f then f:close() return true end return false end function export_freehand(shape, out) table.insert(out, ('\n') end function export_line(drawing, shape, out) local p1 = drawing.points[shape.p1] local p2 = drawing.points[shape.p2] table.insert(out, ('\n'):format(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y)) export_point(p1, out) export_point(p2, out) end function export_polygon(drawing, shape, out) table.insert(out, '\n') for _,p in ipairs(shape.vertices) do export_point(drawing.points[p], out) end end function export_circle(drawing, shape, out) local center = drawing.points[] table.insert(out, ('\n'):format(center.x, center.y, shape.radius)) export_point(center, out) end function export_circle_arc(drawing, shape, out) local center = drawing.points[] local cx,cy = center.x, center.y -- angle 0 local zx,zy = cx+shape.radius, cy local sx,sy = geom.rotate(cx,cy, zx,zy, shape.start_angle) local ex,ey = geom.rotate(cx,cy, zx,zy, shape.end_angle) local sweep_flag = 0 if shape.start_angle < shape.end_angle then sweep_flag = 1 end table.insert(out, (''):format(sx,sy, shape.radius,shape.radius, sweep_flag, ex,ey)) export_point(center, out) end function export_point(p, out) table.insert(out, ('\n'):format(p.x, p.y)) if then -- couple of adjustments: -- * text coordinate starts at top left, but SVG starts at baseline. -- -- * renders labels at x,y both offset by 5px on the screen. -- While rendering SVG, however, we don't have pixels, only viewport coordinates. Seems to work well to just drop the increment. table.insert(out, ('%s\n'):format(p.x, p.y+Drawing_text_baseline_height, end end function basename(s) return string.gsub(s, "(.*/)(.*)", "%2") end