test: autosave after any shape

This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-06-14 22:06:08 -07:00
parent d077ce7f42
commit 15acc38da9
4 changed files with 43 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ Lua is dynamically typed. Tests can't patch over lack of type-checking.
### Todo list
draw a line, circle, rectangle, square, polygon, quit, restart. All the shapes you drew should still be visible.
select a point and name it, quit, restart. Name is still visible.

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@ -276,8 +276,21 @@ end
function App.open_for_writing(filename)
App.filesystem[filename] = ''
return {
write = function(self, s)
App.filesystem[filename] = App.filesystem[filename]..s
write = function(self, ...)
local args = {...}
for i,s in ipairs(args) do
App.filesystem[filename] = App.filesystem[filename]..s
close = function(self)
function App.open_for_reading(filename)
return {
lines = function(self)
return App.filesystem[filename]:gmatch('[^\n]+')
close = function(self)
@ -331,6 +344,7 @@ function App.disable_tests()
App.newText = love.graphics.newText
App.screen.draw = love.graphics.draw
App.width = function(text) return text:getWidth() end
App.open_for_reading = function(filename) return io.open(filename, 'r') end
App.open_for_writing = function(filename) return io.open(filename, 'w') end
App.getClipboardText = love.system.getClipboardText
App.setClipboardText = love.system.setClipboardText

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@ -2,9 +2,22 @@
-- We minimize assumptions about specific pixels, and try to test at the level
-- of specific shapes. In particular, no tests of freehand drawings.
function test_creating_drawing_saves()
App.screen.init{width=120, height=60}
Filename = 'foo'
Lines = load_array{}
-- click on button to create drawing
App.run_after_mouse_click(8,Margin_top+8, 1)
-- filesystem contains drawing and an empty line of text
check_eq(App.filesystem['foo'], '```lines\n```\n\n', 'F - test_creating_drawing_saves')
function test_draw_line()
-- display a drawing followed by a line of text (you shouldn't ever have a drawing right at the end)
Filename = 'foo'
App.screen.init{width=Margin_left+300, height=300}
Lines = load_array{'```lines', '```', ''}
Line_width = 256 -- drawing coordinates 1:1 with pixels
@ -28,6 +41,19 @@ function test_draw_line()
check_eq(p1.y, 6, 'F - test_draw_line/p1:y')
check_eq(p2.x, 35, 'F - test_draw_line/p2:x')
check_eq(p2.y, 36, 'F - test_draw_line/p2:y')
-- The format on disk isn't perfectly stable. Table fields can be reordered.
-- So just reload from disk to verify.
Lines = load_from_disk(Filename)
local drawing = Lines[1]
check_eq(#drawing.shapes, 1, 'F - test_draw_line/save/#shapes')
check_eq(#drawing.points, 2, 'F - test_draw_line/save/#points')
check_eq(drawing.shapes[1].mode, 'line', 'F - test_draw_line/save/shape:1')
local p1 = drawing.points[drawing.shapes[1].p1]
local p2 = drawing.points[drawing.shapes[1].p2]
check_eq(p1.x, 5, 'F - test_draw_line/save/p1:x')
check_eq(p1.y, 6, 'F - test_draw_line/save/p1:y')
check_eq(p2.x, 35, 'F - test_draw_line/save/p2:x')
check_eq(p2.y, 36, 'F - test_draw_line/save/p2:y')
function test_draw_horizontal_line()

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
Drawing = require 'drawing'
function load_from_disk(filename)
local infile = io.open(filename)
local infile = App.open_for_reading(filename)
local result = load_from_file(infile)
if infile then infile:close() end
return result