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" Highlighting literate directives in C++ sources.
function! HighlightTangledFile()
2015-05-07 19:47:25 +00:00
" Tangled comments only make sense in the sources and are stripped out of
" the generated .cc file. They're highlighted same as regular comments.
syntax match tangledComment /\/\/:.*/ | highlight link tangledComment Comment
syntax match tangledSalientComment /\/\/::.*/ | highlight link tangledSalientComment SalientComment
set comments-=://
set comments-=n://
set comments+=n://:,n://
2015-05-07 19:47:25 +00:00
" Inside tangle scenarios.
syntax region tangleDirective start=+:(+ skip=+".*"+ end=+)+
highlight link tangleDirective Delimiter
syntax match traceContains /^+.*/
highlight traceContains ctermfg=darkgreen
syntax match traceAbsent /^-.*/
highlight traceAbsent ctermfg=darkred
syntax match tangleScenarioSetup /^\s*% .*/ | highlight link tangleScenarioSetup SpecialChar
2015-05-07 19:47:25 +00:00
2016-10-22 23:56:07 +00:00
" Our C++ files can have Mu code in scenarios, so highlight Mu comments like
" regular comments.
syntax match muComment /# .*$/ | highlight link muComment Comment
syntax match muSalientComment /##.*$/ | highlight link muSalientComment SalientComment
syntax match muCommentedCode /#? .*$/ | highlight link muCommentedCode CommentedCode
2015-05-07 19:47:25 +00:00
set comments+=n:#
2016-10-22 23:56:07 +00:00
" Some other bare-bones Mu highlighting.
syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:literal/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:literal\>%
syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:label/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:label\>%
syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:type/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:type\>%
syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:offset/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:offset\>%
syntax match muLiteral %[^ ]\+:variant/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:variant\>%
highlight link muLiteral Constant
syntax match muAssign " <- \|\<raw\>" | highlight link muAssign SpecialChar
syntax match muGlobal %[^ ]\+:global/[^ ,]*\|[^ ]\+:global\>% | highlight link muGlobal SpecialChar
" common keywords
syntax match muRecipe "^recipe\>\|^recipe!\>\|^def\>\|^def!\>\|^before\>\|^after\>\| -> " | highlight muRecipe ctermfg=208
syntax match muScenario "^scenario\>" | highlight muScenario ctermfg=34
syntax match muPendingScenario "^pending-scenario\>" | highlight link muPendingScenario SpecialChar
syntax match muData "^type\>\|^container\>\|^exclusive-container\>" | highlight muData ctermfg=226
call HighlightTangledFile()
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.mu set ft=mu
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile [0-9]* call HighlightTangledFile()
" Scenarios considered:
" opening or starting vim with a new or existing file without an extension (should interpret as C++)
" opening or starting vim with a new or existing file with a .mu extension
" starting vim or opening a buffer without a file name (ok to do nothing)
" opening a second file in a new or existing window (shouldn't mess up existing highlighting)
" reloading an existing file (shouldn't mess up existing highlighting)