slack: page-down on channel screen

This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2021-08-13 15:24:30 -07:00
parent cd6a049f62
commit ae01fd8c70
1 changed files with 21 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -640,21 +640,31 @@ fn all-items-page-down _current-tab: (addr tab), users: (addr array user), chann
copy-to *current-tab-item-index-addr, new-item-index
fn channel-page-down _current-tab: (addr tab), users: (addr array user), channels: (addr array channel), _items: (addr item-list) {
fn channel-page-down _current-tab: (addr tab), users: (addr array user), _channels: (addr array channel), _items: (addr item-list) {
var current-tab/edi: (addr tab) <- copy _current-tab
var items/esi: (addr item-list) <- copy _items
var current-channel-index-addr/eax: (addr int) <- get current-tab, root-index
var current-channel-index/eax: int <- copy *current-channel-index-addr
var channels/esi: (addr array channel) <- copy _channels
var current-channel-offset/eax: (offset channel) <- compute-offset channels, current-channel-index
var current-channel/esi: (addr channel) <- index channels, current-channel-offset
var current-channel-posts-ah/eax: (addr handle array int) <- get current-channel, posts
var _current-channel-posts/eax: (addr array int) <- lookup *current-channel-posts-ah
var current-channel-posts/esi: (addr array int) <- copy _current-channel-posts
var items/eax: (addr item-list) <- copy _items
var items-data-ah/eax: (addr handle array item) <- get items, data
var _items-data/eax: (addr array item) <- lookup *items-data-ah
var items-data/ebx: (addr array item) <- copy _items-data
var current-tab-item-index-addr/edi: (addr int) <- get current-tab, item-index
var new-item-index/ecx: int <- copy *current-tab-item-index-addr
var new-tab-item-index/ecx: int <- copy *current-tab-item-index-addr
var y/edx: int <- copy 2
compare new-item-index, 0
compare new-tab-item-index, 0
compare y, 0x28/screen-height-minus-menu
var offset/eax: (offset item) <- compute-offset items-data, new-item-index
var current-item-index-addr/eax: (addr int) <- index current-channel-posts, new-tab-item-index
var current-item-index/eax: int <- copy *current-item-index-addr
var offset/eax: (offset item) <- compute-offset items-data, current-item-index
var item/eax: (addr item) <- index items-data, offset
var item-text-ah/eax: (addr handle array byte) <- get item, text
var item-text/eax: (addr array byte) <- lookup *item-text-ah
@ -662,23 +672,23 @@ fn channel-page-down _current-tab: (addr tab), users: (addr array user), channel
set-cursor-position 0/screen, 0 0
draw-int32-decimal-wrapping-right-then-down-from-cursor-over-full-screen 0/screen, h, 4/fg 0/bg
y <- add h
new-item-index <- decrement
new-tab-item-index <- decrement
new-item-index <- increment
new-tab-item-index <- increment
# HACK: make sure we make forward progress even if a single post takes up
# the whole screen.
# We can't see the rest of that single post at the moment. But at least we
# can go past it.
compare new-item-index, *current-tab-item-index-addr
compare new-tab-item-index, *current-tab-item-index-addr
# Don't make "forward progress" past post 0.
compare new-item-index, 0
compare new-tab-item-index, 0
new-item-index <- decrement
new-tab-item-index <- decrement
copy-to *current-tab-item-index-addr, new-item-index
copy-to *current-tab-item-index-addr, new-tab-item-index
fn page-up _env: (addr environment), users: (addr array user), channels: (addr array channel), _items: (addr item-list) {