start using infix in data disk

Still some gaps to track down.
This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2021-06-23 00:01:55 -07:00
parent 76ef912eb2
commit f174695400
1 changed files with 54 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
(len . [def (len l)
if (no l)
(+ 1 (len (cdr l)))])
(1 + (len (cdr l)))])
(nth . [def (nth n xs)
if (< n 1)
if (n < 1)
(car xs)
(nth (- n 1) (cdr xs))])
(nth n-1 (cdr xs))])
(map1 . [def (map1 f xs)
if (no xs)
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
(find . [def (find x xs)
if (no xs)
if (= x (car xs))
if (x = (car xs))
(find x (cdr xs))])
(pair . [def (pair xs)
@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
(set self (fn ,params ,@body)))])
(seq . [def (seq n)
((afn (i)
(if (> i n)
(if (i > n)
(cons i (self (+ i 1)))))
(cons i (self i+1))))
(each . [mac (each x xs . body)
`(walk ,xs (fn (,x) ,@body))])
@ -101,22 +101,22 @@
if (f (car xs))
(cons (car xs) rest)
(++ . [mac (++ var) `(set ,var (+ ,var 1))])
(+= . [mac (+= var inc)
`(set ,var (+ ,var ,inc))])
(++ . [mac (++ var) `(set ,var (,var + 1))])
(+= . [mac (var += inc)
`(set ,var (,var + ,inc))])
(for . [mac (for var init test update . body)
`(let ,var ,init
(while ,test
(hline1 . [def (hline1 screen y x xmax color)
while (< x xmax)
while (x < xmax)
(pixel screen x y color)
(++ x)])
(vline1 . [def (vline1 screen x y ymax color)
while (< y ymax)
while (y < ymax)
(pixel screen x y color)
(++ y)])
++ y])
(hline . [def (hline scr y color)
(hline1 scr y 0 (width scr) color)])
(vline . [def (vline scr x color)
@ -124,79 +124,76 @@
(line . [def (line screen x0 y0 x1 y1 color)
with (x x0
y y0
dx (abs (- x1 x0))
dy (- 0 (abs (- y1 y0)))
sx (sgn (- x1 x0))
sy (sgn (- y1 y0)))
let err (+ dx dy)
while (not (and (= x x1)
(= y y1)))
dx (abs x1-x0)
dy (0 - (abs y1-y0))
sx (sgn x1-x0)
sy (sgn y1-y0))
let err dx+dy
while (not (and (x = x1)
(y = y1)))
(pixel screen x y color)
let e2 (* err 2)
when (>= e2 dy)
(+= x sx)
when (<= e2 dx)
(+= y sy)
(+= err
(+ (if (>= e2 dy)
let e2 err*2
when (e2 >= dy)
x += sx
when (e2 <= dx)
y += sy
err +=
(+ (if (e2 >= dy)
(if (<= e2 dx)
(if (e2 <= dx)
(read_line . [def (read_line keyboard)
ret str (stream)
let c (key keyboard)
while (not (or (= c 0) (= c 10)))
while (not (or (c = 0) (c = 10)))
(write str c)
(set c (key keyboard))])
(wait . [def (wait keyboard)
while (= 0 (key keyboard))
(sq . [def (sq n) (* n n)])
(cube . [def (cube n) (* (* n n) n)])
(sq . [def (sq n) (n * n)])
(cube . [def (cube n) (n * n * n)])
(fill_rect . [def (fill_rect screen x1 y1 x2 y2 color)
for y y1 (< y y2) (++ y)
for y y1 (y < y2) (++ y)
(hline1 screen y x1 x2 color)])
(circle . [def (circle scr cx cy r clr)
with (x (- 0 r)
with (x (0 - r)
y 0
err (- 2 (* 2 r))
err (2 - (* 2 r))
continue 1)
while continue
(pixel scr (- cx x) (+ cy y) clr)
(pixel scr (- cx y) (- cy x) clr)
(pixel scr (+ cx x) (- cy y) clr)
(pixel scr (+ cx y) (+ cy x) clr)
(pixel scr cx-x cy+y clr)
(pixel scr cx-y cy-x clr)
(pixel scr cx+x cy-y clr)
(pixel scr cx+y cy+x clr)
(set r err)
when (<= r y)
(++ y)
(+= err
(+ 1 (* 2 y)))
when (or (> r x) (> err y))
(++ x)
(+= err
(+ 1 (* 2 x)))
(set continue (< x 0))])
when (r <= y)
++ y
err += (1 + (2 * y))
when (or (r > x) (err > y))
++ x
err += (+ 1 (* 2 x))
set continue (x < 0)])
(ring . [def (ring screen cx cy r0 w clr)
for r r0 (< r (+ r0 w)) (++ r)
for r r0 (r < (r0 + w)) (++ r)
(circle screen cx cy r clr)])
(Greys . [define Greys
(map1 (fn(n) (+ n 15))
(map1 (fn(n) (n + 15))
(seq 16))])
(Pinks . [define Pinks '(84 85 59 60 61
13 36 37 5 108)])
(palette . [def (palette p i)
(nth (% i (len p)) p)])
(nth (i % (len p)) p)])
(pat . [def (pat screen)
(let w (width screen)
(let h (height screen)
(for y 0 (< y h) (++ y)
(for x 0 (< x w) (++ x)
(pixel screen x y
(* x y))))))])
with (w (width screen)
h (height screen))
for y 0 (y < h) (++ y)
for x 0 (x < w) (++ x)
(pixel screen x y x*y)])
(main . [def (main screen keyboard)
(pat screen)])
(sandbox . [(pat screen)])
(sandbox . [circle screen 35 35 14 3])