only open the trace if test fails

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Kartik Agaram 2019-06-11 23:31:22 -07:00
parent 5ac0786623
commit fa66b0afa4
1 changed files with 16 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -77,5 +77,19 @@ endif
" the '-a' is because traces can sometimes contain unprintable characters that bother grep " the '-a' is because traces can sometimes contain unprintable characters that bother grep
command! -nargs=0 L exec "%!grep -a label |grep -v clear-stream:loop" command! -nargs=0 L exec "%!grep -a label |grep -v clear-stream:loop"
" run test cursor around cursor, then bring up its trace in a split window " run test cursor around cursor
noremap <Leader>t {j0:exec "! ".expand("%")." <C-R><C-W>"<CR>:vert split last_run<CR><C-w>p<C-o> " if test fails, open trace in split window
" if test passes, just show output and wait for <CR>
" don't move cursor in original window
" this solution is unfortunate, but seems forced:
" can't put initial cursor movement inside function because we rely on <C-r><C-w> to grab word at cursor
" can't put final cursor movement out of function because that disables the wait for <CR> prompt; function must be final operation of map
" can't avoid the function because that disables the wait for <CR> prompt
noremap <Leader>t {j0:call RunTestMoveCursorAndMaybeOpenTrace("<C-r><C-w>")<CR>
function RunTestMoveCursorAndMaybeOpenTrace(arg)
exec "! ".expand("%")." ".a:arg
exec "normal \<C-o>"
if v:shell_error
noautocmd vertical split last_run