Commit Graph

27 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Kartik Agaram
2caaa7f18f 4272 - type-check variables in non-local spaces
So far we only checked if a single recipe used a variable with multiple
types in any single space. Now we also ensure that the types deduced for
a variable in a space are identical across recipes.
2018-06-25 13:36:27 -07:00
Kartik Agaram
01ce563dfe 4262 - literal 'null' 2018-06-17 15:57:37 -07:00
Kartik Agaram
059def11cb 4244 2018-05-12 23:08:39 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
aae198a93b 4099
Generalize commit 4089 to arbitrary closures, and not just the current
'space' or call frame. Now we should be treating spaces just like any
other data structure, and reclaiming all addresses inside them when we
need to.

The cost: all spaces must now specify what recipe generated them (so
they know how to interpret the array of locations) using the /names

We can probably make this ergonomic with a little 'type inference'. But
at least things are safe now.
2017-11-01 02:46:41 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
514f0e34aa 4089
Clean up how we reclaim local scopes.

It used to work like this (commit 3216):

  1. Update refcounts of products after every instruction, EXCEPT:

      a) when instruction is a non-primitive and the callee starts with
      'local-scope' (because it's already not decremented in 'return')


      b) when instruction is primitive 'next-ingredient' or
      'next-ingredient-without-typechecking', and its result is saved to a
      variable in the default space (because it's already incremented at
      the time of the call)

  2. If a function starts with 'local-scope', force it to be reclaimed
  before each return. However, since locals may be returned, *very
  carefully* don't reclaim those. (See the logic in the old `escaping`
  and `should_update_refcount` functions.)

However, this approach had issues. We needed two separate commands for
'local-scope' (reclaim locals on exit) and 'new-default-space'
(programmer takes charge of reclaiming locals). The hard-coded
reclamation duplicated refcounting logic. In addition to adding
complexity, this implementation failed to work if a function overwrites
default-space after setting up a local-scope (the old default-space is
leaked). It also fails in the presence of continuations. Calling a
continuation more than once was guaranteed to corrupt memory (commit

After this commit, reclaiming local scopes now works like this:

  Update refcounts of products for every PRIMITIVE instruction.
  For non-primitive instructions, all the work happens in the `return`
    increment refcount of ingredients to `return`
      (unless -- one last bit of ugliness -- they aren't saved in the
    decrement the refcount of the default-space
      use existing infrastructure for reclaiming as necessary
      if reclaiming default-space, first decrement refcount of each
        again, use existing infrastructure for reclaiming as necessary

This commit (finally!) completes the bulk[1] of step 2 of the plan in
commit 3991. It was very hard until I gave up trying to tweak the
existing implementation and just test-drove layer 43 from scratch.

[1] There's still potential for memory corruption if we abuse
`default-space`. I should probably try to add warnings about that at
some point (todo in layer 45).
2017-10-22 23:48:03 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
c0d61295ed 4008
Allow list `push` operation to save result in a new list rather than
mutate the existing list.
2017-09-25 21:20:49 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
2b25071710 3877 2017-05-26 17:36:16 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
f222051e01 3689 2016-11-25 17:44:15 -08:00
Kartik K. Agaram
8bd3f99fc3 3688
Move my todos over the past couple of years into the codebase now that
it might be going dormant.

Surprising how few todos left undone!
2016-11-25 11:33:13 -08:00
Kartik K. Agaram
f116818c7c 3656
Periodic cleanup to replace 'reply' with 'return' everywhere in the

I use 'reply' for students to help reinforce the metaphor of function
calls as being like messages through a pipe. But that causes 'reply' to
get into my muscle memory when writing Mu code for myself, and I worry
that that makes Mu seem unnecessarily alien to anybody reading on

Perhaps I should just give it up? I'll try using 'return' with my next
2016-11-10 10:24:14 -08:00
Kartik K. Agaram
ae9db5a45f 3587
Another CI fix.
2016-10-24 08:57:45 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
9a81d7460f 3561 2016-10-22 16:56:07 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
d8509b4175 3555 2016-10-22 16:10:23 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
6c96a437ce 3522 2016-10-19 22:10:35 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
8e64ab8b17 3514
Let's constrain 'push' on lists to always modify its ingredient.

That makes some possibilities more verbose, such as lists that share a
common tail. But may be worthwhile to get better errors in the common
2016-10-18 08:33:20 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
0d3a6f20f9 3406
Avoid spurious mutability errors due to index variables.
2016-09-22 14:25:08 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
7e4692d4b8 3405 2016-09-22 10:20:58 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
897ae8c185 3394 2016-09-17 14:53:00 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
a0331a9b0e 3390 2016-09-17 13:00:39 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
760f683f27 3389 2016-09-17 12:55:10 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
7a84094adb 3385 2016-09-17 10:28:25 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
d52406ccd9 3381 2016-09-17 00:46:03 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
af023b323b 3309
Rip out everything to fix one failing unit test (commit 3290; type

This commit does several things at once that I couldn't come up with a
clean way to unpack:

  A. It moves to a new representation for type trees without changing
  the actual definition of the `type_tree` struct.

  B. It adds unit tests for our type metadata precomputation, so that
  errors there show up early and in a simpler setting rather than dying
  when we try to load Mu code.

  C. It fixes a bug, guarding against infinite loops when precomputing
  metadata for recursive shape-shifting containers. To do this it uses a
  dumb way of comparing type_trees, comparing their string
  representations instead. That is likely incredibly inefficient.

Perhaps due to C, this commit has made Mu incredibly slow. Running all
tests for the core and the edit/ app now takes 6.5 minutes rather than
3.5 minutes.

== more notes and details

I've been struggling for the past week now to back out of a bad design
decision, a premature optimization from the early days: storing atoms
directly in the 'value' slot of a cons cell rather than creating a
special 'atom' cons cell and storing it on the 'left' slot. In other
words, if a cons cell looks like this:

            / | \
         left val right

..then the type_tree (a b c) used to look like this (before this

      | \
      a   o
          | \
          b   o
              | \
              c   null

..rather than like this 'classic' approach to s-expressions which never
mixes val and right (which is what we now have):

    /   \
   o      o
   |    /   \
   a   o      o
       |    /   \
       b   o      null

The old approach made several operations more complicated, most recently
the act of replacing a (possibly atom/leaf) sub-tree with another. That
was the final straw that got me to realize the contortions I was going
through to save a few type_tree nodes (cons cells).

Switching to the new approach was hard partly because I've been using
the old approach for so long and type_tree manipulations had pervaded
everything. Another issue I ran into was the realization that my layers
were not cleanly separated. Key parts of early layers (precomputing type
metadata) existed purely for far later ones (shape-shifting types).

Layers I got repeatedly stuck at:

  1. the transform for precomputing type sizes (layer 30)
  2. type-checks on merge instructions (layer 31)
  3. the transform for precomputing address offsets in types (layer 36)
  4. replace operations in supporting shape-shifting recipes (layer 55)

After much thrashing I finally noticed that it wasn't the entirety of
these layers that was giving me trouble, but just the type metadata
precomputation, which had bugs that weren't manifesting until 30 layers
later. Or, worse, when loading .mu files before any tests had had a
chance to run. A common failure mode was running into types at run time
that I hadn't precomputed metadata for at transform time.

Digging into these bugs got me to realize that what I had before wasn't
really very good, but a half-assed heuristic approach that did a whole
lot of extra work precomputing metadata for utterly meaningless types
like `((address number) 3)` which just happened to be part of a larger
type like `(array (address number) 3)`.

So, I redid it all. I switched the representation of types (because the
old representation made unit tests difficult to retrofit) and added unit
tests to the metadata precomputation. I also made layer 30 only do the
minimal metadata precomputation it needs for the concepts introduced
until then. In the process, I also made the precomputation more correct
than before, and added hooks in the right place so that I could augment
the logic when I introduced shape-shifting containers.

== lessons learned

There's several levels of hygiene when it comes to layers:

1. Every layer introduces precisely what it needs and in the simplest
way possible. If I was building an app until just that layer, nothing
would seem over-engineered.

2. Some layers are fore-shadowing features in future layers. Sometimes
this is ok. For example, layer 10 foreshadows containers and arrays and
so on without actually supporting them. That is a net win because it
lets me lay out the core of Mu's data structures out in one place. But
if the fore-shadowing gets too complex things get nasty. Not least
because it can be hard to write unit tests for features before you
provide the plumbing to visualize and manipulate them.

3. A layer is introducing features that are tested only in later layers.

4. A layer is introducing features with tests that are invalidated in
later layers. (This I knew from early on to be an obviously horrendous

Summary: avoid Level 2 (foreshadowing layers) as much as possible.
Tolerate it indefinitely for small things where the code stays simple
over time, but become strict again when things start to get more

Level 3 is mostly a net lose, but sometimes it can be expedient (a real
case of the usually grossly over-applied term "technical debt"), and
it's better than the conventional baseline of no layers and no
scenarios. Just clean it up as soon as possible.

Definitely avoid layer 4 at any time.

== minor lessons

Avoid unit tests for trivial things, write scenarios in context as much as
possible. But within those margins unit tests are fine. Just introduce them
before any scenarios (commit 3297).

Reorganizing layers can be easy. Just merge layers for starters! Punt on
resplitting them in some new way until you've gotten them to work. This is the
wisdom of Refactoring: small steps.

What made it hard was not wanting to merge *everything* between layer 30
and 55. The eventual insight was realizing I just need to move those two
full-strength transforms and nothing else.
2016-09-09 18:32:52 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
8d72e56521 3120
Always show instruction before any transforms in error messages.

This is likely going to make some errors unclear because they *need* to
show the original instruction. But if we don't have tests for those
situations did they ever really work?
2016-07-21 19:22:03 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
dc16b22845 2993 - mutable check for pass-by-value containers
This fixes all known holes in the immutability checker.
2016-05-21 01:50:48 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
9dcbec398c 2990
Standardize quotes around reagents in error messages.

I'm still sure there's issues. For example, the messages when
type-checking 'copy'. I'm not putting quotes around them because in
layer 60 I end up creating dilated reagents, and then it's a bit much to
have quotes and (two kinds of) brackets. But I'm sure I'm doing that
2016-05-20 22:11:34 -07:00
Kartik K. Agaram
5203ba0c5e 2988 - bring back immutability checks
These were dropped back in commit 2858 (Apr 23). There are still holes
in immmutability checking, this just brings us back to parity while
using put/put-index instead of get-address/index-address.
2016-05-20 15:55:26 -07:00