## Getting your editor set up If you've read this far, it's time to set up your editor. Mu is really intended to be read interactively rather than on a browser. There is rudimentary syntax highlighting support for Mu and SubX files for various editors. Look for your editor in `mu.*` and `subx.*`, and follow the instructions within. The Vim files are most developed. In particular, I recommend some optional setup in subx.vim to use multiple colors for comments. If you use [`ctags`](http://ctags.sourceforge.net) for jumping easily from names to their definitions in your editor, set it up to load `mu.ctags`. For classic Exuberant Ctags, copy it into `~/.ctags`. For the newer Universal Ctags, copy it into `~/.ctags.d/mu.ctags`. [Here](https://lobste.rs/s/qglfdp/subx_minimalist_assembly_language_for#c_o9ddqk) are some tips on my setup for quickly finding the right opcode for any situation from within Vim.