" Highlighting literate directives in C++ sources. function! HighlightTangledFile() " Tangled comments only make sense in the sources and are stripped out of " the generated .cc file. They're highlighted same as regular comments. syntax match tangledComment /\/\/:.*/ | highlight link tangledComment Comment syntax match tangledSalientComment /\/\/::.*/ | highlight link tangledSalientComment SalientComment set comments-=:// set comments-=n:// set comments+=n://:,n:// " Inside tangle scenarios. syntax region tangleDirective start=+:(+ skip=+".*"+ end=+)+ highlight link tangleDirective Delimiter syntax match traceContains /^+.*/ highlight traceContains ctermfg=22 syntax match traceAbsent /^-.*/ highlight traceAbsent ctermfg=darkred syntax match tangleScenarioSetup /^\s*% .*/ | highlight link tangleScenarioSetup SpecialChar highlight Special ctermfg=160 syntax match subxString %"[^"]*"% | highlight link subxString Constant " match globals but not registers like 'EAX' syntax match subxGlobal %\<[A-Z][a-z0-9_-]*\>% | highlight link subxGlobal SpecialChar endfunction augroup LocalVimrc autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.cc call HighlightTangledFile() autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.subx set ft=subx augroup END " Scenarios considered: " opening or starting vim with a new or existing file without an extension (should interpret as C++) " opening or starting vim with a new or existing file with a .mu extension " starting vim or opening a buffer without a file name (ok to do nothing) " opening a second file in a new or existing window (shouldn't mess up existing highlighting) " reloading an existing file (shouldn't mess up existing highlighting) command! -nargs=1 E call EditMuFile("edit", ) if exists("&splitvertical") command! -nargs=1 S call EditMuFile("vert split", ) command! -nargs=1 H call EditMuFile("hor split", ) else command! -nargs=1 S call EditMuFile("vert split", ) command! -nargs=1 H call EditMuFile("split", ) endif function! EditMuFile(cmd, arg) let l:full_path = "apps/" . a:arg if filereadable(l:full_path . ".mu") let l:full_path = l:full_path . ".mu" else let l:full_path = l:full_path . ".subx" endif exec "silent! " . a:cmd . " " . l:full_path endfunction " we often want to crib lines of machine code from other files function! GrepSubX(regex) " https://github.com/mtth/scratch.vim Scratch! silent exec "r !grep -h '".a:regex."' *.subx */*.subx" endfunction command! -nargs=1 G call GrepSubX() if exists("&splitvertical") command! -nargs=0 P hor split subx_opcodes else command! -nargs=0 P split subx_opcodes endif " useful for inspecting just the control flow in a trace " see https://github.com/akkartik/mu/blob/master/Readme.md#a-few-hints-for-debugging command! -nargs=0 L exec "%!grep label |grep -v clear-stream:loop" " show the call stack for the current line in the trace (by temporarily blowing away all earlier lines) "? command! -nargs=0 C 1,.!awk '$4 == "label"{x[$1] = $0; for(i in x){if(i >= $1){delete x[i]}}} END{for (i in x) {if (i < $1) {print x[i]}}}' "? command! -nargs=0 C 1,.!awk '$4 == "label"{x[$1] = $0} END{for (i in x) {if (i < $1) {print x[i]}}}' command! -nargs=0 C 1,.!awk '{x[$1] = $0} END{for (i in x) {if (int(i) < int($1)) {print x[i]}}}' " run test around cursor if empty($TMUX) || (system("tmux display-message -p '#{client_control_mode}'") =~ "^1") " hack: need to move cursor outside function at start (`{`), but inside function at end (``) " this solution is unfortunate, but seems forced: " can't put initial cursor movement inside function because we rely on to grab word at cursor " can't put final cursor movement out of function because that disables the wait for prompt; function must be final operation of map " can't avoid the function because that disables the wait for prompt noremap t {:keeppatterns /^[^ #]:call RunTestMoveCursor("") function! RunTestMoveCursor(arg) exec "!./run_one_test ".expand("%")." '".a:arg."'" exec "normal \" endfunction else " we have tmux and are not in control mode; we don't need to show any output in the Vim pane so life is simpler " assume the left-most window is for the shell noremap t {:keeppatterns /^[^ #]:silent! call RunTestInFirstPane("") function! RunTestInFirstPane(arg) call RunInFirstPane("./run_one_test ".expand("%")." ".a:arg) endfunction function! RunInFirstPane(arg) exec "!tmux select-pane -t :0.0" exec "!tmux send-keys '".a:arg."' C-m" exec "!tmux last-pane" " for some reason my screen gets messed up, so force a redraw exec "!tmux send-keys 'C-l'" endfunction endif if exists("&splitvertical") command! -nargs=0 T badd last_run | sbuffer last_run else command! -nargs=0 T badd last_run | vert sbuffer last_run endif imap a Fa(addr A) imap h Fa(handle A) imap ah Fa(addr handle A) imap aa Fa(addr array A) imap ha Fa(handle array A) imap aha Fa(addr handle array A) imap as Fa(addr stream A) imap hs Fa(handle stream A) imap ahs Fa(addr handle stream A) imap o Fa(offset A) imap ,- <- imap -. ->