# Some OS-specific preliminaries for Soso. # Memory layout # # 0x40000000 - 0x40001ffff - for ELF code+data # 0x40002000 - 0x401ffffff - for heap == code 0x40000000 == data 0x40001000 # Syscalls # # We don't have libc, so we need to know Soso's precise syscall layout. # https://github.com/ozkl/soso/blob/master/kernel/syscalltable.h == code syscall_exit: # status/ebx : int b8/copy-to-eax 8/imm32 cd/syscall 0x80/imm8 syscall_read: # fd/ebx : int, buf/ecx : address, size/edx : int -> nbytes-or-error/eax : int b8/copy-to-eax 2/imm32 cd/syscall 0x80/imm8 c3/return syscall_write: # fd/ebx : int, buf/ecx : address, size/edx : int -> nbytes-or-error/eax : int b8/copy-to-eax 3/imm32 cd/syscall 0x80/imm8 c3/return syscall_open: # filename/ebx : (address null-terminated-string), flags/ecx : int -> fd-or-error/eax : int b8/copy-to-eax 0/imm32 cd/syscall 0x80/imm8 c3/return syscall_close: # fd/ebx : int -> status/eax b8/copy-to-eax 1/imm32 cd/syscall 0x80/imm8 c3/return # anonymous mmap not implemented