Kartik Agaram 39d718afcf 4816
2018-12-02 13:09:23 -08:00

55 lines
2.2 KiB

" SubX syntax file
" Language: SubX
" Maintainer: Kartik Agaram <>
" URL:
" License: public domain
" Copy this into your ftplugin directory, and add the following to your vimrc
" or to .vim/ftdetect/subx.vim:
" autocmd BufReadPost,BufNewFile *.subx set filetype=subx
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" setlocal iskeyword=@,48-57,?,!,_,$,-
setlocal formatoptions-=t " allow long lines
setlocal formatoptions+=c " but comments should still wrap
setlocal iskeyword+=-
"? syntax match subxComment /#.*$/ | highlight link subxComment Comment
"? syntax match subxSalientComment /##.*$/ | highlight link subxSalientComment SalientComment
syntax match subxH1Comment /# -.*/ | highlight subxH1Comment ctermfg=14
syntax match subxComment /#[^ ].*\|# [^.-].*\|# \?$/ | highlight subxComment ctermfg=39
syntax match subxS1Comment /# \..*/ | highlight subxS1Comment ctermfg=27
syntax match subxS2Comment /# \. \..*/ | highlight subxS2Comment ctermfg=19
set comments-=:#
set comments+=n:#
syntax match subxCommentedCode "#? .*" | highlight link subxCommentedCode CommentedCode
let b:cmt_head = "#? "
" comment token
syntax match subxDelimiter / \. / | highlight link subxDelimiter CommentedCode
syntax match subxString %"[^"]*"% | highlight link subxString Constant
"" definitions
" match globals but not registers like 'EAX'
" don't match capitalized words in metadata
" don't match inside strings
syntax match subxGlobal %\(/\)\@<!\<[A-Z][a-z0-9_-]*\>% | highlight link subxGlobal SpecialChar
" tweak the red color from the colorscheme just a tad to improve contrast
highlight SpecialChar ctermfg=196
" functions but not tests, globals or internal functions
syntax match subxFunction "^\(test_\)\@<![a-z][_a-zA-Z0-9-]*\(:\)\@=" | highlight subxFunction ctermfg=208
" tests starting with 'test-'
syntax match subxTest "^test-[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*\(:\)\@=" | highlight subxTest ctermfg=34
" internal functions starting with '_'
syntax match subxMinorFunction "^_[_a-zA-Z0-9-]*\(:\)\@=" | highlight subxMinorFunction ctermfg=95
" other internal labels starting with '$'
syntax match subxLabel "^\$[_a-zA-Z0-9:-]*\(:\)\@=" | highlight link subxLabel Constant
let &cpo = s:save_cpo