Kartik Agaram 08a0eed699 4891
Couple more tweaks to html rendering:
a) SubX definitions no longer link redundantly to themselves. This long-standing
issue turns out to be tractable to solve for SubX files since the syntax
is so simple.
b) Fix links to SubX definitions in other directories. I forgot that I
have to always generate tags from the directory of the file being linkified.
c) Fix link colors. Before we lost all syntax highlighting for functions
and Globals. Now they maintain their colors, just add an underline.
2018-12-30 00:02:42 -08:00

150 lines
11 KiB

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Mu -</title>
<meta name="Generator" content="Vim/8.0">
<meta name="plugin-version" content="vim7.4_v2">
<meta name="syntax" content="cpp">
<meta name="settings" content="number_lines,use_css,pre_wrap,no_foldcolumn,expand_tabs,line_ids,prevent_copy=">
<meta name="colorscheme" content="minimal-light">
<style type="text/css">
pre { white-space: pre-wrap; font-family: monospace; color: #000000; background-color: #c6c6c6; }
body { font-size:12pt; font-family: monospace; color: #000000; background-color: #c6c6c6; }
a { color:inherit; }
* { font-size:12pt; font-size: 1em; }
.LineNr { }
.Constant { color: #008787; }
.Delimiter { color: #c000c0; }
.Special { color: #d70000; }
.Comment { color: #005faf; }
.SalientComment { color: #0000af; }
<script type='text/javascript'>
/* function to open any folds containing a jumped-to line before jumping to it */
function JumpToLine()
var lineNum;
lineNum = window.location.hash;
lineNum = lineNum.substr(1); /* strip off '#' */
if (lineNum.indexOf('L') == -1) {
lineNum = 'L'+lineNum;
lineElem = document.getElementById(lineNum);
/* Always jump to new location even if the line was hidden inside a fold, or
* we corrected the raw number to a line ID.
if (lineElem) {
return true;
if ('onhashchange' in window) {
window.onhashchange = JumpToLine;
<body onload='JumpToLine();'>
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<pre id='vimCodeElement'>
<span id="L1" class="LineNr"> 1 </span><span class="Comment">//: Since different layers all carve out different parts of various namespaces</span>
<span id="L2" class="LineNr"> 2 </span><span class="Comment">//: (recipes, memory, etc.) for their own use, there's no previous place where</span>
<span id="L3" class="LineNr"> 3 </span><span class="Comment">//: we can lay out the big picture of what uses what. So we'll do that here</span>
<span id="L4" class="LineNr"> 4 </span><span class="Comment">//: and just have to manually remember to update it when we move boundaries</span>
<span id="L5" class="LineNr"> 5 </span><span class="Comment">//: around.</span>
<span id="L6" class="LineNr"> 6 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L7" class="LineNr"> 7 </span><span class="SalientComment">//:: Memory</span>
<span id="L8" class="LineNr"> 8 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L9" class="LineNr"> 9 </span><span class="Comment">//: Location 0 - unused (since it can help uncover bugs)</span>
<span id="L10" class="LineNr">10 </span><span class="Comment">//: Locations 1-899 - reserved for tests</span>
<span id="L11" class="LineNr">11 </span><span class="Comment">//: Locations 900-999 - reserved for predefined globals in Mu scenarios, like keyboard, screen, etc.</span>
<span id="L12" class="LineNr">12 </span><span class="Delimiter">:(before &quot;End Reset&quot;)</span>
<span id="L13" class="LineNr">13 </span>assert<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Special">Max_variables_in_scenarios</span> == <span class="Constant">900</span><span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L14" class="LineNr">14 </span><span class="Comment">//: Locations 1000 ('Reserved_for_tests') onward - available to the allocator in chunks of size Initial_memory_per_routine.</span>
<span id="L15" class="LineNr">15 </span>assert<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Special">Reserved_for_tests</span> == <span class="Constant">1000</span><span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L16" class="LineNr">16 </span>
<span id="L17" class="LineNr">17 </span><span class="SalientComment">//:: Recipes</span>
<span id="L18" class="LineNr">18 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L19" class="LineNr">19 </span><span class="Comment">//: 0 - unused (IDLE; do nothing)</span>
<span id="L20" class="LineNr">20 </span><span class="Comment">//: 1-199 - primitives</span>
<span id="L21" class="LineNr">21 </span>assert<span class="Delimiter">(</span><a href=''>MAX_PRIMITIVE_RECIPES</a> &lt; <span class="Constant">200</span><span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L22" class="LineNr">22 </span><span class="Comment">//: 200-999 - defined in .mu files as sequences of primitives</span>
<span id="L23" class="LineNr">23 </span>assert<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Special">Next_recipe_ordinal</span> == <span class="Constant">1000</span><span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L24" class="LineNr">24 </span><span class="Comment">//: 1000 onwards - reserved for tests, cleared between tests</span>
<span id="L25" class="LineNr">25 </span>
<span id="L26" class="LineNr">26 </span><span class="SalientComment">//:: Depths for tracing</span>
<span id="L27" class="LineNr">27 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L28" class="LineNr">28 </span><span class="Comment">//: 0 - unused</span>
<span id="L29" class="LineNr">29 </span><span class="Comment">//: 1-100 - app-level trace statements in Mu</span>
<span id="L30" class="LineNr">30 </span><span class="Comment">//: 101-9989 - call-stack statements (mostly label run)</span>
<span id="L31" class="LineNr">31 </span>assert<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Special">Initial_callstack_depth</span> == <span class="Constant">101</span><span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L32" class="LineNr">32 </span>assert<span class="Delimiter">(</span><span class="Special">Max_callstack_depth</span> == <span class="Constant">9989</span><span class="Delimiter">);</span>
<span id="L33" class="LineNr">33 </span><span class="Comment">//: 9990-9999 - intra-instruction lines (mostly label mem)</span>
<span id="L34" class="LineNr">34 </span>
<span id="L35" class="LineNr">35 </span><span class="SalientComment">//:: Summary of transforms and their dependencies</span>
<span id="L36" class="LineNr">36 </span><span class="Comment">//: begin transforms</span>
<span id="L37" class="LineNr">37 </span><span class="Comment">//: begin instruction inserting transforms</span>
<span id="L38" class="LineNr">38 </span><span class="Comment">//: 52 insert fragments</span>
<span id="L39" class="LineNr">39 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 52.2 check fragments</span>
<span id="L40" class="LineNr">40 </span><span class="Comment">//: ---</span>
<span id="L41" class="LineNr">41 </span><span class="Comment">//: 53 rewrite 'stash' instructions</span>
<span id="L42" class="LineNr">42 </span><span class="Comment">//: end instruction inserting transforms</span>
<span id="L43" class="LineNr">43 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L44" class="LineNr">44 </span><span class="Comment">//: begin instruction modifying transforms</span>
<span id="L45" class="LineNr">45 </span><span class="Comment">//: 56.2 check header ingredients</span>
<span id="L46" class="LineNr">46 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 56.4 fill in return ingredients</span>
<span id="L47" class="LineNr">47 </span><span class="Comment">//: 48 check or set types by name</span>
<span id="L48" class="LineNr">48 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L49" class="LineNr">49 </span><span class="Comment">//: begin type modifying transforms</span>
<span id="L50" class="LineNr">50 </span><span class="Comment">//: 56.3 deduce types from header</span>
<span id="L51" class="LineNr">51 </span><span class="Comment">//: ---</span>
<span id="L52" class="LineNr">52 </span><span class="Comment">//: 30 check or set invalid containers</span>
<span id="L53" class="LineNr">53 </span><span class="Comment">//: end type modifying transforms</span>
<span id="L54" class="LineNr">54 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↱ 46 collect surrounding spaces</span>
<span id="L55" class="LineNr">55 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 42 transform names</span>
<span id="L56" class="LineNr">56 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 57 static dispatch</span>
<span id="L57" class="LineNr">57 </span><span class="Comment">//: ---</span>
<span id="L58" class="LineNr">58 </span><span class="Comment">//: 13 update instruction operation</span>
<span id="L59" class="LineNr">59 </span><span class="Comment">//: 40 transform braces</span>
<span id="L60" class="LineNr">60 </span><span class="Comment">//: 41 transform labels</span>
<span id="L61" class="LineNr">61 </span><span class="Comment">//: end instruction modifying transforms</span>
<span id="L62" class="LineNr">62 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 60 check immutable ingredients</span>
<span id="L63" class="LineNr">63 </span><span class="Comment">//:</span>
<span id="L64" class="LineNr">64 </span><span class="Comment">//: begin checks</span>
<span id="L65" class="LineNr">65 </span><span class="Comment">//: ---</span>
<span id="L66" class="LineNr">66 </span><span class="Comment">//: 21 check instruction</span>
<span id="L67" class="LineNr">67 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 61 check indirect calls against header</span>
<span id="L68" class="LineNr">68 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 56 check calls against header</span>
<span id="L69" class="LineNr">69 </span><span class="Comment">//: ↳ 43 transform 'new' to 'allocate'</span>
<span id="L70" class="LineNr">70 </span><span class="Comment">//: 30 check merge calls</span>
<span id="L71" class="LineNr">71 </span><span class="Comment">//: 36 check types of return instructions</span>
<span id="L72" class="LineNr">72 </span><span class="Comment">//: 43 check default space</span>
<span id="L73" class="LineNr">73 </span><span class="Comment">//: 56 check return instructions against header</span>
<span id="L74" class="LineNr">74 </span><span class="Comment">//: end checks</span>
<span id="L75" class="LineNr">75 </span><span class="Comment">//: end transforms</span>
<span id="L76" class="LineNr">76 </span>
<span id="L77" class="LineNr">77 </span><span class="SalientComment">//:: Summary of type-checking in different phases</span>
<span id="L78" class="LineNr">78 </span><span class="Comment">//: when dispatching instructions we accept first recipe that:</span>
<span id="L79" class="LineNr">79 </span><span class="Comment">//: strictly matches all types</span>
<span id="L80" class="LineNr">80 </span><span class="Comment">//: maps literal 0 or literal 1 to boolean for some ingredients</span>
<span id="L81" class="LineNr">81 </span><span class="Comment">//: performs some other acceptable type conversion</span>
<span id="L82" class="LineNr">82 </span><span class="Comment">//: literal 0 -&gt; address</span>
<span id="L83" class="LineNr">83 </span><span class="Comment">//: literal -&gt; character</span>
<span id="L84" class="LineNr">84 </span><span class="Comment">//: when checking instructions we ensure that types match, and that literals map to some scalar</span>
<span id="L85" class="LineNr">85 </span><span class="Comment">//: (address can only map to literal 0)</span>
<span id="L86" class="LineNr">86 </span><span class="Comment">//: (boolean can only map to literal 0 or literal 1)</span>
<span id="L87" class="LineNr">87 </span><span class="Comment">//: (but conditionals can take any scalar)</span>
<span id="L88" class="LineNr">88 </span><span class="Comment">//: at runtime we perform no checks</span>
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