Kartik Agaram aa00959024 4504
2018-09-23 09:23:21 -07:00

65 lines
1.3 KiB

# example showing file syscalls
# Create a file, open it for writing, write a character to it, close it, open
# it for reading, read a character from it, close it, delete it, and return
# the character read.
var stream : int = 0
var a : char = 97
var b : char = 0
var filename : (array char) = ".foo"
fn main [
call create, filename
*stream <- call open, filename, 1/wronly
call write, *stream, a, 1
call close, *stream
stream <- call open, filename, 0/rdonly
call read, *stream, b, 1
call close, *stream
call unlink, filename
var result/EBX : char
result/EBX <- copy b # TODO: copy char to int?
call exit-EBX
fn read fd : int, x : (address array byte), size : int [
EBX <- copy fd
ECX <- copy x
EDX <- copy size
EAX <- copy 3/read
fn write fd : int, x : (address array byte), size : int [
EBX <- copy fd
ECX <- copy x
EDX <- copy size
EAX <- copy 4/write
fn open name : (address array byte) [
EBX <- copy name
EAX <- copy 5/open
fn close name : (address array byte) [
EBX <- copy name
EAX <- copy 6/close
fn unlink name : (address array byte) [
EBX <- copy name
EAX <- copy 10/unlink
# like exit, but assumes the code is already in EBX
fn exit-EBX [
code/EAX <- copy 1/exit