Kartik Agaram 4a943d4ed3 5001 - drop the :(scenario) DSL
I've been saying for a while[1][2][3] that adding extra abstractions makes
things harder for newcomers, and adding new notations doubly so. And then
I notice this DSL in my own backyard. Makes me feel like a hypocrite.


The implementation of the DSL was also highly hacky:

a) It was happening in the tangle/ tool, but was utterly unrelated to tangling

b) There were several persnickety constraints on the different kinds of
lines and the specific order they were expected in. I kept finding bugs
where the translator would silently do the wrong thing. Or the error messages
sucked, and readers may be stuck looking at the generated code to figure
out what happened. Fixing error messages would require a lot more code,
which is one of my arguments against DSLs in the first place: they may
be easy to implement, but they're hard to design to go with the grain of
the underlying platform. They require lots of iteration. Is that effort
worth prioritizing in this project?

On the other hand, the DSL did make at least some readers' life easier,
the ones who weren't immediately put off by having to learn a strange syntax.
There were fewer quotes to parse, fewer backslash escapes.

Anyway, since there are also people who dislike having to put up with strange
syntaxes, we'll call that consideration a wash and tear this DSL out.


This commit was sheer drudgery. Hopefully it won't need to be redone with
a new DSL because I grow sick of backslashes.
2019-03-12 19:14:12 -07:00

332 lines
11 KiB

//: Spaces help isolate recipes from each other. You can create them at will,
//: and all addresses in arguments are implicitly based on the 'default-space'
//: (unless they have the /raw property)
//: Spaces are often called 'scopes' in other languages. Stack frames are a
//: limited form of space that can't outlive callers.
//: Warning: messing with 'default-space' can corrupt memory. Don't share
//: default-space between recipes. Later we'll see how to chain spaces safely.
//: Tests in this layer can write to a location as part of one type, and read
//: it as part of another. This is unsafe and insecure, and we'll stop doing
//: this once we switch to variable names.
//: Under the hood, a space is an array of locations in memory.
:(before "End Mu Types Initialization")
put(Type_abbreviations, "space", new_type_tree("address:array:location"));
void test_set_default_space() {
"def main [\n"
// prepare default-space address
" 10:num/alloc-id, 11:num <- copy 0, 1000\n"
// prepare default-space payload
" 1000:num <- copy 0\n" // alloc id of payload
" 1001:num <- copy 5\n" // length
// actual start of this recipe
" default-space:space <- copy 10:&:@:location\n"
// if default-space is 1000, then:
// 1000: alloc id
// 1001: array size
// 1002: location 0 (space for the chaining slot; described later; often unused)
// 1003: location 1 (space for the chaining slot; described later; often unused)
// 1004: local 2 (assuming it is a scalar)
" 2:num <- copy 93\n"
"mem: storing 93 in location 1004\n"
void test_lookup_sidesteps_default_space() {
"def main [\n"
// prepare default-space address
" 10:num/alloc-id, 11:num <- copy 0, 1000\n"
// prepare default-space payload
" 1000:num <- copy 0\n" // alloc id of payload
" 1001:num <- copy 5\n" // length
// prepare payload outside the local scope
" 2000:num/alloc-id, 2001:num <- copy 0, 34\n"
// actual start of this recipe
" default-space:space <- copy 10:&:@:location\n"
// a local address
" 2:num, 3:num <- copy 0, 2000\n"
" 20:num/raw <- copy *2:&:num\n"
"mem: storing 2000 in location 1005\n"
"mem: storing 34 in location 20\n"
//: precondition: disable name conversion for 'default-space'
void test_convert_names_passes_default_space() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" default-space:num <- copy 0\n"
" x:num <- copy 1\n"
"name: assign x 2\n"
CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("name: assign default-space 1");
CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("name: assign default-space 2");
:(before "End is_disqualified Special-cases")
if ( == "default-space")
x.initialized = true;
:(before "End is_special_name Special-cases")
if (s == "default-space") return true;
//: core implementation
:(before "End call Fields")
int default_space;
:(before "End call Constructor")
default_space = 0;
:(before "Begin canonize(x) Lookups")
void absolutize(reagent& x) {
if (is_raw(x) || is_dummy(x)) return;
if ( == "default-space") return;
if (!x.initialized)
raise << to_original_string(current_instruction()) << ": reagent not initialized: '" << x.original_string << "'\n" << end();
x.set_value(address(x.value, space_base(x)));<string, string_tree*>("raw", NULL));
//: hook replaced in a later layer
int space_base(const reagent& x) {
return current_call().default_space ? (current_call().default_space + /*skip alloc id*/1) : 0;
int address(int offset, int base) {
assert(offset >= 0);
if (base == 0) return offset; // raw
int size = get_or_insert(Memory, base);
if (offset >= size) {
// todo: test
raise << current_recipe_name() << ": location " << offset << " is out of bounds " << size << " at " << base << '\n' << end();
return 0;
return base + /*skip length*/1 + offset;
//: reads and writes to the 'default-space' variable have special behavior
:(after "Begin Preprocess write_memory(x, data)")
if ( == "default-space") {
if (!is_mu_space(x))
raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "'default-space' should be of type address:array:location, but is " << to_string(x.type) << '\n' << end();
if (SIZE(data) != 2)
raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "'default-space' getting data from non-address\n" << end();
current_call().default_space =*skip alloc id*/1);
bool is_mu_space(reagent/*copy*/ x) {
if (!is_compound_type_starting_with(x.type, "address")) return false;
drop_from_type(x, "address");
if (!is_compound_type_starting_with(x.type, "array")) return false;
drop_from_type(x, "array");
return x.type && x.type->atom && x.type->name == "location";
void test_get_default_space() {
"def main [\n"
// prepare default-space address
" 10:num/alloc-id, 11:num <- copy 0, 1000\n"
// prepare default-space payload
" 1000:num <- copy 0\n" // alloc id of payload
" 1001:num <- copy 5\n" // length
// actual start of this recipe
" default-space:space <- copy 10:space\n"
" 2:space/raw <- copy default-space:space\n"
"mem: storing 1000 in location 3\n"
:(after "Begin Preprocess read_memory(x)")
if ( == "default-space") {
vector<double> result;
result.push_back(/*alloc id*/0);
return result;
//:: fix 'get'
void test_lookup_sidesteps_default_space_in_get() {
"def main [\n"
// prepare default-space address
" 10:num/alloc-id, 11:num <- copy 0, 1000\n"
// prepare default-space payload
" 1000:num <- copy 0\n" // alloc id of payload
" 1001:num <- copy 5\n" // length
// prepare payload outside the local scope
" 2000:num/alloc-id, 2001:num/x, 2002:num/y <- copy 0, 34, 35\n"
// actual start of this recipe
" default-space:space <- copy 10:space\n"
// a local address
" 2:num, 3:num <- copy 0, 2000\n"
" 3000:num/raw <- get *2:&:point, 1:offset\n"
"mem: storing 35 in location 3000\n"
:(before "Read element" following "case GET:")<string, string_tree*>("raw", NULL));
//:: fix 'index'
void test_lookup_sidesteps_default_space_in_index() {
"def main [\n"
// prepare default-space address
" 10:num/alloc-id, 11:num <- copy 0, 1000\n"
// prepare default-space payload
" 1000:num <- copy 0\n" // alloc id of payload
" 1001:num <- copy 5\n" // length
// prepare an array address
" 20:num/alloc-id, 21:num <- copy 0, 2000\n"
// prepare an array payload
" 2000:num/alloc-id, 2001:num/length, 2002:num/index:0, 2003:num/index:1 <- copy 0, 2, 34, 35\n"
// actual start of this recipe
" default-space:space <- copy 10:&:@:location\n"
" 1:&:@:num <- copy 20:&:@:num/raw\n"
" 3000:num/raw <- index *1:&:@:num, 1\n"
"mem: storing 35 in location 3000\n"
:(before "Read element" following "case INDEX:")<string, string_tree*>("raw", NULL));
//:: 'local-scope' is a convenience operation to automatically deduce
//:: the amount of space to allocate in a default space with names
void test_local_scope() {
"def main [\n"
" local-scope\n"
" x:num <- copy 0\n"
" y:num <- copy 3\n"
// allocate space for x and y, as well as the chaining slot at indices 0 and 1
"mem: array length is 4\n"
:(before "End is_disqualified Special-cases")
if ( == "number-of-locals")
x.initialized = true;
:(before "End is_special_name Special-cases")
if (s == "number-of-locals") return true;
:(before "End Rewrite Instruction(curr, recipe result)")
// rewrite 'local-scope' to
// ```
// default-space:space <- new location:type, number-of-locals:literal
// ```
// where number-of-locals is Name[recipe][""]
if ( == "local-scope") {
void rewrite_default_space_instruction(instruction& curr) {
if (!curr.ingredients.empty())
raise << "'" << to_original_string(curr) << "' can't take any ingredients\n" << end(); = "new";
if (!curr.products.empty())
raise << "local-scope can't take any results\n" << end();
:(after "Begin Preprocess read_memory(x)")
if ( == "number-of-locals") {
vector<double> result;
result.push_back(Name[get(Recipe_ordinal, current_recipe_name())][""]);
if (result.back() == 0)
raise << "no space allocated for default-space in recipe " << current_recipe_name() << "; are you using names?\n" << end();
return result;
:(after "Begin Preprocess write_memory(x, data)")
if ( == "number-of-locals") {
raise << maybe(current_recipe_name()) << "can't write to special name 'number-of-locals'\n" << end();
//:: all recipes must set default-space one way or another
:(before "End Globals")
bool Hide_missing_default_space_errors = true;
:(before "End Checks")
Transform.push_back(check_default_space); // idempotent
void check_default_space(const recipe_ordinal r) {
if (Hide_missing_default_space_errors) return; // skip previous core tests; this is only for Mu code
const recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r);
// End check_default_space Special-cases
// assume recipes with only numeric addresses know what they're doing (usually tests)
if (!contains_non_special_name(r)) return;
trace(101, "transform") << "--- check that recipe " << << " sets default-space" << end();
if (caller.steps.empty()) return;
if (!starts_by_setting_default_space(caller))
raise << << " does not seem to start with 'local-scope' or 'default-space'\n" << end();
bool starts_by_setting_default_space(const recipe& r) {
return !r.steps.empty()
&& !
&& == "default-space";
:(after "Load Mu Prelude")
Hide_missing_default_space_errors = false;
:(after "Test Runs")
Hide_missing_default_space_errors = true;
:(after "Running Main")
Hide_missing_default_space_errors = false;
bool contains_non_special_name(const recipe_ordinal r) {
for (map<string, int>::iterator p = Name[r].begin(); p != Name[r].end(); ++p) {
if (p->first.empty()) continue;
if (p->first.find("stash_") == 0) continue; // generated by rewrite_stashes_to_text (cross-layer)
if (!is_special_name(p->first))
return true;
return false;