Kartik Agaram 4a943d4ed3 5001 - drop the :(scenario) DSL
I've been saying for a while[1][2][3] that adding extra abstractions makes
things harder for newcomers, and adding new notations doubly so. And then
I notice this DSL in my own backyard. Makes me feel like a hypocrite.


The implementation of the DSL was also highly hacky:

a) It was happening in the tangle/ tool, but was utterly unrelated to tangling

b) There were several persnickety constraints on the different kinds of
lines and the specific order they were expected in. I kept finding bugs
where the translator would silently do the wrong thing. Or the error messages
sucked, and readers may be stuck looking at the generated code to figure
out what happened. Fixing error messages would require a lot more code,
which is one of my arguments against DSLs in the first place: they may
be easy to implement, but they're hard to design to go with the grain of
the underlying platform. They require lots of iteration. Is that effort
worth prioritizing in this project?

On the other hand, the DSL did make at least some readers' life easier,
the ones who weren't immediately put off by having to learn a strange syntax.
There were fewer quotes to parse, fewer backslash escapes.

Anyway, since there are also people who dislike having to put up with strange
syntaxes, we'll call that consideration a wash and tear this DSL out.


This commit was sheer drudgery. Hopefully it won't need to be redone with
a new DSL because I grow sick of backslashes.
2019-03-12 19:14:12 -07:00

515 lines
18 KiB

//: Addresses help us spend less time copying data around.
//: So far we've been operating on primitives like numbers and characters, and
//: we've started combining these primitives together into larger logical
//: units (containers or arrays) that may contain many different primitives at
//: once. Containers and arrays can grow quite large in complex programs, and
//: we'd like some way to efficiently share them between recipes without
//: constantly having to make copies. Right now 'next-ingredient' and 'return'
//: copy data across recipe boundaries. To avoid copying large quantities of
//: data around, we'll use *addresses*. An address is a bookmark to some
//: arbitrary quantity of data (the *payload*). It's a primitive, so it's as
//: efficient to copy as a number. To read or modify the payload 'pointed to'
//: by an address, we'll perform a *lookup*.
//: The notion of 'lookup' isn't an instruction like 'add' or 'subtract'.
//: Instead it's an operation that can be performed when reading any of the
//: ingredients of an instruction, and when writing to any of the products. To
//: write to the payload of an ingredient rather than its value, simply add
//: the /lookup property to it. Modern computers provide efficient support for
//: addresses and lookups, making this a realistic feature.
//: To create addresses and allocate memory exclusively for their use, use
//: 'new'. Memory is a finite resource so if the computer can't satisfy your
//: request, 'new' may return a 0 (null) address.
//: Computers these days have lots of memory so in practice we can often
//: assume we'll never run out. If you start running out however, say in a
//: long-running program, you'll need to switch mental gears and start
//: husbanding our memory more carefully. The most important tool to avoid
//: wasting memory is to 'abandon' an address when you don't need it anymore.
//: That frees up the memory allocated to it to be reused in future calls to
//: 'new'.
//: Since memory can be reused multiple times, it can happen that you have a
//: stale copy to an address that has since been abandoned and reused. Using
//: the stale address is almost never safe, but it can be very hard to track
//: down such copies because any errors caused by them may occur even millions
//: of instructions after the copy or abandon instruction. To help track down
//: such issues, Mu tracks an 'alloc id' for each allocation it makes. The
//: first call to 'new' has an alloc id of 1, the second gets 2, and so on.
//: The alloc id is never reused.
:(before "End Globals")
long long Next_alloc_id = 0;
:(before "End Reset")
Next_alloc_id = 0;
//: The 'new' instruction records alloc ids both in the memory being allocated
//: and *also* in the address. The 'abandon' instruction clears alloc ids in
//: both places as well. Tracking alloc ids in this manner allows us to raise
//: errors about stale addresses much earlier: 'lookup' operations always
//: compare alloc ids between the address and its payload.
//: todo: give 'new' a custodian ingredient. Following malloc/free is a temporary hack.
void test_new() {
// call 'new' two times with identical types without modifying the
// results; you should get back different results
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 12:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 20:bool <- equal 10:&:num, 12:&:num\n"
"mem: storing 1000 in location 11\n"
"mem: storing 0 in location 20\n"
void test_new_array() {
// call 'new' with a second ingredient to allocate an array of some type
// rather than a single copy
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:@:num <- new num:type, 5\n"
" 12:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 20:num/alloc2, 21:num/alloc1 <- deaddress 10:&:@:num, 12:&:num\n"
" 30:num <- subtract 21:num/alloc2, 20:num/alloc1\n"
"run: {10: (\"address\" \"array\" \"number\")} <- new {num: \"type\"}, {5: \"literal\"}\n"
"mem: array length is 5\n"
// skip alloc id in allocation
"mem: storing 1000 in location 11\n"
// don't forget the extra locations for alloc id and array length
"mem: storing 7 in location 30\n"
void test_dilated_reagent_with_new() {
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:&:num <- new {(& num): type}\n"
"new: size of '(& num)' is 2\n"
//: 'new' takes a weird 'type' as its first ingredient; don't error on it
:(before "End Mu Types Initialization")
put(Type_ordinal, "type", 0);
bool is_mu_type_literal(const reagent& r) {
return is_literal(r) && r.type && r.type->name == "type";
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
put(Recipe_ordinal, "new", NEW);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
case NEW: {
const recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r);
if (inst.ingredients.empty() || SIZE(inst.ingredients) > 2) {
raise << maybe( << "'new' requires one or two ingredients, but got '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
// End NEW Check Special-cases
const reagent& type =;
if (!is_mu_type_literal(type)) {
raise << maybe( << "first ingredient of 'new' should be a type, but got '" << type.original_string << "'\n" << end();
if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) > 1 && !is_mu_number( {
raise << maybe( << "second ingredient of 'new' should be a number (array length), but got '" << type.original_string << "'\n" << end();
if (inst.products.empty()) {
raise << maybe( << "result of 'new' should never be ignored\n" << end();
if (!product_of_new_is_valid(inst)) {
raise << maybe( << "product of 'new' has incorrect type: '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
bool product_of_new_is_valid(const instruction& inst) {
reagent/*copy*/ product =;
// Update NEW product in Check
if (!product.type || product.type->atom || product.type->left->value != Address_type_ordinal)
return false;
drop_from_type(product, "address");
if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) > 1) {
// array allocation
if (!product.type || product.type->atom || product.type->left->value != Array_type_ordinal)
return false;
drop_from_type(product, "array");
reagent/*local*/ expected_product(new_type_tree(;
return types_strictly_match(product, expected_product);
void drop_from_type(reagent& r, string expected_type) {
if (r.type->left->name != expected_type) {
raise << "can't drop2 " << expected_type << " from '" << to_string(r) << "'\n" << end();
// r.type = r.type->right
type_tree* tmp = r.type;
r.type = tmp->right;
tmp->right = NULL;
delete tmp;
// if (!r.type->right) r.type = r.type->left
if (r.type->right) return;
tmp = r.type;
r.type = tmp->left;
tmp->left = NULL;
delete tmp;
void test_new_returns_incorrect_type() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" 1:bool <- new num:type\n"
"error: main: product of 'new' has incorrect type: '1:bool <- new num:type'\n"
void test_new_discerns_singleton_list_from_atom_container() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" 1:&:num <- new {(num): type}\n" // should be '{num: type}'
"error: main: product of 'new' has incorrect type: '1:&:num <- new {(num): type}'\n"
void test_new_with_type_abbreviation() {
"def main [\n"
" 1:&:num <- new num:type\n"
CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
void test_new_with_type_abbreviation_inside_compound() {
"def main [\n"
" {1: (address address number), raw: ()} <- new {(& num): type}\n"
CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
void test_equal_result_of_new_with_null() {
"def main [\n"
" 1:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 10:bool <- equal 1:&:num, null\n"
"mem: storing 0 in location 10\n"
//: To implement 'new', a Mu transform turns all 'new' instructions into
//: 'allocate' instructions that precompute the amount of memory they want to
//: allocate.
//: Ensure that we never call 'allocate' directly, and that there's no 'new'
//: instructions left after the transforms have run.
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
case ALLOCATE: {
raise << "never call 'allocate' directly'; always use 'new'\n" << end();
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
case NEW: {
raise << "no implementation for 'new'; why wasn't it translated to 'allocate'? Please save a copy of your program and send it to Kartik.\n" << end();
:(after "Transform.push_back(check_instruction)") // check_instruction will guard against direct 'allocate' instructions below
Transform.push_back(transform_new_to_allocate); // idempotent
void transform_new_to_allocate(const recipe_ordinal r) {
trace(101, "transform") << "--- convert 'new' to 'allocate' for recipe " << get(Recipe, r).name << end();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(get(Recipe, r).steps); ++i) {
instruction& inst = get(Recipe, r);
// Convert 'new' To 'allocate'
if ( == "new") {
if (inst.ingredients.empty()) return; // error raised elsewhere
inst.operation = ALLOCATE;
type_tree* type = new_type_tree(;;
trace(102, "new") << "size of '" << << "' is " << << end();
delete type;
//: implement 'allocate' based on size
:(before "End Globals")
extern const int Reserved_for_tests = 1000;
int Memory_allocated_until = Reserved_for_tests;
int Initial_memory_per_routine = 100000;
:(before "End Reset")
Memory_allocated_until = Reserved_for_tests;
Initial_memory_per_routine = 100000;
:(before "End routine Fields")
int alloc, alloc_max;
:(before "End routine Constructor")
alloc = Memory_allocated_until;
Memory_allocated_until += Initial_memory_per_routine;
alloc_max = Memory_allocated_until;
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "new") << "routine allocated memory from " << alloc << " to " << alloc_max << end();
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
put(Recipe_ordinal, "allocate", ALLOCATE);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
case ALLOCATE: {
// compute the space we need
int size =;
int alloc_id = Next_alloc_id;
if (SIZE(ingredients) > 1) {
// array allocation
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "mem") << "array length is " << << end();
size = /*space for length*/1 + size*;
int result = allocate(size);
// initialize alloc-id in payload
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "mem") << "storing alloc-id " << alloc_id << " in location " << result << end();
put(Memory, result, alloc_id);
if (SIZE(current_instruction().ingredients) > 1) {
// initialize array length
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "mem") << "storing array length " << << " in location " << result+/*skip alloc id*/1 << end();
put(Memory, result+/*skip alloc id*/1,;
int allocate(int size) {
// include space for alloc id
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "mem") << "allocating size " << size << end();
//? Total_alloc += size;
//? ++Num_alloc;
// Allocate Special-cases
// compute the region of memory to return
// really crappy at the moment
const int result = Current_routine->alloc;
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "mem") << "new alloc: " << result << end();
// initialize allocated space
for (int address = result; address < result+size; ++address) {
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "mem") << "storing 0 in location " << address << end();
put(Memory, address, 0);
Current_routine->alloc += size;
// no support yet for reclaiming memory between routines
assert(Current_routine->alloc <= Current_routine->alloc_max);
return result;
//: statistics for debugging
//? :(before "End Globals")
//? int Total_alloc = 0;
//? int Num_alloc = 0;
//? int Total_free = 0;
//? int Num_free = 0;
//? :(before "End Reset")
//? if (!Memory.empty()) {
//? cerr << Total_alloc << "/" << Num_alloc
//? << " vs " << Total_free << "/" << Num_free << '\n';
//? cerr << SIZE(Memory) << '\n';
//? }
//? Total_alloc = Num_alloc = Total_free = Num_free = 0;
void ensure_space(int size) {
if (size > Initial_memory_per_routine) {
cerr << "can't allocate " << size << " locations, that's too much compared to " << Initial_memory_per_routine << ".\n";
if (Current_routine->alloc + size > Current_routine->alloc_max) {
// waste the remaining space and create a new chunk
Current_routine->alloc = Memory_allocated_until;
Memory_allocated_until += Initial_memory_per_routine;
Current_routine->alloc_max = Memory_allocated_until;
trace(Callstack_depth+1, "new") << "routine allocated memory from " << Current_routine->alloc << " to " << Current_routine->alloc_max << end();
void test_new_initializes() {
Memory_allocated_until = 10;
put(Memory, Memory_allocated_until, 1);
"def main [\n"
" 1:&:num <- new num:type\n"
"mem: storing 0 in location 10\n"
"mem: storing 0 in location 11\n"
"mem: storing 10 in location 2\n"
void test_new_initializes_alloc_id() {
Memory_allocated_until = 10;
put(Memory, Memory_allocated_until, 1);
Next_alloc_id = 23;
"def main [\n"
" 1:&:num <- new num:type\n"
// initialize memory
"mem: storing 0 in location 10\n"
"mem: storing 0 in location 11\n"
// alloc-id in payload
"mem: storing alloc-id 23 in location 10\n"
// alloc-id in address
"mem: storing 23 in location 1\n"
void test_new_size() {
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 12:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 20:num/alloc1, 21:num/alloc2 <- deaddress 10:&:num, 12:&:num\n"
" 30:num <- subtract 21:num/alloc2, 20:num/alloc1\n"
// size of number + alloc id
"mem: storing 2 in location 30\n"
void test_new_array_size() {
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:@:num <- new num:type, 5\n"
" 12:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 20:num/alloc1, 21:num/alloc2 <- deaddress 10:&:num, 12:&:num\n"
" 30:num <- subtract 21:num/alloc2, 20:num/alloc1\n"
// 5 locations for array contents + array length + alloc id
"mem: storing 7 in location 30\n"
void test_new_empty_array() {
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:@:num <- new num:type, 0\n"
" 12:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 20:num/alloc1, 21:num/alloc2 <- deaddress 10:&:@:num, 12:&:num\n"
" 30:num <- subtract 21:num/alloc2, 20:num/alloc1\n"
"run: {10: (\"address\" \"array\" \"number\")} <- new {num: \"type\"}, {0: \"literal\"}\n"
"mem: array length is 0\n"
// one location for array length and one for alloc id
"mem: storing 2 in location 30\n"
//: If a routine runs out of its initial allocation, it should allocate more.
void test_new_overflow() {
Initial_memory_per_routine = 3; // barely enough room for point allocation below
"def main [\n"
" 10:&:num <- new num:type\n"
" 12:&:point <- new point:type\n" // not enough room in initial page
"new: routine allocated memory from 1000 to 1003\n"
"new: routine allocated memory from 1003 to 1006\n"
void test_new_without_ingredient() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" 1:&:num <- new\n" // missing ingredient
"error: main: 'new' requires one or two ingredients, but got '1:&:num <- new'\n"
//: a little helper: convert address to number
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Declarations")
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Numbers")
put(Recipe_ordinal, "deaddress", DEADDRESS);
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Checks")
// primary goal of these checks is to forbid address arithmetic
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) {
if (!is_mu_address( {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'deaddress' requires address ingredients, but got '" << << "'\n" << end();
goto finish_checking_instruction;
if (SIZE(inst.products) > SIZE(inst.ingredients)) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "too many products in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.products); ++i) {
if (!is_real_mu_number( {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "'deaddress' requires number products, but got '" << << "'\n" << end();
goto finish_checking_instruction;
:(before "End Primitive Recipe Implementations")
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(ingredients); ++i) {*skip alloc id*/1));