
197 lines
6.9 KiB

//: For convenience, allow Mu types to be abbreviated.
:(scenarios transform)
:(scenario type_abbreviations)
type foo = number
def main [
a:foo <- copy 34
+transform: product type after expanding abbreviations: "number"
:(before "End Globals")
map<string, type_tree*> Type_abbreviations, Type_abbreviations_snapshot;
//:: Defining type abbreviations.
:(before "End Command Handlers")
else if (command == "type") {
void load_type_abbreviations(istream& in) {
string new_type_name = next_word(in);
assert(has_data(in) || !new_type_name.empty());
if (!has_data(in) || new_type_name.empty()) {
raise << "incomplete 'type' statement; must be of the form 'type <new type name> = <type expression>'\n" << end();
string arrow = next_word(in);
assert(has_data(in) || !arrow.empty());
if (arrow.empty()) {
raise << "incomplete 'type' statement 'type " << new_type_name << "'\n" << end();
if (arrow != "=") {
raise << "'type' statements must be of the form 'type <new type name> = <type expression>' but got 'type " << new_type_name << ' ' << arrow << "'\n" << end();
if (!has_data(in)) {
raise << "incomplete 'type' statement 'type " << new_type_name << " ='\n" << end();
string old = next_word(in);
if (old.empty()) {
raise << "incomplete 'type' statement 'type " << new_type_name << " ='\n" << end();
raise << "'type' statements must be of the form 'type <new type name> = <type expression>' but got 'type " << new_type_name << ' ' << arrow << "'\n" << end();
if (contains_key(Type_abbreviations, new_type_name)) {
raise << "'type' conflict: '" << new_type_name << "' defined as both '" << names_to_string_without_quotes(get(Type_abbreviations, new_type_name)) << "' and '" << old << "'\n" << end();
trace(9990, "type") << "alias " << new_type_name << " = " << old << end();
type_tree* old_type = new_type_tree(old);
put(Type_abbreviations, new_type_name, old_type);
type_tree* new_type_tree(const string& x) {
string_tree* type_names = starts_with(x, "(") ? parse_string_tree(x) : parse_string_list(x);
type_tree* result = new_type_tree(type_names);
delete type_names;
return result;
string_tree* parse_string_list(const string& s) {
istringstream in(s);
in >> std::noskipws;
return parse_property_list(in);
:(scenario type_error1)
% Hide_errors = true;
type foo
+error: incomplete 'type' statement 'type foo'
:(scenario type_error2)
% Hide_errors = true;
type foo =
+error: incomplete 'type' statement 'type foo ='
:(scenario type_error3)
% Hide_errors = true;
type foo bar baz
+error: 'type' statements must be of the form 'type <new type name> = <type expression>' but got 'type foo bar'
:(scenario type_conflict_error)
% Hide_errors = true;
type foo = bar
type foo = baz
+error: 'type' conflict: 'foo' defined as both 'bar' and 'baz'
:(scenario type_abbreviation_for_compound)
type foo = address:number
def main [
1:foo <- copy null
+transform: product type after expanding abbreviations: ("address" "number")
//: cleaning up type abbreviations between tests and before exiting
:(before "End save_snapshots")
Type_abbreviations_snapshot = Type_abbreviations;
:(before "End restore_snapshots")
:(before "End One-time Setup")
void restore_type_abbreviations() {
for (map<string, type_tree*>::iterator p = Type_abbreviations.begin(); p != Type_abbreviations.end(); ++p) {
if (!contains_key(Type_abbreviations_snapshot, p->first))
delete p->second;
Type_abbreviations = Type_abbreviations_snapshot;
void clear_type_abbreviations() {
for (map<string, type_tree*>::iterator p = Type_abbreviations.begin(); p != Type_abbreviations.end(); ++p)
delete p->second;
//:: A few default abbreviations.
:(before "End Mu Types Initialization")
put(Type_abbreviations, "&", new_type_tree("address"));
put(Type_abbreviations, "@", new_type_tree("array"));
put(Type_abbreviations, "num", new_type_tree("number"));
put(Type_abbreviations, "bool", new_type_tree("boolean"));
put(Type_abbreviations, "char", new_type_tree("character"));
:(scenario use_type_abbreviations_when_declaring_type_abbreviations)
type foo = &:num
def main [
1:foo <- copy null
+transform: product type after expanding abbreviations: ("address" "number")
//:: Expand type aliases before running.
//: We'll do this in a transform so that we don't need to define abbreviations
//: before we use them.
:(scenario abbreviations_for_address_and_array)
def main [
f 1:&:num # abbreviation for 'address:number'
f 2:@:num # abbreviation for 'array:number'
f 3:&:@:num # combining '&' and '@'
f 4:&:&:@:&:@:num # ..any number of times
f {5: (array (& num) 3)} # support for dilated reagents and more complex parse trees
def f [
+transform: --- expand type abbreviations in recipe 'main'
+transform: ingredient type after expanding abbreviations: ("address" "number")
+transform: ingredient type after expanding abbreviations: ("array" "number")
+transform: ingredient type after expanding abbreviations: ("address" "array" "number")
+transform: ingredient type after expanding abbreviations: ("address" "address" "array" "address" "array" "number")
+transform: ingredient type after expanding abbreviations: ("array" ("address" "number") "3")
:(before "Transform.push_back(update_instruction_operations)")
Transform.push_back(expand_type_abbreviations); // idempotent
// Begin Type Modifying Transforms
// End Type Modifying Transforms
void expand_type_abbreviations(const recipe_ordinal r) {
expand_type_abbreviations(get(Recipe, r));
void expand_type_abbreviations(const recipe& caller) {
trace(9991, "transform") << "--- expand type abbreviations in recipe '" << << "'" << end();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(caller.steps); ++i) {
const instruction& inst =;
trace(9991, "transform") << "instruction '" << to_original_string(inst) << end();
for (long int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++i) {
trace(9992, "transform") << "ingredient type after expanding abbreviations: " << names_to_string( << end();
for (long int i = 0; i < SIZE(inst.products); ++i) {
trace(9992, "transform") << "product type after expanding abbreviations: " << names_to_string( << end();
// End Expand Type Abbreviations(caller)
void expand_type_abbreviations(type_tree* type) {
if (!type) return;
if (!type->atom) {
if (contains_key(Type_abbreviations, type->name))
*type = type_tree(*get(Type_abbreviations, type->name));