Kartik Agaram 1ed1d1c842 5499
2019-07-31 15:28:23 -07:00

106 lines
4.0 KiB

" Highlighting literate directives in C++ sources.
function! HighlightTangledFile()
" Tangled comments only make sense in the sources and are stripped out of
" the generated .cc file. They're highlighted same as regular comments.
syntax match tangledComment /\/\/:.*/ | highlight link tangledComment Comment
syntax match tangledSalientComment /\/\/::.*/ | highlight link tangledSalientComment SalientComment
set comments-=://
set comments-=n://
set comments+=n://:,n://
" Inside tangle scenarios.
syntax region tangleDirective start=+:(+ skip=+".*"+ end=+)+
highlight link tangleDirective Delimiter
syntax match traceContains /^+.*/
highlight traceContains ctermfg=22
syntax match traceAbsent /^-.*/
highlight traceAbsent ctermfg=darkred
syntax match tangleScenarioSetup /^\s*% .*/ | highlight link tangleScenarioSetup SpecialChar
highlight Special ctermfg=160
syntax match subxString %"[^"]*"% | highlight link subxString Constant
" match globals but not registers like 'EAX'
syntax match subxGlobal %\<[A-Z][a-z0-9_-]*\>% | highlight link subxGlobal SpecialChar
augroup LocalVimrc
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.cc call HighlightTangledFile()
autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.subx set ft=subx
augroup END
" Scenarios considered:
" opening or starting vim with a new or existing file without an extension (should interpret as C++)
" opening or starting vim with a new or existing file with a .mu extension
" starting vim or opening a buffer without a file name (ok to do nothing)
" opening a second file in a new or existing window (shouldn't mess up existing highlighting)
" reloading an existing file (shouldn't mess up existing highlighting)
command! -nargs=1 E call EditSubx("edit", <f-args>)
if exists("&splitvertical")
command! -nargs=1 S call EditSubx("vert split", <f-args>)
command! -nargs=1 H call EditSubx("hor split", <f-args>)
command! -nargs=1 S call EditSubx("vert split", <f-args>)
command! -nargs=1 H call EditSubx("split", <f-args>)
function! EditSubx(cmd, arg)
exec "silent! " . a:cmd . " " . SubxPath(a:arg)
function! SubxPath(arg)
if a:arg =~ "^ex"
return "examples/" . a:arg . ".subx"
return "apps/" . a:arg . ".subx"
" we often want to crib lines of machine code from other files
function! GrepSubX(regex)
silent exec "r !grep -h '".a:regex."' *.subx */*.subx"
command! -nargs=1 G call GrepSubX(<q-args>)
if exists("&splitvertical")
command! -nargs=0 P hor split opcodes
command! -nargs=0 P split opcodes
" useful for inspecting just the control flow in a trace
" see
" the '-a' is because traces can sometimes contain unprintable characters that bother grep
command! -nargs=0 L exec "%!grep -a label |grep -v clear-stream:loop"
" run test cursor around cursor
" if test fails, open trace in split window
" if test passes, just show output and wait for <CR>
" don't move cursor in original window
" this solution is unfortunate, but seems forced:
" can't put initial cursor movement inside function because we rely on <C-r><C-w> to grab word at cursor
" can't put final cursor movement out of function because that disables the wait for <CR> prompt; function must be final operation of map
" can't avoid the function because that disables the wait for <CR> prompt
" known issue:
" cursor on '#' causes error
noremap <Leader>t {j0:call RunTestMoveCursor("<C-r><C-w>")<CR>
function RunTestMoveCursor(arg)
exec "! ".expand("%")." ".a:arg
exec "normal \<C-o>"
function RunTestMoveCursorAndMaybeOpenTrace(arg)
exec "! ".expand("%")." ".a:arg
exec "normal \<C-o>"
if v:shell_error
noautocmd vertical split last_run
set switchbuf=useopen
if exists("&splitvertical")
command! -nargs=0 T badd last_run | sbuffer last_run
command! -nargs=0 T badd last_run | vert sbuffer last_run