Kartik Agaram 4a943d4ed3 5001 - drop the :(scenario) DSL
I've been saying for a while[1][2][3] that adding extra abstractions makes
things harder for newcomers, and adding new notations doubly so. And then
I notice this DSL in my own backyard. Makes me feel like a hypocrite.


The implementation of the DSL was also highly hacky:

a) It was happening in the tangle/ tool, but was utterly unrelated to tangling

b) There were several persnickety constraints on the different kinds of
lines and the specific order they were expected in. I kept finding bugs
where the translator would silently do the wrong thing. Or the error messages
sucked, and readers may be stuck looking at the generated code to figure
out what happened. Fixing error messages would require a lot more code,
which is one of my arguments against DSLs in the first place: they may
be easy to implement, but they're hard to design to go with the grain of
the underlying platform. They require lots of iteration. Is that effort
worth prioritizing in this project?

On the other hand, the DSL did make at least some readers' life easier,
the ones who weren't immediately put off by having to learn a strange syntax.
There were fewer quotes to parse, fewer backslash escapes.

Anyway, since there are also people who dislike having to put up with strange
syntaxes, we'll call that consideration a wash and tear this DSL out.


This commit was sheer drudgery. Hopefully it won't need to be redone with
a new DSL because I grow sick of backslashes.
2019-03-12 19:14:12 -07:00

415 lines
13 KiB

//: A big convenience high-level languages provide is the ability to name memory
//: locations. In Mu, a transform called 'transform_names' provides this
//: convenience.
void test_transform_names() {
"def main [\n"
" x:num <- copy 0\n"
"name: assign x 2\n"
"mem: storing 0 in location 2\n"
void test_transform_names_fails_on_use_before_define() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" x:num <- copy y:num\n"
"error: main: tried to read ingredient 'y' in 'x:num <- copy y:num' but it hasn't been written to yet\n"
// todo: detect conditional defines
:(after "End Type Modifying Transforms")
Transform.push_back(transform_names); // idempotent
:(before "End Globals")
map<recipe_ordinal, map<string, int> > Name;
//: the Name map is a global, so save it before tests and reset it for every
//: test, just to be safe.
:(before "End Globals")
map<recipe_ordinal, map<string, int> > Name_snapshot;
:(before "End save_snapshots")
Name_snapshot = Name;
:(before "End restore_snapshots")
Name = Name_snapshot;
void transform_names(const recipe_ordinal r) {
recipe& caller = get(Recipe, r);
trace(101, "transform") << "--- transform names for recipe " << << end();
bool names_used = false;
bool numeric_locations_used = false;
map<string, int>& names = Name[r];
// record the indices 'used' so far in the map
int& curr_idx = names[""];
// reserve indices 0 and 1 for the chaining slot in a later layer.
// transform_names may get called multiple times in later layers, so
// curr_idx may already be set.
if (curr_idx < 2) curr_idx = 2;
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(caller.steps); ++i) {
instruction& inst =;
// End transform_names(inst) Special-cases
// map names to addresses
for (int in = 0; in < SIZE(inst.ingredients); ++in) {
reagent& ingredient =;
if (is_disqualified(ingredient, inst, continue;
if (is_numeric_location(ingredient)) numeric_locations_used = true;
if (is_named_location(ingredient)) names_used = true;
if (is_integer( continue;
if (!already_transformed(ingredient, names)) {
raise << maybe( << "tried to read ingredient '" << << "' in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "' but it hasn't been written to yet\n" << end();
// use-before-set Error
int v = lookup_name(ingredient, r);
if (v >= 0) {
// Done Placing Ingredient(ingredient, inst, caller)
else {
raise << maybe( << "can't find a place to store '" << << "'\n" << end();
for (int out = 0; out < SIZE(inst.products); ++out) {
reagent& product =;
if (is_disqualified(product, inst, continue;
if (is_numeric_location(product)) numeric_locations_used = true;
if (is_named_location(product)) names_used = true;
if (is_integer( continue;
if (names.find( == names.end()) {
trace(103, "name") << "assign " << << " " << curr_idx << end();
names[] = curr_idx;
curr_idx += size_of(product);
int v = lookup_name(product, r);
if (v >= 0) {
// Done Placing Product(product, inst, caller)
else {
raise << maybe( << "can't find a place to store '" << << "'\n" << end();
if (names_used && numeric_locations_used)
raise << maybe( << "mixing variable names and numeric addresses\n" << end();
bool is_disqualified(/*mutable*/ reagent& x, const instruction& inst, const string& recipe_name) {
if (!x.type) {
raise << maybe(recipe_name) << "missing type for '" << x.original_string << "' in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
// missing-type Error 1
return true;
if (is_raw(x)) return true;
if (is_literal(x)) return true;
// End is_disqualified Special-cases
if (x.initialized) return true;
return false;
bool already_transformed(const reagent& r, const map<string, int>& names) {
return contains_key(names,;
int lookup_name(const reagent& r, const recipe_ordinal default_recipe) {
return Name[default_recipe][];
type_ordinal skip_addresses(type_tree* type) {
while (type && is_compound_type_starting_with(type, "address"))
type = type->right;
if (!type) return -1; // error handled elsewhere
if (type->atom) return type->value;
const type_tree* base_type = type;
// Update base_type in skip_addresses
if (base_type->atom)
return base_type->value;
return base_type->left->value;
bool is_compound_type_starting_with(const type_tree* type, const string& expected_name) {
if (!type) return false;
if (type->atom) return false;
if (!type->left->atom) return false;
return type->left->value == get(Type_ordinal, expected_name);
int find_element_offset(const type_ordinal t, const string& name, const string& recipe_name) {
const type_info& container = get(Type, t);
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE(container.elements); ++i)
if ( == name) return i;
raise << maybe(recipe_name) << "unknown element '" << name << "' in container '" << get(Type, t).name << "'\n" << end();
return -1;
int find_element_location(int base_address, const string& name, const type_tree* type, const string& recipe_name) {
int offset = find_element_offset(get_base_type(type)->value, name, recipe_name);
if (offset == -1) return offset;
int result = base_address;
for (int i = 0; i < offset; ++i)
result += size_of(element_type(type, i));
return result;
bool is_numeric_location(const reagent& x) {
if (is_literal(x)) return false;
if (is_raw(x)) return false;
if ( == "0") return false; // used for chaining lexical scopes
return is_integer(;
bool is_named_location(const reagent& x) {
if (is_literal(x)) return false;
if (is_raw(x)) return false;
if (is_special_name( return false;
return !is_integer(;
// all names here should either be disqualified or also in bind_special_scenario_names
bool is_special_name(const string& s) {
if (s == "_") return true;
if (s == "0") return true;
// End is_special_name Special-cases
return false;
bool is_raw(const reagent& r) {
return has_property(r, "raw");
void test_transform_names_supports_containers() {
"def main [\n"
" x:point <- merge 34, 35\n"
" y:num <- copy 3\n"
"name: assign x 2\n"
// skip location 3 because x occupies two locations
"name: assign y 4\n"
void test_transform_names_supports_static_arrays() {
"def main [\n"
" x:@:num:3 <- create-array\n"
" y:num <- copy 3\n"
"name: assign x 2\n"
// skip locations 3, 4, 5 because x occupies four locations
"name: assign y 6\n"
void test_transform_names_passes_dummy() {
"def main [\n"
// _ is just a dummy result that never gets consumed
" _, x:num <- copy 0, 1\n"
"name: assign x 2\n"
CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("name: assign _ 2");
//: an escape hatch to suppress name conversion that we'll use later
void test_transform_names_passes_raw() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" x:num/raw <- copy 0\n"
CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("name: assign x 2");
"error: can't write to location 0 in 'x:num/raw <- copy 0'\n"
void test_transform_names_fails_when_mixing_names_and_numeric_locations() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" x:num <- copy 1:num\n"
"error: main: mixing variable names and numeric addresses\n"
void test_transform_names_fails_when_mixing_names_and_numeric_locations_2() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" x:num <- copy 1\n"
" 1:num <- copy x:num\n"
"error: main: mixing variable names and numeric addresses\n"
void test_transform_names_does_not_fail_when_mixing_names_and_raw_locations() {
"def main [\n"
" x:num <- copy 1:num/raw\n"
CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("error: main: mixing variable names and numeric addresses");
CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
void test_transform_names_does_not_fail_when_mixing_names_and_literals() {
"def main [\n"
" x:num <- copy 1\n"
CHECK_TRACE_DOESNT_CONTAIN("error: main: mixing variable names and numeric addresses");
CHECK_TRACE_COUNT("error", 0);
//:: Support element names for containers in 'get' and 'get-location' and 'put'.
//: (get-location is implemented later)
:(before "End update GET offset_value in Check")
else {
if (!offset.initialized) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "uninitialized offset '" << << "' in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
offset_value = offset.value;
void test_transform_names_transforms_container_elements() {
"def main [\n"
" p:&:point <- copy null\n"
" a:num <- get *p:&:point, y:offset\n"
" b:num <- get *p:&:point, x:offset\n"
"name: element y of type point is at offset 1\n"
"name: element x of type point is at offset 0\n"
:(before "End transform_names(inst) Special-cases")
// replace element names of containers with offsets
if ( == "get" || == "get-location" || == "put") {
//: avoid raising any errors here; later layers will support overloading new
//: instructions with the same names (static dispatch), which could lead to
//: spurious errors
if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) < 2)
break; // error raised elsewhere
if (!is_literal(
break; // error raised elsewhere
if ("0123456789") != string::npos) {
// since first non-address in base type must be a container, we don't have to canonize
type_ordinal base_type = skip_addresses(;
if (contains_key(Type, base_type)) { // otherwise we'll raise an error elsewhere,, get(Recipe, r).name));
trace(103, "name") << "element " << << " of type " << get(Type, base_type).name << " is at offset " << no_scientific( << end();
void test_missing_type_in_get() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" get a, x:offset\n"
"error: main: missing type for 'a' in 'get a, x:offset'\n"
void test_transform_names_handles_containers() {
"def main [\n"
" a:point <- merge 0, 0\n"
" b:num <- copy 0\n"
"name: assign a 2\n"
"name: assign b 4\n"
//:: Support variant names for exclusive containers in 'maybe-convert'.
void test_transform_names_handles_exclusive_containers() {
"def main [\n"
" 12:num <- copy 1\n"
" 13:num <- copy 35\n"
" 14:num <- copy 36\n"
" 20:point, 22:bool <- maybe-convert 12:number-or-point/unsafe, p:variant\n"
"name: variant p of type number-or-point has tag 1\n"
"mem: storing 1 in location 22\n"
"mem: storing 35 in location 20\n"
"mem: storing 36 in location 21\n"
:(before "End transform_names(inst) Special-cases")
// convert variant names of exclusive containers
if ( == "maybe-convert") {
if (SIZE(inst.ingredients) != 2) {
raise << maybe(get(Recipe, r).name) << "exactly 2 ingredients expected in '" << to_original_string(inst) << "'\n" << end();
if ("0123456789") != string::npos) {
// since first non-address in base type must be an exclusive container, we don't have to canonize
type_ordinal base_type = skip_addresses(;
if (contains_key(Type, base_type)) { // otherwise we'll raise an error elsewhere,, get(Recipe, r).name));
trace(103, "name") << "variant " << << " of type " << get(Type, base_type).name << " has tag " << no_scientific( << end();
void test_missing_type_in_maybe_convert() {
Hide_errors = true;
"def main [\n"
" maybe-convert a, x:variant\n"
"error: main: missing type for 'a' in 'maybe-convert a, x:variant'\n"