Kartik Agaram ab02bb6632 5866
Stop requiring '--debug' in 'bootstrap run'. Now it's smart enough to turn
on when needed.

This creates some small chance of reading stale debug info for the wrong
binary, but in practice that hasn't been an issue.
2020-01-02 02:02:37 -08:00

150 lines
4.7 KiB

//:: Some helpers for debugging.
//: Load the 'map' file generated during 'bootstrap --debug translate' when running
//: 'bootstrap --trace run'.
//: (It'll only affect the trace.)
:(before "End Globals")
map</*address*/uint32_t, string> Symbol_name; // used only by 'bootstrap run'
map</*address*/uint32_t, string> Source_line; // used only by 'bootstrap run'
:(before "End --trace Settings")
void load_labels() {
ifstream fin("labels");
if ( return;
fin >> std::hex;
while (has_data(fin)) {
uint32_t addr = 0;
fin >> addr;
string name;
fin >> name;
put(Symbol_name, addr, name);
void load_source_lines() {
ifstream fin("source_lines");
if ( return;
fin >> std::hex;
while (has_data(fin)) {
uint32_t addr = 0;
fin >> addr;
string line;
getline(fin, line);
put(Source_line, addr, hacky_squeeze_out_whitespace(line));
:(after "Run One Instruction")
if (contains_key(Symbol_name, EIP))
trace(Callstack_depth, "run") << "== label " << get(Symbol_name, EIP) << end();
if (contains_key(Source_line, EIP))
trace(Callstack_depth, "run") << "inst: " << get(Source_line, EIP) << end();
// no source line info; do what you can
trace(Callstack_depth, "run") << "inst: " << debug_info(EIP) << end();
string debug_info(uint32_t inst_address) {
uint8_t op = read_mem_u8(inst_address);
if (op != 0xe8) {
ostringstream out;
out << HEXBYTE << NUM(op);
return out.str();
int32_t offset = read_mem_i32(inst_address+/*skip op*/1);
uint32_t next_eip = inst_address+/*inst length*/5+offset;
if (contains_key(Symbol_name, next_eip))
return "e8/call "+get(Symbol_name, next_eip);
ostringstream out;
out << "e8/call 0x" << HEXWORD << next_eip;
return out.str();
//: If a label starts with '$watch-', make a note of the effective address
//: computed by the next instruction. Start dumping out its contents to the
//: trace after every subsequent instruction.
:(after "Run One Instruction")
:(before "End Globals")
map<string, uint32_t> Watch_points;
:(before "End Reset")
void dump_watch_points() {
if (Watch_points.empty()) return;
trace(Callstack_depth, "dbg") << "watch points:" << end();
for (map<string, uint32_t>::iterator p = Watch_points.begin(); p != Watch_points.end(); ++p)
trace(Callstack_depth, "dbg") << " " << p->first << ": " << HEXWORD << p->second << " -> " << HEXWORD << read_mem_u32(p->second) << end();
:(before "End Globals")
string Watch_this_effective_address;
:(after "Run One Instruction")
Watch_this_effective_address = "";
if (contains_key(Symbol_name, EIP) && starts_with(get(Symbol_name, EIP), "$watch-"))
Watch_this_effective_address = get(Symbol_name, EIP);
:(after "Found effective_address(addr)")
if (!Watch_this_effective_address.empty()) {
dbg << "now watching " << HEXWORD << addr << " for " << Watch_this_effective_address << end();
put(Watch_points, Watch_this_effective_address, addr);
//: Special label that dumps regions of memory.
//: Not a general mechanism; by the time you get here you're willing to hack
//: on the emulator.
:(after "Run One Instruction")
if (contains_key(Symbol_name, EIP) && get(Symbol_name, EIP) == "$dump-stream-at-EAX")
void dump_stream_at(uint32_t stream_start) {
int32_t stream_length = read_mem_i32(stream_start + 8);
dbg << "stream length: " << std::dec << stream_length << end();
for (int i = 0; i < stream_length + 12; ++i)
dbg << "0x" << HEXWORD << (stream_start+i) << ": " << HEXBYTE << NUM(read_mem_u8(stream_start+i)) << end();
//: helpers
string hacky_squeeze_out_whitespace(const string& s) {
// strip whitespace at start
string::const_iterator first = s.begin();
while (first != s.end() && isspace(*first))
if (first == s.end()) return "";
// strip whitespace at end
string::const_iterator last = --s.end();
while (last != s.begin() && isspace(*last))
// replace runs of spaces/dots with single space until comment or string
// TODO:
// leave alone dots not surrounded by whitespace
// leave alone '#' within word
// leave alone '"' within word
// squeeze spaces after end of string
ostringstream out;
bool previous_was_space = false;
bool in_comment_or_string = false;
for (string::const_iterator curr = first; curr != last; ++curr) {
if (in_comment_or_string)
out << *curr;
else if (isspace(*curr) || *curr == '.')
previous_was_space = true;
else {
if (previous_was_space)
out << ' ';
out << *curr;
previous_was_space = false;
if (*curr == '#' || *curr == '"') in_comment_or_string = true;
return out.str();