Kartik Agaram ad1e53df8b 6778
2020-09-14 21:42:31 -07:00

255 lines
5.3 KiB

# Integer arithmetic using conventional precedence.
# Follows part 2 of Jack Crenshaw's "Let's build a compiler!"
# Limitations:
# No division yet.
# To build:
# $ ./translate_mu apps/
# Example session:
# $ ./a.elf
# press ctrl-c or ctrl-d to exit
# > 1
# 1
# > 1+1
# 2
# > 1 + 1
# 2
# > 1+2 +3
# 6
# > 1+2 *3
# 7
# > (1+2) *3
# 9
# > 1 + 3*4
# 13
# > ^D
# $
# Error handling is non-existent. This is just a prototype.
fn main -> exit-status/ebx: int {
var look/esi: byte <- copy 0 # lookahead
var n/eax: int <- copy 0 # result of each expression
print-string 0, "press ctrl-c or ctrl-d to exit\n"
# read-eval-print loop
# print prompt
print-string 0, "> "
# read and eval
n, look <- simplify # we explicitly thread 'look' everywhere
# if (look == 0) break
compare look, 0
# print
print-int32-decimal 0, n
print-string 0, "\n"
exit-status <- copy 0
fn simplify -> result/eax: int, look/esi: byte {
# prime the pump
look <- get-char
# do it
result, look <- expression look
fn expression _look: byte -> result/eax: int, look/esi: byte {
look <- copy _look # should be a no-op
# read arg
result, look <- term look
$expression:loop: {
# while next non-space char in ['+', '-']
look <- skip-spaces look
var continue?/eax: boolean <- is-add-or-sub? look
compare continue?, 0 # false
break-if-= $expression:loop
# read operator
var op/ecx: byte <- copy 0
op, look <- operator look
# read next arg
var second/edx: int <- copy 0
look <- skip-spaces look
var tmp/eax: int <- copy 0
tmp, look <- term look
second <- copy tmp
# reduce
$expression:perform-op: {
compare op, 0x2b # '+'
result <- add second
break $expression:perform-op
compare op, 0x2d # '-'
result <- subtract second
break $expression:perform-op
look <- skip-spaces look
fn term _look: byte -> result/eax: int, look/esi: byte {
look <- copy _look # should be a no-op
# read arg
look <- skip-spaces look
result, look <- factor look
$term:loop: {
# while next non-space char in ['*', '/']
look <- skip-spaces look
var continue?/eax: boolean <- is-mul-or-div? look
compare continue?, 0 # false
break-if-= $term:loop
# read operator
var op/ecx: byte <- copy 0
op, look <- operator look
# read next arg
var second/edx: int <- copy 0
look <- skip-spaces look
var tmp/eax: int <- copy 0
tmp, look <- factor look
second <- copy tmp
# reduce
$term:perform-op: {
compare op, 0x2a # '*'
result <- multiply second
break $term:perform-op
#? {
#? compare op, 0x2f # '/'
#? break-if-!=
#? result <- divide second # not in Mu yet
#? break $term:perform-op
#? }
fn factor _look: byte -> result/eax: int, look/esi: byte {
$factor:body: {
look <- copy _look # should be a no-op
look <- skip-spaces look
# if next char is not '(', parse a number
compare look, 0x28 # '('
result, look <- num look
break $factor:body
# otherwise recurse
look <- get-char # '('
result, look <- expression look
look <- skip-spaces look
look <- get-char # ')'
} # $factor:body
fn is-mul-or-div? c: byte -> result/eax: boolean {
$is-mul-or-div?:body: {
compare c, 0x2a # '*'
result <- copy 1 # true
break $is-mul-or-div?:body
compare c, 0x2f # '/'
result <- copy 1 # true
break $is-mul-or-div?:body
result <- copy 0 # false
} # $is-mul-or-div?:body
fn is-add-or-sub? c: byte -> result/eax: boolean {
$is-add-or-sub?:body: {
compare c, 0x2b # '+'
result <- copy 1 # true
break $is-add-or-sub?:body
compare c, 0x2d # '-'
result <- copy 1 # true
break $is-add-or-sub?:body
result <- copy 0 # false
} # $is-add-or-sub?:body
fn operator _look: byte -> op/ecx: byte, look/esi: byte {
op <- copy _look
look <- get-char
fn num _look: byte -> result/eax: int, look/esi: byte {
look <- copy _look # should be a no-op
var out/edi: int <- copy 0
var first-digit/eax: int <- to-decimal-digit look
out <- copy first-digit
look <- get-char
# done?
var digit?/eax: boolean <- is-decimal-digit? look
compare digit?, 0 # false
# out *= 10
var ten/eax: int <- copy 0xa
out <- multiply ten
# out += digit(look)
var digit/eax: int <- to-decimal-digit look
out <- add digit
result <- copy out
fn skip-spaces _look: byte -> look/esi: byte {
look <- copy _look # should be a no-op
compare look, 0x20
look <- get-char
fn get-char -> look/esi: byte {
var tmp/eax: byte <- read-key-from-real-keyboard
look <- copy tmp
compare look, 0
print-string 0, "^D\n"