2020-12-25 12:28:10 -08:00

33 lines
1.3 KiB
Executable File

# Translate given SubX files with debug information on Linux.
# Mu provides 3 canonical ways to translate unsafe SubX programs:
# 0. The C++ translator 'bootstrap translate' can generate traces for
# debugging on Linux or BSD or Mac, but doesn't support any syntax sugar.
# 1. The self-hosted translator can be run natively on Linux using
# 'translate_subx'. It is fast and supports all syntax sugar, but you get no
# trace for debugging.
# 2. The self-hosted translator can be run emulated on Linux or BSD or Mac
# using 'translate_subx_emulated'. It supports all syntax sugar. However, it
# can be slow if you generate traces.
# This script fills in the gap above by stitching together aspects from
# multiple approaches. It translates syntax sugar natively, but emulates lower
# levels using the C++ translator. The result is complete and relatively fast
# even when generating traces.
# The cost: it needs Linux. There is no script to generate traces while
# running emulated on BSD or Mac. That's often impractically slow.
set -e
cat $* |apps/braces > a.braces
cat a.braces |apps/calls > a.calls
cat a.calls |apps/sigils > a.sigils
./bootstrap_bin --debug translate a.sigils -o a.elf
chmod +x a.elf