--[[ @title lua-profiler @version 1.1 @description Code profiling for Lua based code; The output is a report file (text) and optionally to a console or other logger. The initial reason for this project was to reduce misinterpretations of code profiling caused by the lengthy measurement time of the 'ProFi' profiler v1.3; and then to remove the self-profiler functions from the output report. The profiler code has been substantially rewritten to remove dependence to the 'OO' class definitions, and repetitions in code; thus this profiler has a smaller code footprint and reduced execution time up to ~900% faster. The second purpose was to allow slight customisation of the output report, which I have parametrised the output report and rewritten. Caveats: I didn't include an 'inspection' function that ProFi had, also the RAM output is gone. Please configure the profiler output in top of the code, particularly the location of the profiler source file (if not in the 'main' root source directory). @authors Charles Mallah @copyright (c) 2018-2020 Charles Mallah @license MIT license @sample Output will be generated like this, all output here is ordered by time (seconds): `> TOTAL TIME = 0.030000 s `-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `| FILE : FUNCTION : LINE : TIME : % : # | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `| map : new : 301 : 0.1330 : 52.2 : 2 | `| map : unpackTileLayer : 197 : 0.0970 : 38.0 : 36 | `| engine : loadAtlas : 512 : 0.0780 : 30.6 : 1 | `| map : init : 292 : 0.0780 : 30.6 : 1 | `| map : setTile : 38 : 0.0500 : 19.6 : 20963| `| engine : new : 157 : 0.0220 : 8.6 : 1 | `| map : unpackObjectLayer : 281 : 0.0190 : 7.5 : 2 | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `| ui : sizeCharLimit : 328 : ~ : ~ : 2 | `| modules/profiler : stop : 192 : ~ : ~ : 1 | `| ui : sizeWidthToScreenWidthHalf : 301 : ~ : ~ : 4 | `| map : setRectGridTo : 255 : ~ : ~ : 7 | `| ui : sizeWidthToScreenWidth : 295 : ~ : ~ : 11 | `| character : warp : 32 : ~ : ~ : 15 | `| panels : Anon : 0 : ~ : ~ : 1 | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The partition splits the notable code that is running the slowest, all other code is running too fast to determine anything specific, instead of displaying "0.0000" the script will tidy this up as "~". Table headers % and # refer to percentage total time, and function call count. @example Print a profile report of a code block `local profiler = require("profiler") `profiler.start() `-- Code block and/or called functions to profile -- `profiler.stop() `profiler.report("profiler.log") @example Profile a code block and allow mirror print to a custom print function `local profiler = require("profiler") `function exampleConsolePrint() ` -- Custom function in your code-base to print to file or console -- `end `profiler.attachPrintFunction(exampleConsolePrint, true) `profiler.start() `-- Code block and/or called functions to profile -- `profiler.stop() `profiler.report("profiler.log") -- exampleConsolePrint will now be called from this @example Override a configuration parameter programmatically; insert your override values into a new table using the matched key names: `local overrides = { ` fW = 100, -- Change the file column to 100 characters (from 20) ` fnW = 120, -- Change the function column to 120 characters (from 28) ` } `profiler.configuration(overrides) ]] --[[ Configuration ]]-- local config = { outputFile = "profiler.lua", -- Name of this profiler (to remove itself from reports) emptyToThis = "~", -- Rows with no time are set to this value fW = 20, -- Width of the file column fnW = 28, -- Width of the function name column lW = 7, -- Width of the line column tW = 7, -- Width of the time taken column rW = 6, -- Width of the relative percentage column cW = 5, -- Width of the call count column reportSaved = "> Report saved to: ", -- Text for the file output confirmation } --[[ Locals ]]-- local module = {} local getTime = os.clock local string, debug, table = string, debug, table local reportCache = {} local allReports = {} local reportCount = 0 local startTime = 0 local stopTime = 0 local printFun = nil local verbosePrint = false local outputHeader, formatHeader, outputTitle, formatOutput, formatTotalTime local formatFunLine, formatFunTime, formatFunRelative, formatFunCount, divider, nilTime local function deepCopy(input) if type(input) == "table" then local output = {} for i, o in next, input, nil do output[deepCopy(i)] = deepCopy(o) end return output else return input end end local function charRepetition(n, character) local s = "" character = character or " " for _ = 1, n do s = s..character end return s end local function singleSearchReturn(inputString, search) for _ in string.gmatch(inputString, search) do -- luacheck: ignore return true end return false end local function rebuildColumnPatterns() local c = config local str = "s: %-" outputHeader = "| %-"..c.fW..str..c.fnW..str..c.lW..str..c.tW..str..c.rW..str..c.cW.."s|\n" formatHeader = string.format(outputHeader, "FILE", "FUNCTION", "LINE", "TIME", "%", "#") outputTitle = "%-"..c.fW.."."..c.fW..str..c.fnW.."."..c.fnW..str..c.lW.."s" formatOutput = "| %s: %-"..c.tW..str..c.rW..str..c.cW.."s|\n" formatTotalTime = "Total time: %f s\n" formatFunLine = "%"..(c.lW - 2).."i" formatFunTime = "%04.4f" formatFunRelative = "%03.1f" formatFunCount = "%"..(c.cW - 1).."i" divider = charRepetition(#formatHeader - 1, "-").."\n" -- nilTime = "0."..charRepetition(c.tW - 3, "0") nilTime = "0.0000" end local function functionReport(information) local src = information.short_src if not src then src = "" elseif string.sub(src, #src - 3, #src) == ".lua" then src = string.sub(src, 1, #src - 4) end local name = information.name if not name then name = "Anon" elseif string.sub(name, #name - 1, #name) == "_l" then name = string.sub(name, 1, #name - 2) end local title = string.format(outputTitle, src, name, string.format(formatFunLine, information.linedefined or 0)) local report = reportCache[title] if not report then report = { title = string.format(outputTitle, src, name, string.format(formatFunLine, information.linedefined or 0)), count = 0, timer = 0, } reportCache[title] = report reportCount = reportCount + 1 allReports[reportCount] = report end return report end local onDebugHook = function(hookType) local information = debug.getinfo(2, "nS") if hookType == "call" then local funcReport = functionReport(information) funcReport.callTime = getTime() funcReport.count = funcReport.count + 1 elseif hookType == "return" then local funcReport = functionReport(information) if funcReport.callTime and funcReport.count > 0 then funcReport.timer = funcReport.timer + (getTime() - funcReport.callTime) end end end --[[ Functions ]]-- --[[Attach a print function to the profiler, to receive a single string parameter @param fn (function) @param verbose (boolean) ]] function module.attachPrintFunction(fn, verbose) printFun = fn verbosePrint = verbose or false end --[[Start the profiling ]] function module.start() if not outputHeader then rebuildColumnPatterns() end reportCache = {} allReports = {} reportCount = 0 startTime = getTime() stopTime = nil debug.sethook(onDebugHook, "cr", 0) end --[[Stop profiling ]] function module.stop() stopTime = getTime() debug.sethook() end --[[Writes the profile report to file (will stop profiling if not stopped already) @param filename (string) [File will be created and overwritten] ]] function module.report(filename) if not stopTime then module.stop() end filename = filename or "profiler.log" table.sort(allReports, function(a, b) return a.timer > b.timer end) local fileWriter = io.open(filename, "w+") local divide = false local totalTime = stopTime - startTime local totalTimeOutput = "> "..string.format(formatTotalTime, totalTime) fileWriter:write(totalTimeOutput) if printFun ~= nil then printFun(totalTimeOutput) end fileWriter:write(divider) fileWriter:write(formatHeader) fileWriter:write(divider) for i = 1, reportCount do local funcReport = allReports[i] if funcReport.count > 0 and funcReport.timer <= totalTime then local printThis = true if config.outputFile ~= "" then if singleSearchReturn(funcReport.title, config.outputFile) then printThis = false end end if printThis then -- Remove lines that are not needed if singleSearchReturn(funcReport.title, "[[C]]") then printThis = false end end if printThis then local count = string.format(formatFunCount, funcReport.count) local timer = string.format(formatFunTime, funcReport.timer) local relTime = string.format(formatFunRelative, (funcReport.timer / totalTime) * 100) if not divide and timer == nilTime then fileWriter:write(divider) divide = true end if timer == nilTime then timer = config.emptyToThis relTime = config.emptyToThis end -- Build final line local output = string.format(formatOutput, funcReport.title, timer, relTime, count) fileWriter:write(output) -- This is a verbose print to the attached print function if printFun ~= nil and verbosePrint then printFun(output) end end end end fileWriter:write(divider) fileWriter:close() if printFun ~= nil then printFun(config.reportSaved.."'"..filename.."'") end end --[[Modify the configuration of this module programmatically; Provide a table with keys that share the same name as the configuration parameters: @param overrides (table) [Each key is from a valid name, the value is the override] @unpack config ]] function module.configuration(overrides) local safe = deepCopy(overrides) for k, v in pairs(safe) do if config[k] == nil then print("error: override field '"..k.."' not found (configuration)") else config[k] = v end end rebuildColumnPatterns() end --[[ End ]]-- return module