toot-toot.tlv: scrolling

This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-03-12 09:06:12 -08:00
parent cebe9abffe
commit 6ece3bb664
1 changed files with 109 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -227,7 +227,6 @@
> debugy = 5
> local toots = split(prose, '\n\n===\n\n')
> pos = 1
> debugy = 5
> for i, toot in ipairs(toots) do
> if i > 1 then
> pos = render_delimiter(window, '\n\n===\n\n', pos, cursor)
@ -557,3 +556,112 @@
>A tiny editor (no scrolling) for composing a series of toots or tweets. Always shows character counts for current state of prose.
>Typing '===' on its own lines, surrounded by empty lines, partitions prose and gives all segments independent character counts. Good for threads (tweetstorms).
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 11 09:45:27 2022
>first_toot = 1
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 11 11:47:34 2022
>function update(window)
> local key = window:getch()
> local h, w = window:getmaxyx()
> if key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if cursor > 1 then
> cursor = cursor-1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
> if cursor <= #prose then
> cursor = cursor+1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
> cursor = cursor_down(prose, cursor, w)
> elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
> cursor = cursor_up(prose, cursor, w)
> elseif key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 8 or key == 127 then -- ctrl-h, ctrl-?, delete
> if cursor > 1 then
> cursor = cursor-1
> prose = prose:remove(cursor)
> end
> elseif key == 6 then -- ctrl-f
> first_toot = first_toot+1
> elseif key == 2 then -- ctrl-b
> if first_toot > 1 then
> first_toot = first_toot-1
> end
> elseif key == 11 then -- ctrl-k
> prose = ''
> cursor = 1
> elseif key == 23 then -- ctrl-w
> local out ='toot', 'w')
> if out ~= nil then
> out:write(prose, '\n')
> out:close()
> end
> elseif key == 10 or (key >= 32 and key < 127) then
> prose = prose:insert(string.char(key), cursor-1)
> cursor = cursor+1
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 11 11:48:43 2022
>-- To show app-specific hotkeys in the menu bar, add hotkey/command
>-- arrays of strings to the menu array.
>menu = {
> {'^w', 'write to "toot"'},
> {'^f|^b', 'scroll'},
> {'^k', 'clear'},
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 12 08:48:44 2022
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> debugy = 5
> local toots = split(prose, '\n\n===\n\n')
> pos = 1
> for i, toot in ipairs(toots) do
>--? dbg(window, "render: "..i.." pos "..pos.." cursor "..cursor)
> if i > 1 then
> pos = render_delimiter(window, '\n\n===\n\n', pos, cursor)
>--? dbg(window, "delim: "..pos.." cursor "..cursor)
> end
> if i <= first_toot then
> window:clear()
> end
> pos = render_text(window, toot, pos, cursor)
> print('')
>--? dbg(window, "text: "..pos.." cursor "..cursor)
> window:attron(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:addstr(toot:len())
> window:attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
> end
> window:refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 12 08:57:41 2022
>A tiny editor (no scrolling) for composing a series of toots or tweets.
>Always shows character counts for current state of prose.
>Typing '===' on its own lines, surrounded by empty lines, partitions prose and gives all segments independent character counts. Good for threads (tweetstorms).
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 12 08:59:52 2022
>hacky scrolling support
>Since I started out rendering a toot at a time and tracking the position
>as I rendered each toot, the easiest way to build this was to scroll a
>toot at a time, always render each toot and just decide when to stop
>clearing the screen. This way I don't mess with the position computation
>logic which is carefully synced between render and cursor_up/cursor_down.
>But there may be a more elegant approach if I was building the current state
>from scratch.
>A tiny editor for composing a short series of toots or tweets. Always shows character counts for current state of prose.
>Typing '===' on its own lines, surrounded by empty lines, partitions prose and gives all segments independent character counts. Good for threads (tweetstorms).
>Scrolling support is rudimentary. Keys to scroll are independent of cursor movement, so cursor can move off the screen and confusingly 'get lost'.