graphviz: second sketch to present the Focus

In the process we fix some bugs in how we compare tables and count nodes
in the graph.
This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-03-19 00:02:21 -07:00
parent b94f07e0b5
commit ad0ce8b83e

View File

@ -115,13 +115,17 @@
>function eq(a, b)
> if type(a) ~= type(b) then return false end
> if type(a) == 'table' then
> if #a ~= #b then return false end
> for k, v in pairs(a) do
> if b[k] ~= v then
> return false
> end
> return true
> end
> for k, v in pairs(b) do
> if a[k] ~= v then
> return false
> end
> end
> return true
> end
> return a == b
@ -878,12 +882,29 @@
> parse_graph(tokens, graph)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 18:59:24 2022
>function count(h)
> local result = 0
> for k, v in pairs(h) do
> result = result+1
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 18:59:24 2022
>function num_nodes(Graph)
> local result = 0
> local nodes = {}
> for k, v in pairs(Graph) do
> nodes[k] = true
> for k, v in pairs(v) do
> nodes[k] = true
> end
> end
> local result = 0
> for k, v in pairs(nodes) do
> result = result+1
> end
> return result
@ -963,6 +984,12 @@
>Fri Mar 18 20:30:39 2022
>function render_queries_on_focus(window)
> render_reachable_sets(window)
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:30:39 2022
>function render_reachable_sets(window)
> local deps = {}
> local needed_by = {}
> for _, node in ipairs(Focus) do
@ -974,29 +1001,87 @@
> append(needed_by[dep], {node})
> end
> end
> window:mvaddstr(10, 0, '')
> bold(window, 'universal deps shared by everything in focus: ')
> render_set(window, filter(needed_by, function(node, deps) return #deps == #Focus end))
> for _, node in ipairs(Focus) do
> local y, x = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(y+2, 0, '- '..node)
> bold(window, ' #deps: ')
> window:addstr(num_nodes(deps[node]))
> bold(window, ' overlapping but not universal: ')
> render_set(window, filter(deps[node], function(k, v) return #needed_by[k] > 1 and #needed_by[k] < #Focus end))
> bold(window, ' unique: ')
> render_set(window, filter(deps[node], function(k, v) return #needed_by[k] == 1 end))
> for k, v in ipairs(needed_by) do
> table.sort(v)
> end
> window:mvaddstr(10, 0, '')
> local sets = {Focus} -- queue
> local done = {}
> while #sets > 0 do
> local from_nodes = table.remove(sets, 1)
> if #from_nodes == 0 then break end
> table.sort(from_nodes)
> local key = table.concat(from_nodes)
> if done[key] == nil then
> done[key] = true
> local y, x = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(y+2, 0, '')
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> render_list(window, from_nodes)
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> window:addstr(' -> ')
> render_set(window, filter(needed_by, function(node, users) return set_eq(users, from_nodes) end))
> for i, elem in ipairs(from_nodes) do
> table.insert(sets, all_but(from_nodes, i))
> end
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function render_list(window, l)
> window:addstr('{')
> for i, node in ipairs(l) do
> if i > 1 then window:addstr(' ') end
> window:addstr(node)
> end
> window:addstr('}')
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function render_set(window, h)
> window:addstr('(')
> window:addstr(num_nodes(h))
> window:addstr(count(h))
> window:addstr(') ')
> for node, _ in pairs(h) do
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function all_but(l, idx)
> local result = {}
> for i, elem in ipairs(l) do
> if i ~= idx then
> table.insert(result,elem)
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function set(l)
> local result = {}
> for i, elem in ipairs(l) do
> result[elem] = true
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function set_eq(l1, l2)
> return eq(set(l1), set(l2))
>function test_set_eq()
> check(set_eq({1}, {1}), 'set_eq: identical')
> check(not set_eq({1, 2}, {1, 3}), 'set_eq: different')
> check(set_eq({1, 2}, {2, 1}), 'set_eq: order')
> check(set_eq({1, 2, 2}, {2, 1}), 'set_eq: duplicates')