zet.tlv: cross-links

We also made render dynamic, showing zettels in the first place it
encounters them in depth-first order.

Open question: how to show a collapsed outline view with the data model
I'm experimenting with. Not even clear 'outline' has meaning in the
presence of cross-links. Outliners privilege one view of the network.
Zettelkasten also does so; changing child/sibling relationships is a lot
of work. However, reading between the links it seems to try to provide
an escape hatch for rethinking connections using cross-links. I'm trying
to lean into that -- at the cost of providing outlines. We'll see if
this is a good trade-off.
This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-02-10 21:33:21 -08:00
parent feb10708ae
commit c55956bf96
1 changed files with 820 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -1467,3 +1467,823 @@
> prev='id2',
> },
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:24:13 2022
>-- To show app-specific hotkeys in the menu bar, add hotkey/command
>-- arrays of strings to the menu array.
>menu = {
> {'a/b/c', 'insert'},
> {'e', 'edit'},
> {'j/k/l/h', 'move'},
> {'x/X/y/Y', 'resize'},
> {'s', 'stash'},
> {'t', 'link with stash'},
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:25:14 2022
>stash = nil
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:32:38 2022
>function update(window)
> local key = curses.getch()
> local h, w = window:getmaxyx()
> local curr = zettels[current_zettel_id]
> assert(curr, string.format('cursor fell off the edge of the world: %s', type(current_zettel_id)))
> -- move along the graph
> if key == string.byte('j') then
> if curr.child then
> current_zettel_id = curr.child
> elseif curr.next then
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> elseif curr.parent and zettels[curr.parent].next then
> current_zettel_id = zettels[curr.parent].next
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('k') then
> if curr.parent then current_zettel_id = curr.parent end
> elseif key == string.byte('h') then
> if curr.prev then
> current_zettel_id = curr.prev
> elseif curr.parent then
> current_zettel_id = curr.parent
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('l') then
> if curr.next then
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> elseif curr.parent and zettels[curr.parent].next then
> current_zettel_id = zettels[curr.parent].next
> end
> -- move along the screen
> elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
> if render_state.curr_h > 1 then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h - 1]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h + 1] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h + 1]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if render_state.curr_w > 1 then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w - 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1] and render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> -- mutations
> elseif key == string.byte('e') then
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('a') then
> -- insert sibling after
> local old = curr.next
> curr.next = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.next]
> new.data = ''
> new.next = old
> new.prev = current_zettel_id
> if old then
> zettels[old].prev = curr.next
> assert(curr.parent == zettels[old].parent, 'siblings should have same parent')
> end
> new.parent = curr.parent
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('b') then
> -- insert sibling before
> local old = curr.prev
> curr.prev = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.prev]
> new.data = ''
> new.prev = old
> new.next = current_zettel_id
> if old then
> zettels[old].next = curr.prev
> assert(curr.parent == zettels[old].parent, 'siblings should have same parent')
> end
> new.parent = curr.parent
> current_zettel_id = curr.prev
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('c') then
> -- insert child
> local old = curr.child
> curr.child = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.child]
> new.data = ''
> new.next = old
> if old then
> assert(zettels[old].prev == nil, "first child shouldn't have a previous sibling")
> zettels[old].prev = curr.child
> end
> new.parent = curr
> current_zettel_id = curr.child
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> -- cross-links
> elseif key == string.byte('s') then
> -- save zettel to a stash
> stash = current_zettel_id
> elseif key == string.byte('t') then
> -- cross-link a zettel bidirectionally with what's on the stash
> if curr.crosslinks then
> curr.crosslinks.a = stash
> else
> curr.crosslinks = {a=stash}
> end
> -- view settings
> elseif key == string.byte('x') then
> if view_settings.width > 5 then
> view_settings.width = view_settings.width - 5
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('X') then
> if view_settings.width < w-5 then
> view_settings.width = view_settings.width + 5
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('y') then
> if view_settings.height > 0 then
> view_settings.height = view_settings.height - 1
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('Y') then
> if view_settings.height < h-2 then
> view_settings.height = view_settings.height + 1
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:39:15 2022
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> local bg=1
> local y, x = 0, 0 -- units of characters (0-based)
> local w, h = 1, 1 -- units of zettels (1-based)
> -- render zettels depth-first, while tracking relative positions
> local done = {}
> local inprogress = {zettels.root}
> render_state.wh2id = {{}}
> while #inprogress > 0 do
> local currid = table.remove(inprogress)
> if not done[currid] then
> done[currid] = true
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id[w], currid)
> local zettel = zettels[currid]
> if currid == current_zettel_id then
> render_state.curr_w = w
> render_state.curr_h = h
> end
> local currbg = (currid == current_zettel_id) and view_settings.current_zettel_bg or bg
> render_zettel(window, currbg, depth(zettel) * view_settings.indent, y, x, zettel)
> if zettel.next then table.insert(inprogress, zettel.next) end
> if zettel.child then table.insert(inprogress, zettel.child) end
> if zettel.crosslinks then
> for relation, target in pairs(zettel.crosslinks) do
> table.insert(inprogress, target)
> end
> end
> bg = 3 - bg -- toggle between color pairs 1 and 2
> y = y + view_settings.height + view_settings.vmargin
> h = h + 1
> if y + view_settings.height > lines then
> y = 0
> h = 1
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> w = w + 1
> if x + view_settings.width > cols then break end
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id, {})
> end
> end
> end
> window:mvaddstr(lines-1, 0, '')
> bg = 1
> x = 0
> for i=1,3 do
> local zettel = nil
> if i == 1 and stash then
> zettel = zettels[stash]
> end
> render_zettel(window, bg, 0, lines-1, x, zettel)
> bg = 3 - bg
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> end
> curses.refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:40:08 2022
>initial support for cross-links
>Kinda confusing because zettels still show indent based on their
>hierarchical location rather than the path they're rendered in.
>function render_zettel(window, bg, indent, starty, startx, zettel)
> window:attrset(curses.color_pair(bg))
> for y=0,view_settings.height-1 do
> for x=0,view_settings.width-1 do
> window:mvaddch(y+starty, x+startx, ' ')
> end
> end
> local y, x = 0, indent+1
> local data = ''
> if zettel then
> data = zettel.data
> end
> for i=1,#data do
> local c = data[i]
> if c == '\n' then
> y = y+1
> x = indent+1
> else
> window:mvaddstr(y+starty, x+startx, c)
> x = x+1
> if x >= startx + view_settings.width then
> y = y+1
> x = indent+1
> end
> end
> if y >= view_settings.height then
> break
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:44:29 2022
>looks better after dynamically recomputing depth while rendering
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> local bg=1
> local y, x = 0, 0 -- units of characters (0-based)
> local w, h = 1, 1 -- units of zettels (1-based)
> -- render zettels depth-first, while tracking relative positions
> local done = {}
> local inprogress = {{id=zettels.root,depth=0}}
> render_state.wh2id = {{}}
> while #inprogress > 0 do
> local curr = table.remove(inprogress)
> if not done[curr.id] then
> done[curr.id] = true
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id[w], curr.id)
> local zettel = zettels[curr.id]
> if curr.id == current_zettel_id then
> render_state.curr_w = w
> render_state.curr_h = h
> end
> local currbg = (curr.id == current_zettel_id) and view_settings.current_zettel_bg or bg
> render_zettel(window, currbg, curr.depth * view_settings.indent, y, x, zettel)
> if zettel.next then table.insert(inprogress, {id=zettel.next, depth=curr.depth}) end
> if zettel.child then table.insert(inprogress, {id=zettel.child, depth=curr.depth+1}) end
> if zettel.crosslinks then
> for relation, target in pairs(zettel.crosslinks) do
> table.insert(inprogress, {id=target, depth=curr.depth+1})
> end
> end
> bg = 3 - bg -- toggle between color pairs 1 and 2
> y = y + view_settings.height + view_settings.vmargin
> h = h + 1
> if y + view_settings.height > lines then
> y = 0
> h = 1
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> w = w + 1
> if x + view_settings.width > cols then break end
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id, {})
> end
> end
> end
> window:mvaddstr(lines-1, 0, '')
> bg = 1
> x = 0
> for i=1,3 do
> local zettel = nil
> if i == 1 and stash then
> zettel = zettels[stash]
> end
> render_zettel(window, bg, 0, lines-1, x, zettel)
> bg = 3 - bg
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> end
> curses.refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:55:19 2022
>function render_zettel(window, bg, indent, edge_label, starty, startx, zettel)
> window:attrset(curses.color_pair(bg))
> for y=0,view_settings.height-1 do
> for x=0,view_settings.width-1 do
> window:mvaddch(y+starty, x+startx, ' ')
> end
> end
> if indent > 1 then
> window:attrset(curses.color_pair(bg+1)) -- go from zettel color to its edge color
> window:mvaddstr(starty, startx+indent-1, edge_label)
> window:attrset(curses.color_pair(bg))
> end
> local y, x = 0, indent+1
> local data = ''
> if zettel then
> data = zettel.data
> end
> for i=1,#data do
> local c = data[i]
> if c == '\n' then
> y = y+1
> x = indent+1
> else
> window:mvaddstr(y+starty, x+startx, c)
> x = x+1
> if x >= startx + view_settings.width then
> y = y+1
> x = indent+1
> end
> end
> if y >= view_settings.height then
> break
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:58:49 2022
>view_settings = {
> -- dimensions for rendering a single zettel; extra text gets truncated
> width=50,
> height=3,
> -- spacing between zettels
> hmargin=1,
> vmargin=1,
> --
> indent=2, -- how children of a zettel are indicated
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 20:59:18 2022
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> local bg=3
> local y, x = 0, 0 -- units of characters (0-based)
> local w, h = 1, 1 -- units of zettels (1-based)
> -- render zettels depth-first, while tracking relative positions
> local done = {}
> local inprogress = {{id=zettels.root,depth=0,edge=''}}
> render_state.wh2id = {{}}
> while #inprogress > 0 do
> local curr = table.remove(inprogress)
> if not done[curr.id] then
> done[curr.id] = true
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id[w], curr.id)
> local zettel = zettels[curr.id]
> if curr.id == current_zettel_id then
> render_state.curr_w = w
> render_state.curr_h = h
> end
> local currbg = (curr.id == current_zettel_id) and 1 or bg -- 1 is the color pair for the current zettel
> render_zettel(window, currbg, curr.depth * view_settings.indent, curr.edge, y, x, zettel)
> if zettel.next then table.insert(inprogress, {id=zettel.next, depth=curr.depth, edge='|'}) end
> if zettel.child then table.insert(inprogress, {id=zettel.child, depth=curr.depth+1, edge='\\'}) end
> if zettel.crosslinks then
> for relation, target in pairs(zettel.crosslinks) do
> table.insert(inprogress, {id=target, depth=curr.depth+1, edge=relation})
> end
> end
> bg = 8 - bg -- toggle between color pairs 3 and 5
> y = y + view_settings.height + view_settings.vmargin
> h = h + 1
> if y + view_settings.height > lines then
> y = 0
> h = 1
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> w = w + 1
> if x + view_settings.width > cols then break end
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id, {})
> end
> end
> end
> window:mvaddstr(lines-1, 0, '')
> bg = 3
> x = 0
> for i=1,3 do
> local zettel = nil
> if i == 1 and stash then
> zettel = zettels[stash]
> end
> render_zettel(window, bg, 0, '', lines-1, x, zettel)
> bg = 8 - bg -- toggle between color pairs 3 and 5
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> end
> curses.refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 21:02:41 2022
>label the incoming edge for each zettel
>Is it a child, sibling or other cross-link?
>function init_colors()
> -- light background
> -- current zettel
> curses.init_pair(1, 236, 230)
> curses.init_pair(2, 1, 230) -- edge label for current zettel
> -- non-current zettel #1
> curses.init_pair(3, 236, 250)
> curses.init_pair(4, 1, 250) -- edge label for pair 3
> -- non-current zettel #2
> curses.init_pair(5, 236, 252)
> curses.init_pair(6, 1, 252) -- edge label for pair 5
> -- dark background
>--? -- current zettel
>--? curses.init_pair(7, 252, 130)
>--? -- other zettels
>--? curses.init_pair(1, 252, 240)
>--? curses.init_pair(2, 252, 242)
>--? -- edge labels
>--? curses.init_pair(3, 1, 240) -- same bg as pair 1
>--? curses.init_pair(4, 1, 242) -- same bg as pair 2
>--? curses.init_pair(9, 1, 130) -- same bg as pair 7 for current zettel
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 21:11:35 2022
>-- To show app-specific hotkeys in the menu bar, add hotkey/command
>-- arrays of strings to the menu array.
>menu = {
> {'a/b/c', 'insert'},
> {'e', 'edit'},
> {'j/k/l/h', 'move'},
> {'x/X/y/Y', 'resize'},
> {'s', 'stash'},
> {'t', 'link with stash'},
> {'z', 'scroll'},
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 21:13:19 2022
>function main()
> init_colors()
> curses.curs_set(0) -- hide cursor except when editing
> local infile = io.open('zet', 'r')
> if infile then
> read_zettels(infile)
> end
> current_zettel_id = zettels.root -- cursor
> view_settings.first_zettel = zettels.root -- start rendering here
> while true do
> render(window)
> update(window)
> -- save zettels, but hold on to previous state on disk
> -- until last possible second
> local filename = os.tmpname()
> local outfile = io.open(filename, 'w')
> if outfile then
> write_zettels(outfile)
> os.rename(filename, 'zet')
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 21:13:36 2022
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> local bg=3
> local y, x = 0, 0 -- units of characters (0-based)
> local w, h = 1, 1 -- units of zettels (1-based)
> -- render zettels depth-first, while tracking relative positions
> local done = {}
> local inprogress = {{id=view_settings.first_zettel,depth=0,edge=''}}
> render_state.wh2id = {{}}
> while #inprogress > 0 do
> local curr = table.remove(inprogress)
> if not done[curr.id] then
> done[curr.id] = true
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id[w], curr.id)
> local zettel = zettels[curr.id]
> if curr.id == current_zettel_id then
> render_state.curr_w = w
> render_state.curr_h = h
> end
> local currbg = (curr.id == current_zettel_id) and 1 or bg -- 1 is the color pair for the current zettel
> render_zettel(window, currbg, curr.depth * view_settings.indent, curr.edge, y, x, zettel)
> if zettel.next then table.insert(inprogress, {id=zettel.next, depth=curr.depth, edge='|'}) end
> if zettel.child then table.insert(inprogress, {id=zettel.child, depth=curr.depth+1, edge='\\'}) end
> if zettel.crosslinks then
> for relation, target in pairs(zettel.crosslinks) do
> table.insert(inprogress, {id=target, depth=curr.depth+1, edge=relation})
> end
> end
> bg = 8 - bg -- toggle between color pairs 3 and 5
> y = y + view_settings.height + view_settings.vmargin
> h = h + 1
> if y + view_settings.height > lines then
> y = 0
> h = 1
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> w = w + 1
> if x + view_settings.width > cols then break end
> table.insert(render_state.wh2id, {})
> end
> end
> end
> window:mvaddstr(lines-1, 0, '')
> bg = 3
> x = 0
> for i=1,3 do
> local zettel = nil
> if i == 1 and stash then
> zettel = zettels[stash]
> end
> render_zettel(window, bg, 0, '', lines-1, x, zettel)
> bg = 8 - bg -- toggle between color pairs 3 and 5
> x = x + view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin
> end
> curses.refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 21:19:26 2022
>bugfix: cross-links should be bidirectional
>function update(window)
> local key = curses.getch()
> local h, w = window:getmaxyx()
> local curr = zettels[current_zettel_id]
> assert(curr, string.format('cursor fell off the edge of the world: %s', type(current_zettel_id)))
> -- move along the graph
> if key == string.byte('j') then
> if curr.child then
> current_zettel_id = curr.child
> elseif curr.next then
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> elseif curr.parent and zettels[curr.parent].next then
> current_zettel_id = zettels[curr.parent].next
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('k') then
> if curr.parent then current_zettel_id = curr.parent end
> elseif key == string.byte('h') then
> if curr.prev then
> current_zettel_id = curr.prev
> elseif curr.parent then
> current_zettel_id = curr.parent
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('l') then
> if curr.next then
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> elseif curr.parent and zettels[curr.parent].next then
> current_zettel_id = zettels[curr.parent].next
> end
> -- move along the screen
> elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
> if render_state.curr_h > 1 then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h - 1]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h + 1] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h + 1]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if render_state.curr_w > 1 then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w - 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1] and render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> -- mutations
> elseif key == string.byte('e') then
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('a') then
> -- insert sibling after
> local old = curr.next
> curr.next = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.next]
> new.data = ''
> new.next = old
> new.prev = current_zettel_id
> if old then
> zettels[old].prev = curr.next
> assert(curr.parent == zettels[old].parent, 'siblings should have same parent')
> end
> new.parent = curr.parent
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('b') then
> -- insert sibling before
> local old = curr.prev
> curr.prev = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.prev]
> new.data = ''
> new.prev = old
> new.next = current_zettel_id
> if old then
> zettels[old].next = curr.prev
> assert(curr.parent == zettels[old].parent, 'siblings should have same parent')
> end
> new.parent = curr.parent
> current_zettel_id = curr.prev
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('c') then
> -- insert child
> local old = curr.child
> curr.child = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.child]
> new.data = ''
> new.next = old
> if old then
> assert(zettels[old].prev == nil, "first child shouldn't have a previous sibling")
> zettels[old].prev = curr.child
> end
> new.parent = curr
> current_zettel_id = curr.child
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> -- cross-links
> elseif key == string.byte('s') then
> -- save zettel to a stash
> stash = current_zettel_id
> elseif key == string.byte('t') then
> -- cross-link a zettel bidirectionally with what's on the stash
> local insert_crosslink =
> function(a, rel, b_id)
> if a.crosslinks == nil then
> a.crosslinks = {}
> end
> a.crosslinks[rel] = b_id
> end
> insert_crosslink(curr, 'a', stash)
> insert_crosslink(zettels[stash], 'a', current_zettel_id)
> -- view settings
> elseif key == string.byte('x') then
> if view_settings.width > 5 then
> view_settings.width = view_settings.width - 5
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('X') then
> if view_settings.width < w-5 then
> view_settings.width = view_settings.width + 5
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('y') then
> if view_settings.height > 0 then
> view_settings.height = view_settings.height - 1
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('Y') then
> if view_settings.height < h-2 then
> view_settings.height = view_settings.height + 1
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('z') then
> -- scroll to show the current zettel at top of screen
> -- often has the effect of zooming in on its hierarchy
> view_settings.first_zettel = current_zettel_id
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 10 21:20:45 2022
>clear stash after linking
>function update(window)
> local key = curses.getch()
> local h, w = window:getmaxyx()
> local curr = zettels[current_zettel_id]
> assert(curr, string.format('cursor fell off the edge of the world: %s', type(current_zettel_id)))
> -- move along the graph
> if key == string.byte('j') then
> if curr.child then
> current_zettel_id = curr.child
> elseif curr.next then
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> elseif curr.parent and zettels[curr.parent].next then
> current_zettel_id = zettels[curr.parent].next
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('k') then
> if curr.parent then current_zettel_id = curr.parent end
> elseif key == string.byte('h') then
> if curr.prev then
> current_zettel_id = curr.prev
> elseif curr.parent then
> current_zettel_id = curr.parent
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('l') then
> if curr.next then
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> elseif curr.parent and zettels[curr.parent].next then
> current_zettel_id = zettels[curr.parent].next
> end
> -- move along the screen
> elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
> if render_state.curr_h > 1 then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h - 1]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h + 1] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w][render_state.curr_h + 1]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if render_state.curr_w > 1 then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w - 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1] and render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> -- mutations
> elseif key == string.byte('e') then
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('a') then
> -- insert sibling after
> local old = curr.next
> curr.next = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.next]
> new.data = ''
> new.next = old
> new.prev = current_zettel_id
> if old then
> zettels[old].prev = curr.next
> assert(curr.parent == zettels[old].parent, 'siblings should have same parent')
> end
> new.parent = curr.parent
> current_zettel_id = curr.next
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('b') then
> -- insert sibling before
> local old = curr.prev
> curr.prev = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.prev]
> new.data = ''
> new.prev = old
> new.next = current_zettel_id
> if old then
> zettels[old].next = curr.prev
> assert(curr.parent == zettels[old].parent, 'siblings should have same parent')
> end
> new.parent = curr.parent
> current_zettel_id = curr.prev
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> elseif key == string.byte('c') then
> -- insert child
> local old = curr.child
> curr.child = new_id()
> local new = zettels[curr.child]
> new.data = ''
> new.next = old
> if old then
> assert(zettels[old].prev == nil, "first child shouldn't have a previous sibling")
> zettels[old].prev = curr.child
> end
> new.parent = curr
> current_zettel_id = curr.child
> render(window) -- recompute render_state
> editz(window)
> -- cross-links
> elseif key == string.byte('s') then
> -- save zettel to a stash
> stash = current_zettel_id
> elseif key == string.byte('t') then
> -- cross-link a zettel bidirectionally with what's on the stash
> local insert_crosslink =
> function(a, rel, b_id)
> if a.crosslinks == nil then
> a.crosslinks = {}
> end
> a.crosslinks[rel] = b_id
> end
> insert_crosslink(curr, 'a', stash)
> insert_crosslink(zettels[stash], 'a', current_zettel_id)
> stash = nil
> -- view settings
> elseif key == string.byte('x') then
> if view_settings.width > 5 then
> view_settings.width = view_settings.width - 5
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('X') then
> if view_settings.width < w-5 then
> view_settings.width = view_settings.width + 5
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('y') then
> if view_settings.height > 0 then
> view_settings.height = view_settings.height - 1
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('Y') then
> if view_settings.height < h-2 then
> view_settings.height = view_settings.height + 1
> end
> elseif key == string.byte('z') then
> -- scroll to show the current zettel at top of screen
> -- often has the effect of zooming in on its hierarchy
> view_settings.first_zettel = current_zettel_id
> end