zet.tlv: editing a single zettel

This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-02-08 00:28:20 -08:00
parent a8fb6d4002
commit fb251c2819

View File

@ -160,13 +160,9 @@
>-- To show app-specific hotkeys in the menu bar, add hotkey/command
>-- arrays of strings to the menu array.
>menu = {}
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function update(window)
> local key = curses.getch()
> -- process key here
>menu = {
> {'^e', 'edit'},
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function init_colors()
@ -323,6 +319,11 @@
> if render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1] and render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h] then
> current_zettel_id = render_state.wh2id[render_state.curr_w + 1][render_state.curr_h]
> end
> --
> elseif key == 5 then -- ctrl-e
> local old_menu = menu
> editz(window)
> menu = old_menu
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
@ -388,3 +389,302 @@
> indent=2, -- how children of a zettel are indicated
> current_zettel_bg=3, -- color pair index initialized in init_colors
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function editz()
> menu = { {'^e', 'back to browsing'},}
> local top = (render_state.curr_h - 1) * (view_settings.height + view_settings.vmargin)
> local bottom = top + view_settings.height
> local left = (render_state.curr_w - 1) * (view_settings.width + view_settings.hmargin)
> local right = left + view_settings.width
> local cursor = 1
> curses.curs_set(0)
> local quit = false
> while not quit do
> editz_render(window, zettels[current_zettel_id].data, cursor, top, bottom, left, right)
> quit, zettels[current_zettel_id].data, cursor = editz_update(window, zettels[current_zettel_id].data, cursor)
> end
> curses.curs_set(1)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function editz_render(window, s, cursor, top, bottom, left, right)
> window:attrset(curses.color_pair(view_settings.current_zettel_bg))
> for y=top,bottom-1 do
> for x=left,right-1 do
> window:mvaddch(y, x, ' ')
> end
> end
> left = left + 1 -- left padding; TODO: indent
> local y, x = top, left
> window:mvaddstr(y, x, '')
> for i=1,string.len(s) do
> -- render character
> if i == cursor then
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> -- newline at cursor = render extra space in reverse video before jumping to new line
> window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
> window:addch(' ')
> window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
> else
> -- most characters at cursor = render in reverse video
> window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
> window:addstr(s[i])
> window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
> end
> else
> if s[i] ~= '\n' then
> window:addstr(s[i])
> end
> end
> -- update cursor position
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> x = left
> y = y + 1
> if y >= bottom then return end
> window:mvaddstr(y, x, '')
> else
> x = x + 1
> if x >= right then
> y = y + 1
> if y >= bottom then return end
> x = left
> window:mvaddstr(y, x, '')
> end
> end
> end
> if cursor > string.len(s) then
> window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
> window:addch(' ')
> window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
> else
> window:addch(' ')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function editz_update(window, prose, cursor)
> local key = curses.getch()
> local h, w = window:getmaxyx()
> if key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if cursor > 1 then
> cursor = cursor-1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
> if cursor <= #prose then
> cursor = cursor+1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
> cursor = cursor_down(prose, cursor, w)
> elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
> cursor = cursor_up(prose, cursor, w)
> elseif key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE or key == 8 or key == 127 then -- ctrl-h, ctrl-?, delete
> if cursor > 1 then
> cursor = cursor-1
> prose = prose:remove(cursor)
> end
> elseif key == 5 then -- ctrl-e
> return true, prose, cursor
> elseif key == 10 or (key >= 32 and key < 127) then
> prose = prose:insert(string.char(key), cursor-1)
> cursor = cursor+1
> end
> return false, prose, cursor
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function cursor_down(s, old_idx, width)
> local max = string.len(s)
> local i = 1
> -- compute oldcol, the screen column of old_idx
> local oldcol = 0
> local col = 0
> while true do
> if i > max then
> -- abnormal old_idx
> return old_idx
> end
> if i == old_idx then
> oldcol = col
> break
> end
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> col = 0
> else
> col = col+1
> end
> i = i+1
> end
> -- skip rest of line
> while true do
> if i > max then
> -- current line is at bottom
> if col >= width then
> return i
> end
> return old_idx
> end
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> break
> end
> if i - old_idx >= width then
> return i
> end
> col = col+1
> i = i+1
> end
> -- compute index at same column on next line
> -- i is at a newline
> i = i+1
> col = 0
> while true do
> if i > max then
> -- next line is at bottom and is too short; position at end of it
> return i
> end
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> -- next line is too short; position at end of it
> return i
> end
> if col == oldcol then
> return i
> end
> col = col+1
> i = i+1
> end
>function test_cursor_down()
> -- lines that don't wrap
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 1, 5), 5, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line first char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 2, 5), 6, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 3, 5), 7, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line final char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 4, 5), 8, 'cursor_down: non-bottom line end')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 5, 5), 5, 'cursor_down: bottom line first char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 6, 5), 6, 'cursor_down: bottom line mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\ndef', 7, 5), 7, 'cursor_down: bottom line final char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abc\n\ndef', 2, 5), 5, 'cursor_down: to shorter line')
> -- within a single wrapping line
> -- |abcde| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |fgh |
> check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefgh', 1, 5), 6, 'cursor_down from wrapping line: first char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefgh', 2, 5), 7, 'cursor_down from wrapping line: mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefgh', 5, 5), 9, 'cursor_down from wrapping line: to shorter line')
> -- within a single very long wrapping line
> -- |abcde| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |fghij| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |klm |
> check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefghijklm', 1, 5), 6, 'cursor_down within wrapping line: first char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefghijklm', 2, 5), 7, 'cursor_down within wrapping line: mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_down('abcdefghijklm', 5, 5), 10, 'cursor_down within wrapping line: final char')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function cursor_up(s, old_idx, width)
> local max = string.len(s)
> local i = 1
> -- compute oldcol, the screen column of old_idx
> local oldcol = 0
> local col = 0
> local newline_before_current_line = 0
> while true do
> if i > max or i == old_idx then
> oldcol = col
> break
> end
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> col = 0
> newline_before_current_line = i
> else
> col = col+1
> if col == width then
> col = 0
> end
> end
> i = i+1
> end
> -- find previous newline
> i = i-col-1
> if old_idx - newline_before_current_line > width then
> -- we're in a wrapped line
> return old_idx - width
> end
> -- scan back to start of previous line
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> i = i-1
> end
> while true do
> if i < 1 then
> -- current line is at top
> break
> end
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> break
> end
> i = i-1
> end
> -- i is at a newline
> i = i+1
> -- skip whole screen lines within previous line
> while newline_before_current_line - i > width do
> i = i + width
> end
> -- compute index at same column on previous screen line
> col = 0
> while true do
> if i > max then
> -- next line is at bottom and is too short; position at end of it
> return i
> end
> if s[i] == '\n' then
> -- next line is too short; position at end of it
> return i
> end
> if col == oldcol then
> return i
> end
> col = col+1
> i = i+1
> end
>function test_cursor_up()
> -- lines that don't wrap
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 1, 5), 1, 'cursor_up: top line first char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 2, 5), 2, 'cursor_up: top line mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 3, 5), 3, 'cursor_up: top line final char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 4, 5), 4, 'cursor_up: top line end')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 5, 5), 1, 'cursor_up: non-top line first char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 6, 5), 2, 'cursor_up: non-top line mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef', 7, 5), 3, 'cursor_up: non-top line final char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abc\ndef\n', 8, 5), 4, 'cursor_up: non-top line end')
> check_eq(cursor_up('ab\ndef\n', 7, 5), 3, 'cursor_up: to shorter line')
> -- within a single wrapping line
> -- |abcde| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |fgh |
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 6, 5), 1, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: first char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 7, 5), 2, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 8, 5), 3, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: final char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefgh', 9, 5), 4, 'cursor_up from wrapping line: wrapped line end')
> -- within a single very long wrapping line
> -- |abcde| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |fghij| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |klm |
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 11, 5), 6, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: first char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 12, 5), 7, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 13, 5), 8, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: final char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefghijklm', 14, 5), 9, 'cursor_up within wrapping line: wrapped line end')
> -- from below to (the bottom of) a wrapping line
> -- |abcde| <-- wrap, no newline
> -- |fg |
> -- |hij |
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 9, 5), 6, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: first char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 10, 5), 7, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: mid char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 11, 5), 8, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: final char')
> check_eq(cursor_up('abcdefg\nhij', 12, 5), 8, 'cursor_up to wrapping line: to shorter line')