Kartik K. Agaram b56590ddc9 some more reorg of the standard library
Now life.tlv and gemini.tlv are also minimizing how much of the standard
library they pull in, just to be easy to read.
2022-03-27 11:42:19 -07:00

536 lines
16 KiB

# .tlv file generated by
# You may edit it if you are careful; however, you may see cryptic errors if you
# violate Teliva's assumptions.
# .tlv files are representations of Teliva programs. Teliva programs consist of
# sequences of definitions. Each definition is a table of key/value pairs. Keys
# and values are both strings.
# Lines in .tlv files always follow exactly one of the following forms:
# - comment lines at the top of the file starting with '#' at column 0
# - beginnings of definitions starting with '- ' at column 0, followed by a
# key/value pair
# - key/value pairs consisting of ' ' at column 0, containing either a
# spaceless value on the same line, or a multi-line value
# - multiline values indented by more than 2 spaces, starting with a '>'
# If these constraints are violated, Teliva may unceremoniously crash. Please
# report bugs at
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- some string helpers from
>-- index characters using []
>getmetatable('').__index = function(str,i)
> if type(i) == 'number' then
> return str:sub(i,i)
> else
> return string[i]
> end
>-- ranges using (), selected bytes using {}
>getmetatable('').__call = function(str,i,j)
> if type(i)~='table' then
> return str:sub(i,j)
> else
> local t={}
> for k,v in ipairs(i) do
> t[k]=str:sub(v,v)
> end
> return table.concat(t)
> end
>-- iterate over an ordered sequence
>function q(x)
> if type(x) == 'string' then
> return x:gmatch('.')
> else
> return ipairs(x)
> end
>-- insert within string
>function string.insert(str1, str2, pos)
> return str1:sub(1,pos)..str2..str1:sub(pos+1)
>function string.remove(s, pos)
> return s:sub(1,pos-1)..s:sub(pos+1)
>function string.pos(s, sub)
> return string.find(s, sub, 1, true) -- plain=true to disable regular expressions
>-- TODO: backport utf-8 support from Lua 5.3
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>debugy = 5
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- helper for debug by print; overlay debug information towards the right
>-- reset debugy every time you refresh screen
>function dbg(window, s)
> local oldy = 0
> local oldx = 0
> oldy, oldx = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(debugy, 60, s)
> debugy = debugy+1
> window:mvaddstr(oldy, oldx, '')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check(x, msg)
> if x then
> Window:addch('.')
> else
> print('F - '..msg)
> print(' '..str(x)..' is false/nil')
> teliva_num_test_failures = teliva_num_test_failures + 1
> -- overlay first test failure on editors
> if teliva_first_failure == nil then
> teliva_first_failure = msg
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check_eq(x, expected, msg)
> if eq(x, expected) then
> Window:addch('.')
> else
> print('F - '..msg)
> print(' expected '..str(expected)..' but got '..str(x))
> teliva_num_test_failures = teliva_num_test_failures + 1
> -- overlay first test failure on editors
> if teliva_first_failure == nil then
> teliva_first_failure = msg
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function eq(a, b)
> if type(a) ~= type(b) then return false end
> if type(a) == 'table' then
> if #a ~= #b then return false end
> for k, v in pairs(a) do
> if b[k] ~= v then
> return false
> end
> end
> for k, v in pairs(b) do
> if a[k] ~= v then
> return false
> end
> end
> return true
> end
> return a == b
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- smarter tostring
>-- slow; used only for debugging
>function str(x)
> if type(x) == 'table' then
> local result = ''
> result = result..#x..'{'
> for k, v in pairs(x) do
> result = result..str(k)..'='..str(v)..', '
> end
> result = result..'}'
> return result
> elseif type(x) == 'string' then
> return '"'..x..'"'
> end
> return tostring(x)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function find_index(arr, x)
> for n, y in ipairs(arr) do
> if x == y then
> return n
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function trim(s)
> return s:gsub('^%s*', ''):gsub('%s*$', '')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function split(s, d)
> result = {}
> for match in (s..d):gmatch("(.-)"..d) do
> table.insert(result, match);
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function clear(lines)
> while #lines > 0 do
> table.remove(lines)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>Window = curses.stdscr()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render_line(window, y, line)
> window:mvaddstr(y, 0, '')
> for i=1,line:len() do
> window:addstr(line[i])
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render_link(window, y, line)
> local rendered_line = line:gsub('=>%s*%S*%s*', '')
> if trim(rendered_line) == '' then
> rendered_line = line
> end
> render_line(window, y, rendered_line)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>state = {
> lines={},
> history={},
> highlight_index=0,
> source=false, -- show source (link urls, etc.)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render_page(window)
> local y = 0
> window:attron(curses.color_pair(6))
> print(state.url)
> window:attroff(curses.color_pair(6))
> y = y+2
>--? dbg(window, state.highlight_index)
> for i, line in pairs(state.lines) do
> if not state.source and line:find('=> ') == 1 then
> if state.highlight_index == 0 or i == state.highlight_index then
> -- highlighted link
> state.highlight_index = i -- TODO: ugly state update while rendering, just for first render after gemini_get
> window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
> render_link(window, y, line)
> window:attroff(curses.A_REVERSE)
> else
> -- link
> window:attron(curses.A_BOLD)
> render_link(window, y, line)
> window:attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
> end
> else
> -- non-link
> render_line(window, y, line)
> end
> y = y+1
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render(window, lines)
> window:clear()
> render_page(window, lines)
> curses.curs_set(0)
> window:refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>menu = {
> {'Enter', 'go to highlight'},
> {'<-', 'back'},
> {'^g', 'enter url'},
> {'^u', 'view source'},
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function edit_line(window)
> local result = ''
> local cursor = 1
> local screen_rows, screen_cols = window:getmaxyx()
> menu = {
> {'enter', 'submit'},
> {'^g', 'cancel'},
> {'^u', 'clear'},
> }
> while true do
> window:mvaddstr(screen_rows-1, 9, '')
> window:clrtoeol()
> window:mvaddstr(screen_rows-1, 9, result)
> window:attron(curses.A_REVERSE)
> -- window:refresh()
> local key = window:getch()
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> if key >= 32 and key < 127 then
> local screen_rows, screen_cols = window:getmaxyx()
> if #result < screen_cols then
> result = result:insert(string.char(key), cursor-1)
> cursor = cursor+1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if cursor > 1 then
> cursor = cursor-1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_RIGHT then
> if cursor <= #result then
> cursor = cursor+1
> end
> elseif key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE then
> if cursor > 1 then
> cursor = cursor-1
> result = result:remove(cursor)
> end
> elseif key == 21 then -- ctrl-u
> result = ''
> cursor = 1
> elseif key == 10 then -- enter
> return result
> elseif key == 7 then -- ctrl-g
> return nil
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function is_link(line)
> return line:find('=>%s*%S*%s*') == 1
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function next_link()
> local new_index = state.highlight_index
> while true do
> new_index = new_index+1
> if new_index > #state.lines then return end
> if is_link(state.lines[new_index]) then break end
> end
> state.highlight_index = new_index
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function previous_link()
> local new_index = state.highlight_index
> while true do
> new_index = new_index - 1
> if new_index < 1 then return end
> if is_link(state.lines[new_index]) then break end
> end
> state.highlight_index = new_index
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function update(window)
> local key = window:getch()
> local screen_rows, screen_cols = window:getmaxyx()
> if key == curses.KEY_DOWN then
> next_link()
> elseif key == curses.KEY_UP then
> previous_link()
> elseif key == curses.KEY_LEFT then
> if #state.history > 1 then
> table.remove(state.history)
> gemini_get(table.remove(state.history))
> end
> elseif key == 21 then -- ctrl-u
> state.source = not state.source
> elseif key == 10 then -- enter
> local s, e, new_url = string.find(state.lines[state.highlight_index], '=>%s*(%S*)')
> gemini_get(url.absolute(state.url, new_url))
> elseif key == 7 then -- ctrl-g
> window:mvaddstr(screen_rows-2, 0, '')
> window:clrtoeol()
> window:mvaddstr(screen_rows-1, 0, '')
> window:clrtoeol()
> window:mvaddstr(screen_rows-1, 5, 'go: ')
> curses.curs_set(2)
> local old_menu = menu
> local new_url = edit_line(window)
> menu = old_menu
> if new_url then
> state.url = new_url
> gemini_get(new_url)
> end
> curses.curs_set(0)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function init_colors()
> for i=0,7 do
> curses.init_pair(i, i, -1)
> end
> curses.init_pair(8, 7, 0)
> curses.init_pair(9, 7, 1)
> curses.init_pair(10, 7, 2)
> curses.init_pair(11, 7, 3)
> curses.init_pair(12, 7, 4)
> curses.init_pair(13, 7, 5)
> curses.init_pair(14, 7, 6)
> curses.init_pair(15, -1, 15)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function main()
> Window:clear()
> Window:refresh()
> init_colors()
> local lines = {}
> local url = ''
> if #arg > 0 then
> state.url = arg[1]
> lines = gemini_get(state.url)
> end
> while true do
> render(Window, lines)
> update(Window, lines)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function http_get(url)
> --
> local parsed_url = socket.url.parse(url)
> local tcp = socket.tcp()
> tcp:connect(, 80)
> tcp:send('GET / HTTP/1.1\r\n')
> -- http requires the Host header
> tcp:send(string.format('Host: %s\r\n',
> tcp:send('\r\n')
> -- tcp:receive('*a') doesn't seem to detect when a request is done
> -- so we have to manage the size of the expected response
> headers = {}
> while true do
> local s, status = tcp:receive()
> if s == nil then break end
> if s == '' then break end
> local header, value = s:match('(.-): (.*)')
> if header == nil then
> print(s)
> else
> headers[header:lower()] = value
> print(header, value)
> end
> end
> local bytes_remaining = tonumber(headers['content-length'])
> body = ''
> while true do
> local s, status = tcp:receive(bytes_remaining)
> if s == nil then break end
> body = body .. s
> bytes_remaining = bytes_remaining - s:len()
> if bytes_remaining <= 0 then break end
> end
> return body
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function https_get(url)
> local parsed_url = socket.url.parse(url)
> local params = {
> mode = 'client',
> protocol = 'any',
> verify = 'none', -- I don't know what I'm doing
> options = 'all',
> }
> local conn = socket.tcp()
> conn:connect(, parsed_url.port or 443)
> conn, err = ssl.wrap(conn, params)
> if conn == nil then
> io.write(err)
> os.exit(1)
> end
> conn:dohandshake()
> conn:send(url .. "\r\n")
> local line, err = conn:receive()
> return line or err
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function parse_gemini_body(conn, type)
> if type == 'text/gemini' then
> while true do
> local line, err = conn:receive()
> if line == nil then break end
> table.insert(state.lines, line)
> end
> elseif type:sub(1, 5) == 'text/' then
> while true do
> local line, err = conn:receive()
> if line == nil then break end
> table.insert(state.lines, line)
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- returns an array of lines, containing either the body or just an error
>function gemini_get(url)
> if url:find("://") == nil then
> url = "gemini://" .. url
> end
> local parsed_url = socket.url.parse(url)
> local params = {
> mode = 'client',
> protocol = 'any',
> verify = 'none', -- I don't know what I'm doing
> options = 'all',
> }
> local conn = socket.tcp()
> local conn2, err = conn:connect(, parsed_url.port or 1965)
> clear(state.lines)
> state.highlight_index = 0 -- highlighted link not computed yet
> if conn2 == nil then
> table.insert(state.lines, err)
> return
> end
> conn, err = ssl.wrap(conn, params)
> if conn == nil then
> table.insert(state.lines, err)
> return
> end
> conn:dohandshake()
> conn:send(url .. "\r\n")
> local line, err = conn:receive()
> if line == nil then
> table.insert(state.lines, err)
> return
> end
> local status, meta = line:match("(%S+) (%S+)")
> if status[1] == '2' then
> parse_gemini_body(conn, meta)
> state.url = url
> table.insert(state.history, url)
> elseif status[1] == '3' then
> gemini_get(socket.url.absolute(url, meta))
> elseif status[1] == '4' or line[1] == '5' then
> table.insert(state.lines, 'Error: '..meta)
> else
> table.insert(state.lines, 'invalid response from server: '..line)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 17 20:04:42 2022
>A bare-bones browser for the Gemini protocol
>A couple of good pages to try it out with:
> $ src/teliva gemini.tlv
> $ src/teliva gemini.tlv
> $ src/teliva gemini.tlv # shows 20 random links from Gemini space