2022-03-02 22:15:01 -08:00

131 lines
4.1 KiB

# .tlv file generated by
# You may edit it if you are careful; however, you may see cryptic errors if you
# violate Teliva's assumptions.
# .tlv files are representations of Teliva programs. Teliva programs consist of
# sequences of definitions. Each definition is a table of key/value pairs. Keys
# and values are both strings.
# Lines in .tlv files always follow exactly one of the following forms:
# - comment lines at the top of the file starting with '#' at column 0
# - beginnings of definitions starting with '- ' at column 0, followed by a
# key/value pair
# - key/value pairs consisting of ' ' at column 0, containing either a
# spaceless value on the same line, or a multi-line value
# - multiline values indented by more than 2 spaces, starting with a '>'
# If these constraints are violated, Teliva may unceremoniously crash. Please
# report bugs at
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> local line = math.floor(lines/2)
> local col = math.floor(cols/4)
> for i,t in ipairs(tower) do
> render_tower(window, line, i*col, i, t)
> end
> window:refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function lines(window)
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> return lines
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function pop(array)
> return table.remove(array)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>Window = curses.stdscr()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render_tower(window, line, col, tower_index, tower)
> window:attron(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:mvaddch(line+2, col, string.char(96+tower_index))
> window:attroff(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:attron(curses.color_pair(15))
> window:mvaddstr(line+1, col-6, " ")
> window:attroff(curses.color_pair(15))
> for i, n in ipairs(tower) do
> render_disk(window, line, col, n)
> line = line - 1
> end
> for i=1,5-len(tower)+1 do
> window:attron(curses.color_pair(15))
> window:mvaddstr(line, col, " ")
> window:attroff(curses.color_pair(15))
> line = line - 1
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>tower = {{6, 5, 4, 3, 2}, {}, {}}
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render_disk(window, line, col, size)
> col = col-size+1
> for i=1,size do
> window:attron(curses.color_pair(size))
> window:mvaddstr(line, col, " ")
> window:attroff(curses.color_pair(size))
> col = col+2
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function main()
> curses.assume_default_colors(238, 139)
> for i=1,7 do
> curses.init_pair(i, 0, i)
> end
> curses.init_pair(15, 0, 250) -- tower frames
> while true do
> render(Window)
> update(Window)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function len(array)
> local result = 0
> for k in pairs(array) do
> result = result+1
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function update(window)
> window:mvaddstr(lines(window)-2, 5, "tower to remove top disk from? ")
> local from = window:getch() - 96
> window:mvaddstr(lines(window)-1, 5, "tower to stack it on? ")
> local to = window:getch() - 96
> make_move(from, to)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function make_move(from, to)
> local disk = pop(tower[from])
> table.insert(tower[to], disk)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function cols(window)
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> return cols
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Thu Feb 17 20:07:06 2022
>Single-player game: the Towers of Hanoi
>Move disks around from one tower A to tower B, under one constraint: a disk can never lie above a smaller disk.