Kartik K. Agaram b56590ddc9 some more reorg of the standard library
Now life.tlv and gemini.tlv are also minimizing how much of the standard
library they pull in, just to be easy to read.
2022-03-27 11:42:19 -07:00

1434 lines
42 KiB

# .tlv file generated by
# You may edit it if you are careful; however, you may see cryptic errors if you
# violate Teliva's assumptions.
# .tlv files are representations of Teliva programs. Teliva programs consist of
# sequences of definitions. Each definition is a table of key/value pairs. Keys
# and values are both strings.
# Lines in .tlv files always follow exactly one of the following forms:
# - comment lines at the top of the file starting with '#' at column 0
# - beginnings of definitions starting with '- ' at column 0, followed by a
# key/value pair
# - key/value pairs consisting of ' ' at column 0, containing either a
# spaceless value on the same line, or a multi-line value
# - multiline values indented by more than 2 spaces, starting with a '>'
# If these constraints are violated, Teliva may unceremoniously crash. Please
# report bugs at
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- some string helpers from
>-- index characters using []
>getmetatable('').__index = function(str,i)
> if type(i) == 'number' then
> return str:sub(i,i)
> else
> return string[i]
> end
>-- ranges using (), selected bytes using {}
>getmetatable('').__call = function(str,i,j)
> if type(i)~='table' then
> return str:sub(i,j)
> else
> local t={}
> for k,v in ipairs(i) do
> t[k]=str:sub(v,v)
> end
> return table.concat(t)
> end
>-- iterate over an ordered sequence
>function q(x)
> if type(x) == 'string' then
> return x:gmatch('.')
> else
> return ipairs(x)
> end
>-- insert within string
>function string.insert(str1, str2, pos)
> return str1:sub(1,pos)..str2..str1:sub(pos+1)
>function string.remove(s, pos)
> return s:sub(1,pos-1)..s:sub(pos+1)
>function string.pos(s, sub)
> return string.find(s, sub, 1, true) -- plain=true to disable regular expressions
>-- TODO: backport utf-8 support from Lua 5.3
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>debugy = 5
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- helper for debug by print; overlay debug information towards the right
>-- reset debugy every time you refresh screen
>function dbg(window, s)
> local oldy = 0
> local oldx = 0
> oldy, oldx = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(debugy, 60, s)
> debugy = debugy+1
> window:mvaddstr(oldy, oldx, '')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check(x, msg)
> if x then
> Window:addch('.')
> else
> print('F - '..msg)
> print(' '..str(x)..' is false/nil')
> teliva_num_test_failures = teliva_num_test_failures + 1
> -- overlay first test failure on editors
> if teliva_first_failure == nil then
> teliva_first_failure = msg
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check_eq(x, expected, msg)
> if eq(x, expected) then
> Window:addch('.')
> else
> print('F - '..msg)
> print(' expected '..str(expected)..' but got '..str(x))
> teliva_num_test_failures = teliva_num_test_failures + 1
> -- overlay first test failure on editors
> if teliva_first_failure == nil then
> teliva_first_failure = msg
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function eq(a, b)
> if type(a) ~= type(b) then return false end
> if type(a) == 'table' then
> if #a ~= #b then return false end
> for k, v in pairs(a) do
> if b[k] ~= v then
> return false
> end
> end
> for k, v in pairs(b) do
> if a[k] ~= v then
> return false
> end
> end
> return true
> end
> return a == b
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- smarter tostring
>-- slow; used only for debugging
>function str(x)
> if type(x) == 'table' then
> local result = ''
> result = result..#x..'{'
> for k, v in pairs(x) do
> result = result..str(k)..'='..str(v)..', '
> end
> result = result..'}'
> return result
> elseif type(x) == 'string' then
> return '"'..x..'"'
> end
> return tostring(x)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function find_index(arr, x)
> for n, y in ipairs(arr) do
> if x == y then
> return n
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function trim(s)
> return s:gsub('^%s*', ''):gsub('%s*$', '')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function split(s, d)
> result = {}
> for match in (s..d):gmatch("(.-)"..d) do
> table.insert(result, match);
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- only for arrays
>function map(l, f)
> result = {}
> for _, x in ipairs(l) do
> table.insert(result, f(x))
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- only for arrays
>function reduce(l, f, init)
> result = init
> for _, x in ipairs(l) do
> result = f(result, x)
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function filter(h, f)
> result = {}
> for k, v in pairs(h) do
> if f(k, v) then
> result[k] = v
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- only for arrays
>function ifilter(l, f)
> result = {}
> for _, x in ipairs(l) do
> if f(x) then
> table.insert(result, x)
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function sort_letters(s)
> tmp = {}
> for i=1,#s do
> table.insert(tmp, s[i])
> end
> table.sort(tmp)
> local result = ''
> for _, c in pairs(tmp) do
> result = result..c
> end
> return result
>function test_sort_letters(s)
> check_eq(sort_letters(''), '', 'test_sort_letters: empty')
> check_eq(sort_letters('ba'), 'ab', 'test_sort_letters: non-empty')
> check_eq(sort_letters('abba'), 'aabb', 'test_sort_letters: duplicates')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- TODO: handle unicode
>function count_letters(s)
> local result = {}
> for i=1,s:len() do
> local c = s[i]
> if result[c] == nil then
> result[c] = 1
> else
> result[c] = result[c] + 1
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- turn an array of elements into a map from elements to their frequency
>-- analogous to count_letters for non-strings
>function count(a)
> local result = {}
> for i, v in ipairs(a) do
> if result[v] == nil then
> result[v] = 1
> else
> result[v] = result[v] + 1
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function union(a, b)
> for k, v in pairs(b) do
> a[k] = v
> end
> return a
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- set subtraction
>function subtract(a, b)
> for k, v in pairs(b) do
> a[k] = nil
> end
> return a
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- universal quantifier on sets
>function all(s, f)
> for k, v in pairs(s) do
> if not f(k, v) then
> return false
> end
> end
> return true
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- turn a set into an array
>-- drops values
>function to_array(h)
> local result = {}
> for k, _ in pairs(h) do
> table.insert(result, k)
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- concatenate list 'elems' into 'l', modifying 'l' in the process
>function append(l, elems)
> for i=1,#elems do
> table.insert(l, elems[i])
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- concatenate list 'elems' into the start of 'l', modifying 'l' in the process
>function prepend(l, elems)
> for i=1,#elems do
> table.insert(l, i, elems[i])
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function all_but(x, idx)
> if type(x) == 'table' then
> local result = {}
> for i, elem in ipairs(x) do
> if i ~= idx then
> table.insert(result,elem)
> end
> end
> return result
> elseif type(x) == 'string' then
> if idx < 1 then return x:sub(1) end
> return x:sub(1, idx-1) .. x:sub(idx+1)
> else
> error('all_but: unsupported type '..type(x))
> end
>function test_all_but()
> check_eq(all_but('', 0), '', 'all_but: empty')
> check_eq(all_but('abc', 0), 'abc', 'all_but: invalid low index')
> check_eq(all_but('abc', 4), 'abc', 'all_but: invalid high index')
> check_eq(all_but('abc', 1), 'bc', 'all_but: first index')
> check_eq(all_but('abc', 3), 'ab', 'all_but: final index')
> check_eq(all_but('abc', 2), 'ac', 'all_but: middle index')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function set(l)
> local result = {}
> for i, elem in ipairs(l) do
> result[elem] = true
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function set_eq(l1, l2)
> return eq(set(l1), set(l2))
>function test_set_eq()
> check(set_eq({1}, {1}), 'set_eq: identical')
> check(not set_eq({1, 2}, {1, 3}), 'set_eq: different')
> check(set_eq({1, 2}, {2, 1}), 'set_eq: order')
> check(set_eq({1, 2, 2}, {2, 1}), 'set_eq: duplicates')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function clear(lines)
> while #lines > 0 do
> table.remove(lines)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function zap(target, src)
> clear(target)
> append(target, src)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- memoized version of factorial
>-- doesn't memoize recursive calls, but may be good enough
>mfactorial = memo1(factorial)
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function factorial(n)
> local result = 1
> for i=1,n do
> result = result*i
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- a higher-order function that takes a function of a single arg
>-- (that never returns nil)
>-- and returns a memoized version of it
>function memo1(f)
> local memo = {}
> return function(x)
> if memo[x] == nil then
> memo[x] = f(x)
> end
> return memo[x]
> end
>-- mfactorial doesn't seem noticeably faster
>function test_memo1()
> for i=0,30 do
> check_eq(mfactorial(i), factorial(i), 'memo1 over factorial: '..str(i))
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- number of permutations of n distinct objects, taken r at a time
>function num_permutations(n, r)
> return factorial(n)/factorial(n-r)
>-- mfactorial doesn't seem noticeably faster
>function test_memo1()
> for i=0,30 do
> for j=0,i do
> check_eq(num_permutations(i, j), mfactorial(i)/mfactorial(i-j), 'num_permutations memoizes: '..str(i)..'P'..str(j))
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- To show app-specific hotkeys in the menu bar, add hotkey/command
>-- arrays of strings to the menu array.
>menu = {}
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>Window = curses.stdscr()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- constructor for fake screen and window
>-- call it like this:
>-- local w = window{
>-- kbd=kbd('abc'),
>-- scr=scr{h=5, w=4},
>-- }
>-- eventually it'll do everything a real ncurses window can
>function window(h)
> h.__index = h
> setmetatable(h, h)
> h.__index = function(table, key)
> return rawget(h, key)
> end
> h.attrset = function(self, x)
> self.scr.attrs = x
> end
> h.attron = function(self, x)
> -- currently same as attrset since Lua 5.1 doesn't have bitwise operators
> -- doesn't support multiple attrs at once
>-- local old = self.scr.attrs
>-- self.scr.attrs = old|x
> self.scr.attrs = x
> end
> h.attroff = function(self, x)
> -- currently borked since Lua 5.1 doesn't have bitwise operators
> -- doesn't support multiple attrs at once
>-- local old = self.scr.attrs
>-- self.scr.attrs = old & (~x)
> self.scr.attrs = curses.A_NORMAL
> end
> h.getch = function(self)
> local c = table.remove(h.kbd, 1)
> if c == nil then return c end
> return string.byte(c) -- for verisimilitude with ncurses
> end
> h.addch = function(self, c)
> local scr = self.scr
> if c == '\n' then
> scr.cursy = scr.cursy+1
> scr.cursx = 0
> return
> end
> if scr.cursy <= scr.h then
> scr[scr.cursy][scr.cursx] = {data=c, attrs=scr.attrs}
> scr.cursx = scr.cursx+1
> if scr.cursx > scr.w then
> scr.cursy = scr.cursy+1
> scr.cursx = 1
> end
> end
> end
> h.addstr = function(self, s)
> for i=1,s:len() do
> self:addch(s[i])
> end
> end
> h.mvaddch = function(self, y, x, c)
> self.scr.cursy = y
> self.scr.cursx = x
> self:addch(c)
> end
> h.mvaddstr = function(self, y, x, s)
> self.scr.cursy = y
> self.scr.cursx = x
> self:addstr(s)
> end
> h.clear = function(self)
> clear_scr(self.scr)
> end
> h.refresh = function(self)
> -- nothing
> end
> return h
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function kbd(keys)
> local result = {}
> for i=1,keys:len() do
> table.insert(result, keys[i])
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function scr(props)
> props.cursx = 1
> props.cursy = 1
> clear_scr(props)
> return props
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function clear_scr(props)
> props.cursy = 1
> props.cursx = 1
> for y=1,props.h do
> props[y] = {}
> for x=1,props.w do
> props[y][x] = {data=' ', attrs=curses.A_NORMAL}
> end
> end
> return props
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check_screen(window, contents, message)
> local x, y = 1, 1
> for i=1,contents:len() do
> check_eq(window.scr[y][x].data, contents[i], message..'/'..y..','..x)
> x = x+1
> if x > window.scr.w then
> y = y+1
> x = 1
> end
> end
>-- putting it all together, an example test of both keyboard and screen
>function test_check_screen()
> local lines = {
> c='123',
> d='234',
> a='345',
> b='456',
> }
> local w = window{
> kbd=kbd('abc'),
> scr=scr{h=3, w=5},
> }
> local y = 1
> while true do
> local b = w:getch()
> if b == nil then break end
> w:mvaddstr(y, 1, lines[string.char(b)])
> y = y+1
> end
> check_screen(w, '345 '..
> '456 '..
> '123 ',
> 'test_check_screen')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check_reverse(window, contents, message)
> local x, y = 1, 1
> for i=1,contents:len() do
> if contents[i] ~= ' ' then
> -- hacky version while we're without bitwise operators on Lua 5.1
>-- check(window.scr[y][x].attrs & curses.A_REVERSE, message..'/'..y..','..x)
> check_eq(window.scr[y][x].attrs, curses.A_REVERSE, message..'/'..y..','..x)
> else
> -- hacky version while we're without bitwise operators on Lua 5.1
>-- check(window.scr[y][x].attrs & (~curses.A_REVERSE), message..'/'..y..','..x)
> check(window.scr[y][x].attrs ~= curses.A_REVERSE, message..'/'..y..','..x)
> end
> x = x+1
> if x > window.scr.w then
> y = y+1
> x = 1
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function check_bold(window, contents, message)
> local x, y = 1, 1
> for i=1,contents:len() do
> if contents[i] ~= ' ' then
> -- hacky version while we're without bitwise operators on Lua 5.1
>-- check(window.scr[y][x].attrs & curses.A_BOLD, message..'/'..y..','..x)
> check_eq(window.scr[y][x].attrs, curses.A_BOLD, message..'/'..y..','..x)
> else
> -- hacky version while we're without bitwise operators on Lua 5.1
>-- check(window.scr[y][x].attrs & (~curses.A_BOLD), message..'/'..y..','..x)
> check(window.scr[y][x].attrs ~= curses.A_BOLD, message..'/'..y..','..x)
> end
> x = x+1
> if x > window.scr.w then
> y = y+1
> x = 1
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- check which parts of a screen have the given color_pair
>function check_color(window, cp, contents, message)
> local x, y = 1, 1
> for i=1,contents:len() do
> if contents[i] ~= ' ' then
> -- hacky version while we're without bitwise operators on Lua 5.1
>-- check(window.scr[y][x].attrs & curses.color_pair(cp), message..'/'..y..','..x)
> check_eq(window.scr[y][x].attrs, curses.color_pair(cp), message..'/'..y..','..x)
> else
> -- hacky version while we're without bitwise operators on Lua 5.1
>-- check(window.scr[y][x].attrs & (~curses.A_BOLD), message..'/'..y..','..x)
> check(window.scr[y][x].attrs ~= curses.color_pair(cp), message..'/'..y..','..x)
> end
> x = x+1
> if x > window.scr.w then
> y = y+1
> x = 1
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- horizontal separator
>function sep(window)
> local y, _ = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(y+1, 0, '')
> local _, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> for col=1,cols do
> window:addstr('_')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> -- draw stuff to screen here
> window:attron(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:mvaddstr(1, 5, "example app")
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> for i=0,15 do
> window:attrset(curses.color_pair(i))
> window:mvaddstr(3+i, 5, "========================")
> end
> window:refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function update(window)
> local key = window:getch()
> -- process key here
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>A REPL for queries about a graph in a .dot file.
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function main()
> if #arg == 0 then
> Window:clear()
> print('restart this app with the name of a .dot file')
> Window:refresh()
> while true do Window:getch(); end
> end
> Graph = read_dot_file(arg[1])
> while true do
> render(Window)
> update(Window)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>Graph = {}
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function read_dot_file(filename)
> local graph = {}
> local infile = start_reading(nil, filename)
> if infile then
> local chars = graphviz_buffered_reader(infile)
> local tokens = graphviz_tokenizer(chars)
> parse_graph(tokens, graph)
> end
> return graph
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- a stream of characters that can peek up to two characters ahead at a time
>-- returns nil when there's nothing left to read
>function graphviz_buffered_reader(infile)
> return {
> infile = infile,
> peek =,
> peek2 =,
> read = function(self)
> local result = self.peek
> self.peek = self.peek2
> self.peek2 =
> return result
> end,
> }
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>-- a stream of tokens that can peek up to one token at a time
>-- returns nil when there's nothing left to read
>function graphviz_tokenizer(chars)
> return {
> chars = chars,
> peek = function(self)
> if not self.buffer then
> self.buffer = self:next_token()
> end
> return self.buffer
> end,
> read = function(self)
> local result
> if self.buffer then
> result = self.buffer
> self.buffer = nil
> else
> result = self:next_token()
> end
> return result
> end,
> next_token = function(self)
> self:skip_whitespace_and_comments()
> local c = self.chars.peek
> if c == nil then return nil end
> if string.pos('/*;,', c) then
> -- should be skipped as comments
> error('unexpected character '..c)
> elseif string.pos('[]{}():=', c) then
> -- single-char tokens
> return self.chars:read()
> elseif c == '"' then
> return self:string()
> elseif c == '<' then
> error('html strings are not implemented yet')
> elseif c == '-' then
> if self.chars.peek2 == '-' or self.chars.peek2 == '>' then
> return self:edgeop()
> else
> return self:numeral()
> end
> elseif string.pos('.0123456789', c) then
> return self:numeral()
> elseif string.match(c, '[%a_]') then
> return self:identifier()
> else
> error('unexpected character '..str(c))
> end
> end,
> skip_whitespace_and_comments = function(self)
> while true do
> local c = self.chars.peek
> if c == nil then
> break -- end of chars
> elseif string.match(c, '%s') then
> self.chars:read()
> elseif string.pos(',;', c) then
> self.chars:read()
> elseif c == '#' then
> self.chars:read() -- skip
> while self.chars:read() ~= '\n' do end
> elseif c == '/' then
> local c2 = self.chars.peek2
> if c2 == '*' then
> self.chars:read() -- skip '/'
> self.chars:read() -- skip '*'
> while true do
> if self.chars.peek == '*' and self.chars.peek2 == '/' then
> self.chars:read() -- skip '*'
> self.chars:read() -- skip '/'
> break
> end
> end
> elseif c2 == '/' then
> self.chars:read() -- skip '/'
> self.chars:read() -- skip '/'
> while self.chars:read() ~= '\n' do end
> else
> error('unexpected character after "/": '..c)
> end
> else
> break
> end
> end
> end,
> string = function(self)
> assert(self.chars.peek == '"')
> local result = self.chars:read()
> while true do
> local c = self.chars.peek
> if c == nil then
> error('unterminated string literal')
> end
> result = result..self.chars:read()
> if c == '\\' then
> result = result..self.chars:read() -- unconditionally read next char
> elseif c == '"' then
> break
> end
> end
> return result
> end,
> numeral = function(self)
> local result = ''
> while true do
> local c = self.chars.peek
> if c == nil then
> return result
> elseif string.pos('-.0123456789', c) then
> result = result..self.chars:read()
> else
> break
> end
> end
> if string.match(self.chars.peek, '%w') then
> error('invalid character after numeral '..result)
> end
> return result
> end,
> identifier = function(self)
> local result = ''
> while true do
> local c = self.chars.peek
> if c == nil then
> error('unterminated string literal')
> elseif string.match(c, '[%w_]') then
> result = result..self.chars:read()
> else
> break
> end
> end
> return result
> end,
> edgeop = function(self)
> return self.chars:read()..self.chars:read()
> end,
> }
>function check_tokenizer(stream, expected, msg)
> local infile = fake_file_stream(stream)
> local chars = graphviz_buffered_reader(infile)
> local tokens = graphviz_tokenizer(chars)
> check_eq(tokens:read(), expected, msg)
>function test_graphviz_tokenizer()
> check_tokenizer('123', '123', 'tokenizer: numeral')
> check_tokenizer(' 123', '123', 'tokenizer: skips whitespace')
> check_tokenizer('123 124', '123', 'tokenizer: numeral')
> check_tokenizer('-12.3 124', '-12.3', 'tokenizer: numeral')
> check_tokenizer('a123 124', 'a123', 'tokenizer: identifier')
> check_tokenizer('"abc def" 124', '"abc def"', 'tokenizer: string')
> check_tokenizer('', nil, 'tokenizer: eof')
- __teliva_timestamp: original
>function parse_graph(tokens, graph)
> local t = tokens:read()
> if t == 'strict' then
> t = tokens:read()
> end
> if t == 'graph' then
> error('undirected graphs not supported just yet')
> elseif t == 'digraph' then
> return parse_directed_graph(tokens, graph)
> else
> error('parse_graph: unexpected token '..t)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 16:52:39 2022
>function skip_attr_list(tokens)
> while true do
> local tok = tokens:read()
> if tok == nil then
> error('unterminated attr list; looked for "]" in vain')
> end
> if tok == ']' then break end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:01:49 2022
>function parse_directed_graph(tokens, graph)
> tokens:read() -- skip name
> assert(tokens:read() == '{')
> while true do
> if tokens:peek() == nil then
> error('file not terminated with "}"')
> end
> if tokens:peek() == '}' then break end
> local tok1 = tokens:read()
> if tok1 == '[' then
> skip_attr_list(tokens)
> else
> local tok2 = tokens:read()
> if tok2 == '[' then
> -- node_stmt
> skip_attr_list(tokens)
> -- otherwise ignore node declarations;
> -- we'll assume the graph is fully connected
> -- and we can focus on just edges
> elseif tok2 == '->' then
> -- edge_stmt
> local tok3 = tokens:read()
> if graph[tok1] == nil then
> graph[tok1] = {}
> end
> graph[tok1][tok3] = true
> elseif tok2 == '--' then
> error('unexpected token "--" in digraph; edges should be directed using "->"')
> elseif tok2 == '=' then
> -- id '=' id
> -- skip
> tokens:read()
> else
> error('unexpected token '..tok2)
> end
> end
> end
> assert(tokens:read() == '}')
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:21:16 2022
>-- The focus is a set of nodes we're constantly running
>-- certain queries against.
>Focus = {}
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:21:40 2022
>-- The set of edges parsed from the given .dot file.
>Graph = {}
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:29:25 2022
>function render_focus(window)
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:mvaddstr(5, 1, 'focus: ')
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> for _, node in ipairs(Focus) do
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
> window:mvaddstr(8, 0, '')
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> for col=1,cols do
> window:addstr('_')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:30:11 2022
>function render_queries_on_focus(window)
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:mvaddstr(10, 1, '')
> -- TODO
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:30:39 2022
>function render(window)
> window:clear()
> render_basic_stats(window)
> render_focus(window)
> render_queries_on_focus(window)
> window:refresh()
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:35:20 2022
>function sources(Graph)
> local is_target = {}
> for source, targets in pairs(Graph) do
> for target, _ in pairs(targets) do
> is_target[target] = true
> end
> end
> local result = {}
> for source, _ in pairs(Graph) do
> if not is_target[source] then
> table.insert(result, source)
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:35:57 2022
>function render_basic_stats(window)
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:mvaddstr(1, 1, 'sources: ')
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> local sources = sources(Graph)
> for _, node in ipairs(sources) do
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
> window:mvaddstr(3, 0, '')
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> for col=1,cols do
> window:addstr('_')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:51:18 2022
>function main()
> if #arg == 0 then
> Window:clear()
> print('restart this app with the name of a .dot file')
> Window:refresh()
> while true do Window:getch(); end
> end
> for _, filename in ipairs(arg) do
> read_dot_file(filename, Graph)
> end
> while true do
> render(Window)
> update(Window)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 17:51:32 2022
>function read_dot_file(filename, graph)
> local infile = start_reading(nil, filename)
> if infile then
> local chars = graphviz_buffered_reader(infile)
> local tokens = graphviz_tokenizer(chars)
> parse_graph(tokens, graph)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 18:59:24 2022
>function count(h)
> local result = 0
> for k, v in pairs(h) do
> result = result+1
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 18:59:24 2022
>function num_nodes(Graph)
> local nodes = {}
> for k, v in pairs(Graph) do
> nodes[k] = true
> for k, v in pairs(v) do
> nodes[k] = true
> end
> end
> local result = 0
> for k, v in pairs(nodes) do
> result = result+1
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 19:00:19 2022
>function render_basic_stats(window)
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:mvaddstr(1, 1, 'sources: ')
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> local sources = sources(Graph)
> for _, node in ipairs(sources) do
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:addstr('size: ')
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> window:addstr(tostring(num_nodes(Graph)))
> window:addstr(' nodes')
> window:mvaddstr(3, 0, '')
> local lines, cols = window:getmaxyx()
> for col=1,cols do
> window:addstr('_')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 19:01:49 2022
>function main()
> if #arg == 0 then
> Window:clear()
> print('restart this app with the name of a .dot file')
> Window:refresh()
> while true do Window:getch(); end
> end
> for _, filename in ipairs(arg) do
> read_dot_file(filename, Graph)
> end
> Focus = sources(Graph)
> while true do
> render(Window)
> update(Window)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 19:09:56 2022
>function reachable(graph, node)
> local reached = {}
> local todo = {node}
> while #todo > 0 do
> local curr = table.remove(todo)
> if reached[curr] == nil then
> reached[curr] = true
> local targets = graph[curr]
> if targets then
> for target, _ in pairs(graph[curr]) do
> table.insert(todo, target)
> end
> end
> end
> end
> return reached
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:27:16 2022
>function bold(window, text)
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> window:addstr(text)
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:30:39 2022
>function render_queries_on_focus(window)
> render_reachable_sets(window)
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:30:39 2022
>function render_reachable_sets(window)
> local deps = {}
> local needed_by = {}
> for _, node in ipairs(Focus) do
> deps[node] = reachable(Graph, node)
> for dep, _ in pairs(deps[node]) do
> if needed_by[dep] == nil then
> needed_by[dep] = {}
> end
> append(needed_by[dep], {node})
> end
> end
> for k, v in ipairs(needed_by) do
> table.sort(v)
> end
> window:mvaddstr(10, 0, '')
> local sets = {Focus} -- queue
> local done = {}
> while #sets > 0 do
> local from_nodes = table.remove(sets, 1)
> if #from_nodes == 0 then break end
> table.sort(from_nodes)
> local key = table.concat(from_nodes)
> if done[key] == nil then
> done[key] = true
> local y, x = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(y+2, 0, '')
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> render_list(window, from_nodes)
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> window:addstr(' -> ')
> render_set(window, filter(needed_by, function(node, users) return set_eq(users, from_nodes) end))
> for i, elem in ipairs(from_nodes) do
> table.insert(sets, all_but(from_nodes, i))
> end
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function render_list(window, l)
> window:addstr('{')
> for i, node in ipairs(l) do
> if i > 1 then window:addstr(' ') end
> window:addstr(node)
> end
> window:addstr('}')
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Fri Mar 18 20:32:18 2022
>function render_set(window, h)
> window:addstr('(')
> window:addstr(count(h))
> window:addstr(') ')
> for node, _ in pairs(h) do
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 09:19:10 2022
>function main()
> if #arg == 0 then
> Window:clear()
> print('restart this app with the name of a .dot file')
> Window:refresh()
> while true do Window:getch(); end
> end
> for _, filename in ipairs(arg) do
> read_dot_file(filename, Graph)
> end
> Focus = sources(Graph)
> Nodes = toposort(Graph)
> while true do
> render(Window)
> update(Window)
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 09:32:33 2022
>function nodes(graph)
> local result = {}
> for n, deps in pairs(graph) do
> result[n] = true
> for n, _ in pairs(deps) do
> result[n] = true
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 16:27:32 2022
>-- stable sort of nodes in a graph
>-- nodes always occur before all their dependencies
>-- disconnected nodes are in alphabetical order
>function toposort(graph)
> -- non-map variables are arrays
> -- result = leaves in graph
> -- candidates = non-leaves
> local result = {}
> local resultMap = {}
> local candidatesMap = nodes(graph)
> local leavesMap = filter(candidatesMap, function(k, v) return graph[k] == nil end)
> local leaves = to_array(leavesMap)
> table.sort(leaves)
> union(resultMap, leavesMap)
> prepend(result, leaves)
> subtract(candidatesMap, leavesMap)
> function in_result(x, _) return resultMap[x] end
> function all_deps_in_result(k, _) return all(graph[k], in_result) end
> while true do
> local oldcount = count(candidatesMap)
> if oldcount == 0 then break end
> local inducteesMap = filter(candidatesMap, all_deps_in_result)
> local inductees = to_array(inducteesMap)
> table.sort(inductees)
> union(resultMap, inducteesMap)
> prepend(result, inductees)
> subtract(candidatesMap, inducteesMap)
> if oldcount == count(candidatesMap) then
> error('toposort: graph is not connected')
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 16:32:24 2022
>function render_focus(window)
> local y, _ = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(y+1, 0, '')
> bold(window, 'focus: ')
> for _, node in ipairs(Focus) do
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
> sep(window)
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 16:33:19 2022
>function render_basic_stats(window)
> bold(window, tostring(#Nodes)..' nodes: ')
> for i, node in ipairs(Nodes) do
> window:attrset(curses.A_REVERSE)
> window:addstr(i)
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> window:addstr(' ')
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> end
> sep(window)
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 16:35:34 2022
>function render_reachable_sets(window)
> local deps = {}
> local needed_by = {}
> for _, node in ipairs(Focus) do
> deps[node] = reachable(Graph, node)
> for dep, _ in pairs(deps[node]) do
> if needed_by[dep] == nil then
> needed_by[dep] = {}
> end
> append(needed_by[dep], {node})
> end
> end
> for k, v in ipairs(needed_by) do
> table.sort(v)
> end
> local sets = {Focus} -- queue
> local done = {}
> while #sets > 0 do
> local from_nodes = table.remove(sets, 1)
> if #from_nodes == 0 then break end
> table.sort(from_nodes)
> local key = table.concat(from_nodes)
> if done[key] == nil then
> done[key] = true
> local y, x = window:getyx()
> window:mvaddstr(y+2, 0, '')
> window:attrset(curses.A_BOLD)
> render_list(window, from_nodes)
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> window:addstr(' -> ')
> render_set(window, filter(needed_by, function(node, users) return set_eq(users, from_nodes) end))
> for i, elem in ipairs(from_nodes) do
> table.insert(sets, all_but(from_nodes, i))
> end
> end
> end
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 21:05:05 2022
>-- stable sort of nodes in a graph
>-- nodes always occur before all their dependencies
>-- disconnected nodes are in alphabetical order
>function toposort(graph)
> -- non-map variables are arrays
> -- result = leaves in graph
> -- candidates = non-leaves
> local inResultMap = {}
> local candidatesMap = nodes(graph)
> local leavesMap = filter(candidatesMap, function(k, v) return graph[k] == nil end)
> local leaves = to_array(leavesMap)
> table.sort(leaves)
> union(inResultMap, leavesMap)
> local result = {leaves}
> subtract(candidatesMap, leavesMap)
> function in_result(x, _) return inResultMap[x] end
> function all_deps_in_result(k, _) return all(graph[k], in_result) end
> while true do
> local oldcount = count(candidatesMap)
> if oldcount == 0 then break end
> local inducteesMap = filter(candidatesMap, all_deps_in_result)
> local inductees = to_array(inducteesMap)
> table.sort(inductees)
> union(inResultMap, inducteesMap)
> table.insert(result, 1, inductees)
> subtract(candidatesMap, inducteesMap)
> if oldcount == count(candidatesMap) then
> error('toposort: graph is not connected')
> end
> end
> return result
- __teliva_timestamp:
>Sat Mar 19 21:05:57 2022
>function render_basic_stats(window)
> bold(window, tostring(#Nodes)..' nodes:')
> local i = 1
> for _, stratum in ipairs(Nodes) do
> window:addstr('\n ')
> for _, node in ipairs(stratum) do
> window:attrset(curses.A_REVERSE)
> window:addstr(i)
> window:attrset(curses.A_NORMAL)
> window:addstr(' ')
> window:addstr(node)
> window:addstr(' ')
> i = i+1
> end
> end
> sep(window)