Kartik K. Agaram 6a33284b07 get Teliva running on NetBSD
NetBSD still uses curses by default. One _could_ install ncurses, but I
don't have access to a NetBSD box with permissions to install ncurses,
so I'm experimenting to see how far we can get with just curses. So far
most of the apps seem to work, with the exception of one bug that I'll
commit next.
2022-01-24 20:15:43 -08:00

206 lines
6.5 KiB

#include <assert.h>
#ifdef __NetBSD__
#include <curses.h>
#include <ncurses.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "lua.h"
#include "lauxlib.h"
/* If you encounter assertion failures in this file and _didn't_ manually edit
* it, lease report the .tlv file that caused them:
* Manually edited files can have cryptic errors. Teliva's first priority is
* to be secure, so it requires a fairly rigid file format and errors out if
* things are even slightly amiss. */
/* This code is surprisingly hairy. Estimate of buffer overflows: 2. */
static void teliva_load_multiline_string(lua_State* L, FILE* in, char* line, int capacity) {
luaL_Buffer b;
luaL_buffinit(L, &b);
int expected_indent = -1;
while (1) {
if (feof(in)) break;
char c = fgetc(in);
ungetc(c, in);
if (c != ' ') {
/* new definition; signal end to caller without reading a new line */
strcpy(line, "-\n");
memset(line, '\0', capacity);
if (fgets(line, capacity, in) == NULL) break; /* eof */
int max = strlen(line);
assert(line[max-1] == '\n');
int indent = 0;
while (indent < max-1 && line[indent] == ' ')
if (line[indent] != '>') break; /* new key/value pair in definition */
if (expected_indent == -1)
expected_indent = indent;
assert(expected_indent == indent);
int start = indent+1; /* skip '>' */
luaL_addstring(&b, &line[start]); /* guaranteed to at least be null */
/* final state of line goes out into the world */
/* leave a single table on stack containing the next top-level definition from the file */
void teliva_load_definition(lua_State* L, FILE* in) {
int def_idx = lua_gettop(L);
char line[1024] = {'\0'};
do {
if (feof(in) || fgets(line, 1024, in) == NULL) {
} while (line[0] == '#'); /* comment at start of file */
assert(line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n');
do {
assert(line[0] == '-' || line[0] == ' ');
assert(line[1] == ' ');
/* key/value pair always indented at 0, never empty, unambiguously not a multiline string */
char key[512] = {'\0'};
char value[1024] = {'\0'};
assert(line[2] != ' ');
assert(line[2] != '>');
assert(line[2] != '\n');
assert(line[2] != '\0');
memset(key, 0, 512);
memset(value, 0, 1024);
sscanf(line+2, "%s%s", key, value);
assert(key[strlen(key)-1] == ':');
key[strlen(key)-1] = '\0';
lua_pushstring(L, key);
if (value[0] != '\0') {
lua_pushstring(L, value); /* value string on same line */
char c = fgetc(in);
ungetc(c, in);
if (c == '-') {
strcpy(line, "-\n");
else {
memset(line, '\0', 1024);
fgets(line, 1024, in);
else {
teliva_load_multiline_string(L, in, line, 1024); /* load from later lines */
lua_settable(L, def_idx);
} while (line[0] == ' ');
void load_tlv(lua_State* L, char* filename) {
int history_array = lua_gettop(L);
FILE* in = fopen(filename, "r");
if (in == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "no such file\n");
for (int i = 1; !feof(in); ++i) {
teliva_load_definition(L, in);
if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) break;
lua_rawseti(L, history_array, i);
lua_setglobal(L, "teliva_program");
void emit_multiline_string(FILE* out, const char* value) {
fprintf(out, " >");
for (const char* curr = value; *curr != '\0'; ++curr) {
if (*curr == '\n' && *(curr+1) != '\0')
fprintf(out, "\n >");
fprintf(out, "%c", *curr);
extern int mkstemp(char *template);
extern FILE *fdopen(int fd, const char *mode);
void save_tlv(lua_State* L, char* filename) {
lua_getglobal(L, "teliva_program");
int history_array = lua_gettop(L);
int history_array_size = luaL_getn(L, history_array);
char outfilename[] = "teliva_out_XXXXXX";
int outfd = mkstemp(outfilename);
if (outfd == -1) {
perror("save_tlv: error in creating temporary file");
FILE *out = fdopen(outfd, "w");
fprintf(out, "# .tlv file generated by\n");
fprintf(out, "# You may edit it if you are careful; however, you may see cryptic errors if you\n");
fprintf(out, "# violate Teliva's assumptions.\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "# .tlv files are representations of Teliva programs. Teliva programs consist of\n");
fprintf(out, "# sequences of definitions. Each definition is a table of key/value pairs. Keys\n");
fprintf(out, "# and values are both strings.\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "# Lines in .tlv files always follow exactly one of the following forms:\n");
fprintf(out, "# - comment lines at the top of the file starting with '#' at column 0\n");
fprintf(out, "# - beginnings of definitions starting with '- ' at column 0, followed by a\n");
fprintf(out, "# key/value pair\n");
fprintf(out, "# - key/value pairs consisting of ' ' at column 0, containing either a\n");
fprintf(out, "# spaceless value on the same line, or a multi-line value\n");
fprintf(out, "# - multiline values indented by more than 2 spaces, starting with a '>'\n");
fprintf(out, "#\n");
fprintf(out, "# If these constraints are violated, Teliva may unceremoniously crash. Please\n");
fprintf(out, "# report bugs at\n");
for (int i = 1; i <= history_array_size; ++i) {
lua_rawgeti(L, history_array, i);
int table = lua_gettop(L);
int first = 1;
for (lua_pushnil(L); lua_next(L, table) != 0; lua_pop(L, 1)) {
if (first) fprintf(out, "- ");
else fprintf(out, " ");
first = 0;
const char* key = lua_tostring(L, -2);
if (strcmp(key, "__teliva_undo") == 0) {
fprintf(out, "%s: %ld\n", key, lua_tointeger(L, -1));
const char* value = lua_tostring(L, -1);
if (strchr(value, ' ') || strchr(value, '\n')) {
fprintf(out, "%s:\n", key);
emit_multiline_string(out, value);
else {
fprintf(out, "%s: %s\n", key, value);
lua_pop(L, 1);
rename(outfilename, filename);
lua_pop(L, 1);
static const char* special_history_keys[] = {
int is_special_history_key(const char* key) {
for (const char** curr = special_history_keys; *curr != NULL; ++curr) {
if (strcmp(*curr, key) == 0)
return 1;
return 0;