highlight selection while dragging

Mouse stuff is pretty strenuous. For the first time I have to be careful
not to recompute too often. And I ran into a race condition for the
first time where resetting line.y within App.draw meant mouse clicks
were extremely unlikely to see line.y set.
This commit is contained in:
Kartik K. Agaram 2022-06-03 13:22:03 -07:00
parent 73cc12047e
commit b69801bdf1
2 changed files with 47 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ Cursor1 = {line=1, pos=1} -- position of cursor
Screen_bottom1 = {line=1, pos=1} -- position of start of screen line at bottom of screen
Selection1 = {}
Recent_mouse = {} -- when selecting text, avoid recomputing some state on every single frame
Cursor_x, Cursor_y = 0, 0 -- in pixels
@ -138,9 +139,6 @@ function App.draw()
love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1)
love.graphics.rectangle('fill', 0, 0, App.screen.width-1, App.screen.height-1)
love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0)
for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
line.y = nil
assert(Text.le1(Screen_top1, Cursor1))
local y = Margin_top
--? print('== draw')
@ -198,7 +196,8 @@ function App.mousepressed(x,y, mouse_button)
for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
if line.mode == 'text' then
if Text.in_line(line, x,y) then
Text.move_cursor(line_index, line, x, y)
Cursor1.line = line_index
Cursor1.pos = Text.to_pos_on_line(line, x, y)
Selection1 = {line=Cursor1.line, pos=Cursor1.pos}
elseif line.mode == 'drawing' then
@ -217,7 +216,8 @@ function App.mousereleased(x,y, button)
for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
if line.mode == 'text' then
if Text.in_line(line, x,y) then
Text.move_cursor(line_index, line, x, y)
Cursor1.line = line_index
Cursor1.pos = Text.to_pos_on_line(line, x, y)
if Text.eq1(Cursor1, Selection1) then
Selection1 = {}
@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ function App.mousereleased(x,y, button)
function App.textinput(t)
for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end -- just in case we scroll
if Search_term then
Search_term = Search_term..t
Search_text = nil
@ -243,6 +244,7 @@ function App.textinput(t)
function App.keychord_pressed(chord)
for _,line in ipairs(Lines) do line.y = nil end -- just in case we scroll
if Search_term then
if chord == 'escape' then
Search_term = nil

View File

@ -213,15 +213,22 @@ function rfind(s, pat, i)
return endpos-#pat+1
-- Return any intersection of the region from Selection1 to Cursor1 with the
-- region between {line=line_index, pos=apos} and {line=line_index, pos=bpos}.
-- Return any intersection of the region from Selection1 to Cursor1 (or
-- current mouse, if mouse is pressed; or recent mouse if mouse is pressed and
-- currently over a drawing) with the region between {line=line_index, pos=apos}
-- and {line=line_index, pos=bpos}.
-- apos must be less than bpos. However Selection1 and Cursor1 can be in any order.
-- Result: positions spos,epos between apos,bpos.
function Text.clip_selection(line_index, apos, bpos)
if Selection1.line == nil then return nil,nil end
-- min,max = sorted(Selection1,Cursor1)
local minl,minp = Selection1.line,Selection1.pos
local maxl,maxp = Cursor1.line,Cursor1.pos
local maxl,maxp
if love.mouse.isDown('1') then
maxl,maxp = Text.mouse_pos()
maxl,maxp = Cursor1.line,Cursor1.pos
if minl > maxl then
minl,maxl = maxl,minl
minp,maxp = maxp,minp
@ -254,6 +261,31 @@ function Text.clip_selection(line_index, apos, bpos)
-- inefficient for some reason, so don't do it on every frame
function Text.mouse_pos()
local time = love.timer.getTime()
if Recent_mouse.time and Recent_mouse.time > time-0.1 then
return Recent_mouse.line, Recent_mouse.pos
Recent_mouse.time = time
local line,pos = Text.to_pos(love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY())
if line then
Recent_mouse.line = line
Recent_mouse.pos = pos
return Recent_mouse.line, Recent_mouse.pos
function Text.to_pos(x,y)
for line_index,line in ipairs(Lines) do
if line.mode == 'text' then
if Text.in_line(line, x,y) then
return line_index, Text.to_pos_on_line(line, x,y)
function Text.delete_selection()
local minl,maxl = minmax(Selection1.line, Cursor1.line)
local before = snapshot(minl, maxl)
@ -1829,12 +1861,10 @@ function Text.in_line(line, x,y)
return y < line.y + #line.screen_line_starting_pos * Line_height
-- mx,my in pixels
function Text.move_cursor(line_index, line, mx, my)
Cursor1.line = line_index
-- convert mx,my in pixels to schema-1 coordinates
function Text.to_pos_on_line(line, mx, my)
if line.screen_line_starting_pos == nil then
Cursor1.pos = Text.nearest_cursor_pos(line.data, mx)
return Text.nearest_cursor_pos(line.data, mx)
assert(my >= line.y)
@ -1847,12 +1877,10 @@ function Text.move_cursor(line_index, line, mx, my)
-- line position cursor on final character of screen line.
-- (The final screen line positions past end of screen line as always.)
if mx > Line_width and screen_line_index < #line.screen_line_starting_pos then
Cursor1.pos = line.screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index+1]
return line.screen_line_starting_pos[screen_line_index+1]
local s = string.sub(line.data, screen_line_starting_pos)
Cursor1.pos = screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, mx) - 1
return screen_line_starting_pos + Text.nearest_cursor_pos(s, mx) - 1
y = nexty