--- author: ~alexlehm published: true title: getting started with weechat on a tilde machine description: run weechat as a local irc client category: - main --- If you want to run irc on your tilde account, you can use weechat which is installed and requires minimal configuration. ## First connection Start weechat on your linux shell and type the following commands: /server add tilde irc.tilde.chat/6697 -ssl /connect tilde This will connect you to the irc network via a secure connection. The username used is the same as your linux account, this is should be unique, if it is not you will be called username1 or similar, then you should chose another nickname. You do that by using the /nick command /nick newusername (If you didn't chose a username that is unique in the tilde network, you had kind of bad luck.) ## Register You now can register your username using your tilde email address as described here: [intro to nicks](nicks.html) ## Setting login credentials After you have done that, you can set the username and password in the weechat settings to automatically log in and authenticate /set irc.server.tilde.sasl_username /set irc.server.tilde.sasl_password Or to store the password securely (which is preferred), you can use secure settings like this /secure passphrase /secure set tilde_password /set irc.server.tilde.sasl_password "${sec.data.tilde_password}" Then the client will ask you for the passphrase when starting. Now disconnect and connect again to get your registered nickname /quit run **weechat** again and then connect with /connect tilde ## What now Now you can join any channel, e.g. **#helpdesk** You can set various parameters, e.g. to set your real name displayed in /whois you can use /set irc.server.tilde.realname "My real name" You can join multiple channels with /j #channel or start private conversatins with /msg nickname and navigate between the different windows with Control-N and Control-P To automatically connect to the tilde server on startup use: /set irc.server.tilde.autoconnect on For more information about the program, see the [manual](https://weechat.org/files/doc/stable/weechat_user.en.html)