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2020-01-30 03:28:07 +00:00
module Main where
import Lib
import qualified Figs
import qualified Graphics.Gloss as G
main :: IO ()
main = solve Figs.owlcation
solve figure =
print figure
>> print (centroid figure)
>> G.display (G.InWindow "Centroid Visualization" (200, 200) (10, 10)) G.black (toPicture figure)
-- the 'figure' value here shadows that global one
toPicture :: Compound -> G.Picture
toPicture figure@(Compound figures) = G.pictures $ map toPicture' figures ++ [centroid']
where toPicture' (Figure geometry (Location dx dy) axis swapped negation) =
color negation
. G.translate (realToFrac dx) (realToFrac dy)
. swap swapped
. mirror axis
. shape $ geometry
where swap NS = id
swap S = G.rotate 90
mirror N = G.scale 1 1
mirror X = G.scale 1 (-1)
mirror Y = G.scale (-1) 1
mirror XY = G.scale (-1) (-1)
color Positive = G.color G.blue
color Negative = G.color G.red
centroid' = let dx = getX $ centroid figure
dy = getY $ centroid figure
in G.translate dx dy . G.color G.red $ G.circleSolid 5
where getX (Location x _) = realToFrac x
getY (Location _ y) = realToFrac y
shape :: Geometry -> G.Picture
shape (Rectangle w h) = rectangle (realToFrac w) (realToFrac h)
shape (Triangle b h) = rightTriangle (realToFrac b) (realToFrac h)
shape (Semicircle r) = semicircle (realToFrac r)
rightTriangle :: Float -> Float -> G.Picture
rightTriangle b h = G.polygon [(0, 0), (b, 0), (0, h)]
-- defining our own rectangle so that the global origin is on the lower right
-- the gloss builtin rectangle is centered on the global origin
rectangle :: Float -> Float -> G.Picture
rectangle w h = G.polygon [(0, 0), (w, 0), (w, h), (0, h)]
semicircle :: Float -> G.Picture
semicircle r = G.arcSolid 0 180 r