khuxkm fbexl ffcf857111 Add flip command
I put it under dice so it could use the same RNG.
2019-11-01 12:29:05 -04:00

31 lines
1.1 KiB

import plugin, re, random, traceback
DICE = re.compile("(\d)d(\d+)([+-]\d+)?")
RNG = random.SystemRandom()
def dndice(bot,channel,nick,roll,*args):
# print("dndice {}".format(roll))
# try:
m = DICE.match(roll)
if m is None:
bot.say(channel,"{}: Please input a roll in the form of NdS{{+|-}}MOD or simply NdS. (1d20+5 or 1d6; N can be up to 6)".format(nick))
num, sides, mod = m.groups()
num, sides = int(num), int(sides)
results = [RNG.randint(1,sides) for x in range(num)]
if mod==None:
bot.say(channel,"{}: Result: {} {}".format(nick,sum(results),"("+", ".join([str(res) for res in results])+")" if len(results)>1 else "").rstrip())
mod = int(mod)
bot.say(channel,"{}: Result: {} ({}{:+})".format(nick,sum(results)+mod,"("+", ".join([str(res) for res in results])+")" if len(results)>1 else results[0],mod))
# except Exception:
# traceback.print_exc()
# raise Exception("minerobber check the logs")
def flip(bot,channel,nick,*args):
bot.say(channel,"{}: Coin lands {}".format(nick,RNG.choice(["Heads","Tails"])))