2023 day 19 in F#

Real: 00:00:00.079, CPU: 00:00:00.080, GC gen0: 0, gen1: 0, gen2: 0
This commit is contained in:
aru 2023-12-20 16:17:00 +01:00
parent d84bb161b4
commit 446e09a44b
2 changed files with 211 additions and 0 deletions

2023/data/19/example Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

2023/fsharp/day19.fsx Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
open System
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let (|Regex|_|) pattern input =
let m = Regex.Match(input, pattern)
if m.Success then
Some(List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ])
type Part = { x: int; m: int; a: int; s: int }
let parsePart line =
match line with
| Regex @"\{x=(\d+),m=(\d+),a=(\d+),s=(\d+)\}" values ->
match List.map int values with
| x :: m :: a :: s :: [] -> { x = x; m = m; a = a; s = s }
| _ -> failwith "unreachable"
| _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
type Category =
| X
| M
| A
| S
let parseCategory =
| "x" -> X
| "m" -> M
| "a" -> A
| "s" -> S
| _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
type Resolution =
| Accepted
| Rejected
type Destination =
| Ruleset of string
| Final of Resolution
let parseDestination =
| "A" -> Final Accepted
| "R" -> Final Rejected
| x -> Ruleset x
type ConditionOp =
| GT
| LT
let parseOp =
| "<" -> LT
| ">" -> GT
| _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
type Conditional = Category * ConditionOp * int
type Rule =
| Jump of Destination
| ConditionalJump of Conditional * Destination
let parseRule rule =
match rule with
| Regex @"([a-z]+)([<>])(\d+):([a-zAR]+)" (src :: op :: n :: dst :: []) ->
let cond = (parseCategory src, parseOp op, int n)
ConditionalJump(cond, parseDestination dst)
| Regex @"^([a-zAR]+)$" (dst :: []) -> Jump(parseDestination dst)
| _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
let parseInput lines =
let parseWorkflow acc cur =
match cur with
| Regex @"([a-z]+)\{([^}]+)\}" (name :: body :: []) ->
let rules = body.Split [| ',' |] |> Seq.map parseRule |> List.ofSeq
Map.add name rules acc
| _ -> failwith "Unreachable"
let mid = Seq.findIndex (fun l -> l = "") lines
let workflows, parts = List.splitAt mid lines
let parts = parts |> Seq.skip 1 |> Seq.map parsePart
let workflows = workflows |> Seq.fold parseWorkflow Map.empty
(workflows, parts)
let opF =
| GT -> (>)
| LT -> (<)
let partRating (part: Part) = part.x + part.m + part.a + part.s
type Range = (int * int)
type Ranges =
{ x: Range
m: Range
a: Range
s: Range }
let withinRange x (s, e) = x >= s && x <= e
let withinRanges (part: Part) (ranges: Ranges) =
withinRange part.x ranges.x
&& withinRange part.m ranges.m
&& withinRange part.a ranges.a
&& withinRange part.s ranges.s
let tightenCondition (s, e) op n =
match op with
| LT when e > n -> (s, n - 1)
| GT when s < n -> (n + 1, e)
| _ -> (s, e)
let tightenConditions (conditions: Ranges) (condition: Conditional) : Ranges =
match condition with
| (X, op, n) ->
{ conditions with
x = tightenCondition conditions.x op n }
| (M, op, n) ->
{ conditions with
m = tightenCondition conditions.m op n }
| (A, op, n) ->
{ conditions with
a = tightenCondition conditions.a op n }
| (S, op, n) ->
{ conditions with
s = tightenCondition conditions.s op n }
let tightenComplementaryConditions conditions cond =
match cond with
| ((attr, op, n)) when op = LT -> (attr, GT, n - 1)
| ((attr, op, n)) -> (attr, LT, n + 1)
|> tightenConditions conditions
let sumRange (s, e) = uint64 (e - s + 1)
let sumRanges (range: Ranges) =
[ range.x; range.m; range.a; range.s ]
|> Seq.fold (fun acc r -> acc * sumRange r) 1UL
let aggregateConditions ruleset =
let defaultLimit = (1, 4000)
let defaultScope: Ranges =
{ x = defaultLimit
m = defaultLimit
a = defaultLimit
s = defaultLimit }
let rec walk' acc conditions instructions =
match instructions with
| [] -> acc
| (Jump(Final Accepted)) :: xs -> Set.add conditions acc
| (Jump(Final Rejected)) :: xs -> acc
| (Jump(Ruleset dst)) :: xs -> Map.find dst ruleset |> walk' acc conditions
| (ConditionalJump(cond, Final Accepted)) :: xs ->
let branch = tightenConditions conditions cond
let complementary = tightenComplementaryConditions conditions cond
walk' (Set.add branch acc) complementary xs
| (ConditionalJump(cond, Final Rejected)) :: xs ->
let complementary = tightenComplementaryConditions conditions cond
walk' acc complementary xs
| (ConditionalJump(cond, Ruleset dst)) :: xs ->
let otherConditions = tightenConditions conditions cond
let branch = Map.find dst ruleset |> walk' acc otherConditions
let complementary = tightenComplementaryConditions conditions cond
walk' (Set.union acc branch) complementary xs
ruleset |> Map.find "in" |> walk' Set.empty defaultScope
let part1 workflows parts =
|> Seq.filter (fun p -> Seq.exists (withinRanges p) workflows)
|> Seq.sumBy partRating
let part2 input =
input |> Set.toSeq |> Seq.sumBy sumRanges
let main f =
let (workflows, parts) = f |> IO.File.ReadLines |> Seq.toList |> parseInput
let aggregatedWorkflows = aggregateConditions workflows
printfn "Part 1: %d" (part1 aggregatedWorkflows parts)
printfn "Part 2: %d" (part2 aggregatedWorkflows)
main fsi.CommandLineArgs.[1]