
101 lines
2.5 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.List (group, sort, sortOn)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
type Input = [(Hand, [Int], Int)]
data Hand
= HighCard
| OnePair
| TwoPairs
| ThreeOfAKind
| FullHouse
| FourOfAKind
| FiveOfAKind
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- TIO.getContents >>= parseInput
putStrLn ("Part 1: " <> show (part1 input))
putStrLn ("Part 2: " <> show (part2 input))
parseInput :: T.Text -> IO Input
parseInput s = case parseOnly inputParser s of
Right i -> pure i
Left e -> error e
inputParser :: Parser Input
inputParser = sepBy1 lineParser endOfLine <* skipSpace <* endOfInput
lineParser :: Parser (Hand, [Int], Int)
lineParser = do
cards <- (map cardValue . T.unpack <$> takeWhile1 (inClass "2-9TJQKA")) <* skipSpace
bid <- decimal
return (classifyHand cards, cards, bid)
part1 :: Input -> Int
part1 i = sum $ [rank * bid | ((_, _, bid), rank) <- rankHands i]
values :: [(Int, Char)]
values = zip [2 ..] $ ['2' .. '9'] ++ ['T', 'J', 'Q', 'K', 'A']
part2 :: Input -> Int
part2 i = part1 $ map part2Revalue i
part2Revalue :: (Hand, [Int], Int) -> (Hand, [Int], Int)
part2Revalue (_, cards, bid) = (pickBestJokers revaluedCards, revaluedCards, bid)
revaluedCards = map revalueCard cards
revalueCard :: Int -> Int
revalueCard x
| x == 11 = 1
| x > 11 = x - 1
| otherwise = x
cardValue :: Char -> Int
cardValue c = fst $ head $ filter (\v -> snd v == c) values
classifyHand :: [Int] -> Hand
classifyHand h = case groups of
[5] -> FiveOfAKind
[1, 4] -> FourOfAKind
[2, 3] -> FullHouse
[1, 1, 3] -> ThreeOfAKind
[1, 2, 2] -> TwoPairs
[1, 1, 1, 2] -> OnePair
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1] -> HighCard
_ -> error "There should be 5 cards in a hand"
groups = counts h
rankHands :: [(Hand, [Int], Int)] -> [((Hand, [Int], Int), Int)]
rankHands h = zip (sortOn (\(a, b, _) -> (a, b)) h) [1 ..]
counts :: [Int] -> [Int]
counts = sort . map length . group . sort
pickBestJokers :: [Int] -> Hand
pickBestJokers = maximum . map classifyHand . expandJokers
expandJoker :: Int -> [Int]
expandJoker 1 = [2 .. 13]
expandJoker x = [x]
expandJokers :: [Int] -> [[Int]]
expandJokers [a, b, c, d, e] =
[ [a1, b1, c1, d1, e1]
| a1 <- expandJoker a,
b1 <- expandJoker b,
c1 <- expandJoker c,
d1 <- expandJoker d,
e1 <- expandJoker e
expandJokers _ = error "Expected a list with five elements"