
81 lines
2.3 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
type Seeds = [Int]
type Range = (Int, Int)
type Mapping = (Range, Int)
type Input = (Seeds, [[Mapping]])
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- TIO.getContents >>= parseInput
putStrLn ("Part 1: " <> show (part1 input))
putStrLn ("Part 2: " <> show (part2 input))
parseInput :: T.Text -> IO Input
parseInput s = case parseOnly inputParser s of
Right i -> pure i
Left e -> error e
inputParser :: Parser Input
inputParser = do
seeds <- "seeds: " *> sepBy1 decimal " " <* endOfLine <* endOfLine -- seeds: 1 2 3\n
mappings <- many1 mappingSection <* endOfInput
return (seeds, mappings)
mappingSection :: Parser [Mapping]
mappingSection = do
_ <- takeTill isEndOfLine <* endOfLine -- foo-to-bar map:\n
mappings <- many1 mappingList
_ <- choice [endOfLine, endOfInput] -- either a blank line or EOF
return mappings
mappingList :: Parser Mapping
mappingList = do
dst <- decimal <* space
src <- decimal <* space
size <- decimal <* endOfLine
return ((src, src + size), dst - src)
part1 :: Input -> Int
part1 (seeds, mappings) = solution [(x, x+1) | x <- seeds] mappings
part2 :: Input -> Int
part2 (seeds, mappings) = solution (toRange $ toPairs seeds) mappings
solution :: [Range] -> [[Mapping]] -> Int
solution ranges mappings = fst $ head $ filter (\(_, v) -> any (`inRange` v) ranges) $ [ (x, mapValues reversed x) | x <- [0..] ]
where reversed = reverseMappings mappings
mapValues :: [[Mapping]] -> Int -> Int
mapValues ms x = foldl (flip mapValue) x ms
toPairs :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a, a)]
toPairs [] = []
toPairs [_] = error "Expected the list to have even number of elements"
toPairs (a:b:xs) = (a, b) : toPairs xs
toRange :: Num a => [(a, a)] -> [(a, a)]
toRange xs = [(a, a + b - 1) | (a, b) <- xs]
inRange :: Range -> Int -> Bool
inRange (start, end) x = x >= start && x < end
mapValue :: [Mapping] -> Int -> Int
mapValue [] x = x
mapValue ((range, diff):ms) x
| inRange range x = x + diff
| otherwise = mapValue ms x
reverseMappings :: [[Mapping]] -> [[Mapping]]
reverseMappings ms = reverse $ [map negateDiff m | m <- ms]
negateDiff :: (Range, Int) -> (Range, Int)
negateDiff ((start, end), diff) = ((start + diff, end + diff), -diff)