
78 lines
2.7 KiB

Hold your horses! Don't get too excited! This is a very early,
and rather sloppy, collection of files that might (given a bit of
luck) be able to run on your system. But really, this is released
in attempt to attract additional developer support from the
If you would like to help, contact
_ _ the_link aggreGator _ **
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| | | '_ \| |/ / | | | |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__| {{
| | | | | | <| |_| | | (_| | || (_) | | \_}}_/
|_|_|_| |_|_|\_\\__,_|_|\__,_|\__\___/|_| {{ ,
===== WHAT IS IT? =====
Linkulator is a command line link aggregator; like, or, but strictly for the command
line. But unlike those two, Linkulator natively supports both
gopher and http links. Like the others, Linkulator allows the
poster or others to leave comments about the posted link. It was
designed for small public access Unix (and GNU/Linux!) communities
like Circumlunar Space, Grex, or the many servers in the
Tildeverse (, and so on).
===== HOW TO INSTALL IT? =====
Installation is still in flux and is very experimental. Below is
one way it has been successfully installed, but your help on
designing a better process would be valuable.
1. Create a linkulator user (this is important because Linkulator
runs setuid).
2. Copy all the files to the linkulator user's directory, or to
any directory under the linkulator user's control.
3. chmod all the files to 700.
4. Create a file storage directory somewhere, owned by linkulator
and chmod'ed to 700.
4. Edit the 'config' file to point to the file storage directory.
(you can change the other config variables, but don't need to
5. Edit '' (line 165'ish) to point to the location
of the config file.
6. Edit 'wrapper.c' so that it points to the location of
7. Compile 'wrapper.c' to create a 'linkulator' binary:
gcc -o linkulator wrapper.c
8. chmod the 'linkulator' executable to 755
9. Set 'linkulator' setuid attribute: chmod u+s linkulator
10. Create a symlink to the 'linkulator' executable in a place
commonly accessible to other user.
11. linkulate.
BUGS - send bug reports to Please be as
descriptive as possible about what happened and what you think
might have caused it -- including possible solutions if you have
such an idea.
HELP - if you want to help, start by cloning the repo and adding
your name to the AUTHORS variable in the 'config' file.