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;; SAL parser -- replaces original pattern-directed parser with
;; a recursive descent one
;; Parse functions either parse correctly and return
;; compiled code as a lisp expression (which could be nil)
;; or else they call parse-error, which does not return
;; (instead, parse-error forces a return from parse)
;; In the original SAL parser, triples were returned
;; including the remainder if any of the tokens to be
;; parsed. In this parser, tokens are on the list
;; *sal-tokens*, and whatever remains on the list is
;; the list of unparsed tokens.
;; scanning delimiters.
(setfn nreverse reverse)
(defconstant +quote+ #\") ; "..." string
(defconstant +kwote+ #\') ; '...' kwoted expr
(defconstant +comma+ #\,) ; positional arg delimiter
(defconstant +pound+ #\#) ; for bools etc
(defconstant +semic+ #\;) ; comment char
(defconstant +lbrace+ #\{) ; {} list notation
(defconstant +rbrace+ #\})
(defconstant +lbrack+ #\[) ; unused for now
(defconstant +rbrack+ #\])
(defconstant +lparen+ #\() ; () expr and arg grouping
(defconstant +rparen+ #\))
;; these are defined so that SAL programs can name these symbols
;; note that quote(>) doesn't work, so you need quote(symbol:greater)
(setf symbol:greater '>)
(setf symbol:less '<)
(setf symbol:greater-equal '>=)
(setf symbol:less-equal '<=)
(setf symbol:equal '=)
(setf symbol:not '!)
(setf symbol:not-equal '/=)
(defparameter +whites+ (list #\space #\tab #\newline (code-char 13)))
(defparameter +kwstyle+ (list :suffix #\:)) ; let's try dylan
(defparameter +operators+
;; each op is: (<token-class> <sal-name> <lisp-form>)
'((:+ "+" sal-plus)
(:- "-" diff)
(:* "*" mult)
(:/ "/" /)
(:% "%" rem)
(:^ "^" expt)
(:= "=" sal-equal) ; equality and assignment
2015-04-08 03:10:17 +00:00
(:!= "!=" not-sal-equal)
(:< "<" <)
(:> ">" >)
(:<= "<=" <=) ; leq and assignment minimization
(:>= ">=" >=) ; geq and assignment maximization
(:~= "~=" sal-about-equal) ; general equality
(:+= "+=" +=) ; assignment increment-and-store
(:-= "-=" -=) ; assignment increment-and-store
(:*= "*=" *=) ; assignment multiply-and-store
(:/= "/=" /=) ; assignment multiply-and-store
(:&= "&=" &=) ; assignment list collecting
(:@= "@=" @=) ; assignment list prepending
(:^= "^=" ^=) ; assignment list appending
(:! "!" not)
(:& "&" and)
(:\| "|" or)
(:~ "~" sal-stretch)
(:~~ "~~" sal-stretch-abs)
(:@ "@" sal-at)
(:@@ "@@" sal-at-abs)
(setf *sal-local-variables* nil) ;; used to avoid warning about variable
;; names when the variable has been declared as a local
(defparameter *sal-operators*
'(:+ :- :* :/ :% :^ := :!= :< :> :<= :>= :~= :+= :*= :&= :@= :^= :! :& :\|
:~ :~~ :@ :@@))
(defparameter +delimiters+
'((:lp #\()
(:rp #\))
(:lc #\{) ; left curly
(:rc #\})
(:lb #\[)
(:rb #\])
(:co #\,)
(:kw #\') ; kwote
(nil #\") ; not token
; (nil #\#)
(nil #\;)
(setf *reserved-words* '((::+ ":+") (::- ":-") (::* ":*") (::/ ":/") (::= ":=")
(::!= ":!=") (::< ":<") (::> ":>") (::<= ":<=")
(::>= ":>=") (::~= ":~=") (::! ":!") (::& ":&")
(::\| ":|") (:IF "if") (:THEN "then") (:ELSE "else")
(:WHEN "when") (:UNLESS "unless") (:SET "set")
(:= "=") (:+= "+=") (:*= "*=") (:&= "&=") (:@= "@=")
(:^= "^=") (:<= "<=") (:>= ">=") (:PRINT "print")
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
(:LOOP "loop") (:SEQV "seqv") (:SEQREPV "seqrepv")
(:RUN "run") (:REPEAT "repeat") (:FOR "for")
(:FROM "from") (:IN "in") (:BELOW "below") (:TO "to")
(:ABOVE "above") (:DOWNTO "downto") (:BY "by")
(:OVER "over") (:WHILE "while") (:UNTIL "until")
(:FINALLY "finally") (:RETURN "return")
(:WAIT "wait") (:BEGIN "begin") (:WITH "with")
(:END "end") (:VARIABLE "variable")
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
(:FUNCTION "function")
; not in nyquist: (:PROCESS "process")
(:CHDIR "chdir")
(:DEFINE "define") (:LOAD "load")
(:PLAY "play") (:PLOT "plot")
(:EXEC "exec") (:exit "exit") (:DISPLAY "display")
(:~ "~") (:~~ "~~") (:@ ":@") (:@@ ":@@")))
(setf *sal-fn-name* nil)
(defun make-sal-error (&key type text (line nil) start)
; (error 'make-sal-error-was-called-break)
(list 'sal-error type text line start))
(setfn sal-error-type cadr)
(setfn sal-error-text caddr)
(setfn sal-error-line cadddr)
(defun sal-error-start (x) (cadddr (cdr x)))
(defun is-sal-error (x) (and x (eq (car x) 'sal-error)))
(defun sal-tokens-error-start (start)
(cond (start
(token-start (car *sal-tokens*)))
(length *sal-input-text*))))
(defmacro errexit (message &optional start)
`(parse-error (make-sal-error :type "parse"
:line *sal-input-text* :text ,message
:start ,(sal-tokens-error-start start))))
(defmacro sal-warning (message &optional start)
`(pperror (make-sal-error :type "parse" :line *sal-input-text*
:text ,message
:start ,(sal-tokens-error-start start))
(setf *pos-to-line-source* nil)
(setf *pos-to-line-pos* nil)
(setf *pos-to-line-line* nil)
(defun pos-to-line (pos source)
;; this is really inefficient to search every line from
;; the beginning, so cache results and search forward
;; from there if possible
(let ((i 0) (line-no 1)) ;; assume no cache
;; see if we can use the cache
(cond ((and (eq source *pos-to-line-source*)
*pos-to-line-pos* *pos-to-line-line*
(>= pos *pos-to-line-pos*))
(setf i *pos-to-line-pos*)
(setf line-no *pos-to-line-line*)))
;; count newlines up to pos
(while (< i pos)
(if (char= (char source i) #\newline)
(incf line-no))
(setf i (1+ i)))
;; save results in cache
(setf *pos-to-line-source* source
*pos-to-line-pos* pos
*pos-to-line-line* line-no)
;; return the line number at pos in source
;; makes a string of n spaces, empty string if n <= 0
(defun make-spaces (n)
(cond ((> n 16)
(let* ((half (/ n 2))
(s (make-spaces half)))
(strcat s s (make-spaces (- n half half)))))
(subseq " " 0 (max n 0)))))
(defun pperror (x &optional (msg-type "error"))
(let* ((source (sal-error-line x))
(llen (length source))
beg end)
; (display "pperror" x (strcat "|" (sal-error-line x) "|"))
;; isolate line containing error
(setf beg (sal-error-start x))
(setf beg (min beg (1- llen)))
(do ((i beg (- i 1))
(n nil)) ; n gets set when we find a newline
((or (< i 0) n)
(setq beg (or n 0)))
(if (char= (char source i) #\newline)
(setq n (+ i 1))))
(do ((i (sal-error-start x) (+ i 1))
(n nil))
((or (>= i llen) n)
(setq end (or n llen)))
(if (char= (char source i) #\newline)
(setq n i)))
(setf line-no (pos-to-line beg source))
; (display "pperror" beg end (sal-error-start x))
;; print the error. include the specific line of input containing
;; the error as well as a line below it marking the error position
;; with an arrow: ^
(let* ((pos (- (sal-error-start x) beg))
(line (if (and (= beg 0) (= end llen))
(subseq source beg end)))
(mark (make-spaces pos)))
(format t "~%>>> ~A ~A: ~A.~%>>> in ~A, line ~A, col ~A.~%~%~A~%~A^~%"
(sal-error-type x) msg-type (sal-error-text x)
*sal-input-file-name* line-no (1+ pos)
line mark)
; (format t "~%>>> ~A error in \"~A\", line ~A, col ~A: ~A.~%~%~A~%~A^~%"
; (sal-error-type x) *sal-input-file-name* line-no pos
; (sal-error-text x) line mark)
;;; the lexer. right now it assumes input string is complete and ready
;;; to be processed as a valid expression.
(defun advance-white (str white start end)
;; skip "white" chars, where white can be a char, list of chars
;; or predicate test
(do ((i start )
(p nil))
((or p (if (< start end)
(not (< -1 i end))
(not (> i end -1))))
(or p end))
(cond ((consp white)
(unless (member (char str i) white :test #'char=)
(setq p i)))
((characterp white)
(unless (char= (char str i) white)
(setq p i)))
((functionp white)
(unless (funcall white (char str i))
(setq p i))))
(if (< start end)
(incf i)
(decf i))))
(defun search-delim (str delim start end)
;; find position of "delim" chars, where delim can be
;; a char, list of chars or predicate test
(do ((i start (+ i 1))
(p nil))
((or (not (< i end)) p)
(or p end))
(cond ((consp delim)
(if (member (char str i) delim :test #'char=)
(setq p i)))
((characterp delim)
(if (char= (char str i) delim)
(setq p i)))
((functionp delim)
(if (funcall delim (char str i))
(setq p i))))))
(defun unbalanced-input (errf line toks par bra brk kwo)
;; search input for the starting position of some unbalanced
;; delimiter, toks is reversed list of tokens with something
;; unbalanced
(let (char text targ othr levl pos)
(cond ((> par 0) (setq char #\( targ ':lp othr ':rp levl par))
((< par 0) (setq char #\) targ ':rp othr ':lp levl 0))
((> bra 0) (setq char #\{ targ ':lc othr ':rc levl bra))
((< bra 0) (setq char #\} targ ':rc othr ':lc levl 0))
((> brk 0) (setq char #\[ targ ':ls othr ':rs levl brk))
((< brk 0) (setq char #\] targ ':rs othr ':ls levl 0))
((> kwo 0) (setq char #\' targ ':kw othr ':kw levl kwo)))
(setq text (format nil "Unmatched '~A'" char))
;; search for start of error in token list
(do ((n levl)
(tail toks (cdr tail)))
((or (null tail) pos)
(or pos (error (format nil "Shouldn't! can't find op ~A in ~A."
targ (reverse toks)))))
(if (eql (token-type (car tail)) targ)
(if (= n levl)
(setq pos (token-start (car tail)))
(decf n))
(if (eql (token-type (car tail)) othr)
(incf n))))
(errexit text pos)))
(defun tokenize (str reserved error-fn)
;&key (start 0) (end (length str))
; (white-space +whites+) (delimiters +delimiters+)
; (operators +operators+) (null-ok t)
; (keyword-style +kwstyle+) (reserved nil)
; (error-fn nil)
; &allow-other-keys)
;; return zero or more tokens or a sal-error
(let ((toks (list t))
(start 0)
(end (length str))
(all-delimiters +whites+)
(errf (or error-fn
(lambda (x) (pperror x) (return-from tokenize x)))))
(dolist (x +delimiters+)
(push (cadr x) all-delimiters))
(do ((beg start)
(pos nil)
(all all-delimiters)
(par 0)
(bra 0)
(brk 0)
(kwo 0)
(tok nil)
(tail toks))
((not (< beg end))
;; since input is complete check parens levels.
(if (= 0 par bra brk kwo)
(if (null (cdr toks))
(cdr toks))
(unbalanced-input errf str (reverse (cdr toks))
par bra brk kwo)))
(setq beg (advance-white str +whites+ beg end))
(setf tok
(read-delimited str :start beg :end end
:white +whites+ :delimit all
:skip-initial-white nil :errorf errf))
;; multiple values are returned, so split them here:
(setf pos (second tok)) ; pos is the end of the token (!)
(setf tok (first tok))
;; tok now string, char (delimiter), :eof or token since input
;; is complete keep track of balancing delims
(cond ((eql tok +lbrace+) (incf bra))
((eql tok +rbrace+) (decf bra))
((eql tok +lparen+) (incf par))
((eql tok +rparen+) (decf par))
((eql tok +lbrack+) (incf brk))
((eql tok +rbrack+) (decf brk))
((eql tok +kwote+) (setq kwo (mod (+ kwo 1) 2))))
(cond ((eql tok ':eof)
(setq beg end))
;; may have to skip over comments to reach token, so
;; token beginning is computed by backing up from current
;; position (returned by read-delimited) by string length
(setf beg (if (stringp tok)
(- pos (length tok))
(1- pos)))
(setq tok (classify-token tok beg str errf
+delimiters+ +operators+
+kwstyle+ reserved))
;(display "classify-token-result" tok)
(setf (cdr tail) (list tok ))
(setf tail (cdr tail))
(setq beg pos))))))
;; old tokenize (above) counted delimiters to check for balance,
;; but that does not catch constructions like ({)}. I think
;; we could just leave this up to the parser, but this rewrite
;; uses a stack to check balanced parens, braces, quotes, etc.
;; The checking establishes at least some minimal global properties
;; of the input before evaluating anything, which might be good
;; even though it's doing some extra work. In fact, using a
;; stack rather than counts is doing even more work, but the
;; problem with counters is that some very misleading or just
;; plain wrong error messages got generated.
;; these five delimiter- functions do checks on balanced parens,
;; braces, and brackets, leaving delimiter-mismatch set to bad
;; token if there is a mismatch
(defun delimiter-init ()
(setf delimiter-stack nil)
(setf delimiter-mismatch nil))
(defun delimiter-match (tok what)
(cond ((eql (token-string (first delimiter-stack)) what)
(pop delimiter-stack))
((null delimiter-mismatch)
;(display "delimiter-mismatch" tok)
(setf delimiter-mismatch tok))))
(defun delimiter-check (tok)
(let ((c (token-string tok)))
(cond ((member c '(#\( #\{ #\[))
(push tok delimiter-stack))
((eql c +rbrace+)
(delimiter-match tok +lbrace+))
((eql c +rparen+)
(delimiter-match tok +lparen+))
((eql c +rbrack+)
(delimiter-match tok +lbrack+)))))
(defun delimiter-error (tok)
(errexit (format nil "Unmatched '~A'" (token-string tok))
(token-start tok)))
(defun delimiter-finish ()
(if delimiter-mismatch
(delimiter-error delimiter-mismatch))
(if delimiter-stack
(delimiter-error (car delimiter-stack))))
(defun tokenize (str reserved error-fn)
;; return zero or more tokens or a sal-error
(let ((toks (list t))
(start 0)
(end (length str))
(all-delimiters +whites+)
(errf (or error-fn
(lambda (x) (pperror x) (return-from tokenize x)))))
(dolist (x +delimiters+)
(push (cadr x) all-delimiters))
(do ((beg start)
(pos nil)
(all all-delimiters)
(tok nil)
(tail toks))
((not (< beg end))
;; since input is complete check parens levels.
(if (null (cdr toks)) nil (cdr toks)))
(setq beg (advance-white str +whites+ beg end))
(setf tok
(read-delimited str :start beg :end end
:white +whites+ :delimit all
:skip-initial-white nil :errorf errf))
;; multiple values are returned, so split them here:
(setf pos (second tok)) ; pos is the end of the token (!)
(setf tok (first tok))
(cond ((eql tok ':eof)
(setq beg end))
;; may have to skip over comments to reach token, so
;; token beginning is computed by backing up from current
;; position (returned by read-delimited) by string length
(setf beg (if (stringp tok)
(- pos (length tok))
(1- pos)))
(setq tok (classify-token tok beg str errf
+delimiters+ +operators+
+kwstyle+ reserved))
(delimiter-check tok)
;(display "classify-token-result" tok)
(setf (cdr tail) (list tok ))
(setf tail (cdr tail))
(setq beg pos))))))
(defun read-delimited (input &key (start 0) end (null-ok t)
(delimit +delims+) ; includes whites...
(white +whites+)
(skip-initial-white t)
(errorf #'pperror))
;; read a substring from input, optionally skipping any white chars
;; first. reading a comment delim equals end-of-line, input delim
;; reads whole input, pound reads next token. call errf if error
;(FORMAT T "~%READ-DELIMITED: ~S :START ~S :END ~S" input start end)
(let ((len (or end (length input))))
(while t ;; loop over comment lines
(when skip-initial-white
(setq start (advance-white input white start len)))
(if (< start len)
(let ((char (char input start)))
(setq end (search-delim input delimit start len))
(if (equal start end) ; have a delimiter
(cond ((char= char +semic+)
;; comment skips to next line and try again...
(while (and (< start len)
(char/= (char input start) #\newline))
(incf start))
(cond ((< start len) ;; advance past comment and iterate
(incf start)
(setf skip-initial-white t))
(return (list ':eof end)))
(errexit "Unexpected end of input"))))
; ((char= char +pound+)
; ;; read # dispatch
; (read-hash input delimit start len errorf))
((char= char +quote+)
;; input delim reads whole input
(return (sal:read-string input delimit start len errorf)))
((char= char +kwote+)
(errexit "Illegal delimiter" start))
(t ;; all other delimiters are tokens in and of themselves
(return (list char (+ start 1)))))
; else part of (equal start end), so we have token before delimiter
(return (list (subseq input start end) end))))
; else part of (< start len)...
(if null-ok
(return (list ':eof end))
(errexit "Unexpected end of input" start))))))
(defparameter hash-readers
'(( #\t sal:read-bool)
( #\f sal:read-bool)
( #\? read-iftok)
(defun read-hash (str delims pos len errf)
(let ((e (+ pos 1)))
(if (< e len)
(let ((a (assoc (char str e) hash-readers)))
(if (not a)
(errexit "Illegal # character" e)
(funcall (cadr a) str delims e len errf)))
(errexit "Missing # character" pos))))
(defun read-iftok (str delims pos len errf)
str delims len errf
(list (make-token :type ':? :string "#?" :lisp 'if
:start (- pos 1))
(+ pos 1)))
; (sal:read-string str start len)
(defun sal:read-bool (str delims pos len errf)
delims len errf
(let ((end (search-delim str delims pos len)))
(unless (= end (+ pos 1))
(errexit "Illegal # expression" (- pos 1)))
(list (let ((t? (char= (char str pos) #\t) ))
(make-token :type ':bool
:string (if t? "#t" "#f")
:lisp t?
:start (- pos 1)))
(+ pos 1))))
(defun sal:read-string (str delims pos len errf)
(let* ((i (1+ pos)) ; i is index into string; start after open quote
c c2; c is the character at str[i]
(string (make-string-output-stream)))
;; read string, processing escaped characters
;; write the chars to string until end quote is found
;; then retrieve the string. quotes are not included in result token
;; in the loop, i is the next character location to examine
(while (and (< i len)
(not (char= (setf c (char str i)) +quote+)))
(if (char= c #\\) ;; escape character, does another character follow this?
(cond ((< (1+ i) len)
(incf i) ;; yes, set i so we'll get the escaped char
(setf c2 (char str i))
(setf c (assoc c2 `((#\n . #\newline) (#\t . #\tab)
(#\r . ,(char "\r" 0))
(#\f . ,(char "\f" 0)))))
(setf c (if c (cdr c) c2))) ;; use c2 if c wasn't listed
(t ;; no, we've hit the end of input too early
(errexit "Unmatched \"" i))))
;; we're good to take this character and move on to the next one
(write-char c string)
(incf i))
;; done with loop, so either we're out of string or we found end quote
(if (>= i len) (errexit "Unmatched \"" i))
;; must have found the quote
(setf string (get-output-stream-string string))
(list (make-token :type :string :start pos :string string :lisp string)
(1+ i))))
;;; tokens
(defun make-token (&key (type nil) (string "") start (info nil) lisp)
(list :token type string start info lisp))
(setfn token-type cadr)
(setfn token-string caddr)
(defun token-start (x) (cadddr x))
(defun token-info (token) (car (cddddr token)))
(defun token-lisp (token) (cadr (cddddr token)))
(defmacro set-token-type (tok val) `(setf (car (cdr ,tok)) ,val))
(defmacro set-token-lisp (tok val) `(setf (car (cdr (cddddr ,tok))) ,val))
(defun tokenp (tok) (and (consp tok) (eq (car tok) :token)))
(defun token=? (tok op)
(if (tokenp tok)
(equal (token-type tok) op)
(eql tok op)))
(defmethod token-print (obj stream)
(let ((*print-case* ':downcase))
(format stream "#<~s ~s>"
(token-type obj)
(token-string obj))))
(defun parse-token ()
(prog1 (car *sal-tokens*)
(setf *sal-tokens* (cdr *sal-tokens*))))
;;; token classification. types not disjoint!
(defun classify-token (str pos input errf delims ops kstyle res)
(let ((tok nil))
(cond ((characterp str)
;; normalize char delimiter tokens
(setq tok (delimiter-token? str pos input errf delims)))
((stringp str)
(setq tok (or (number-token? str pos input errf)
(operator-token? str pos input errf ops)
(keyword-token? str pos input errf kstyle)
(class-token? str pos input errf res)
(reserved-token? str pos input errf res)
(symbol-token? str pos input errf)
(unless tok
(errexit "Not an expression or symbol" pos)))
(t (setq tok str)))
(defun delimiter-token? (str pos input errf delims)
(let ((typ (member str delims :test (lambda (a b) (char= a (cadr b))))))
;; member returns remainder of the list
;(display "delimiter-token?" str delims typ)
(if (and typ (car typ) (caar typ))
(make-token :type (caar typ) :string str
:start pos)
(+ (break) (errexit "Shouldn't: non-token delimiter" pos)))))
(defun string-to-number (s)
(read (make-string-input-stream s)))
(defun number-token? (str pos input errf)
errf input
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(len (length str))
(c nil)
(dot 0)
(typ ':int)
(sig 0)
(sla 0)
(dig 0)
(non nil))
((or (not (< i len)) non)
(if non nil
(if (> dig 0)
(make-token :type typ :string str
:start pos :lisp (string-to-number str))
(setq c (char str i))
(cond ((member c '(#\+ #\-))
(if (> i 0) (setq non t)
(incf sig)))
((char= c #\.)
(if (> dot 0) (setq non t)
(if (> sla 0) (setq non t)
(incf dot))))
; xlisp does not have ratios
; ((char= c #\/)
; (setq typ ':ratio)
; (if (> sla 0) (setq non t)
; (if (= dig 0) (setq non t)
; (if (> dot 0) (setq non t)
; (if (= i (1- len)) (setq non t)
; (incf sla))))))
((digit-char-p c)
(incf dig)
(if (> dot 0) (setq typ ':float)))
(t (setq non t)))))
(number-token? "" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? " " 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "a" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "1" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "+" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "-1/2" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "1." 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "1.." 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? ".1." 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? ".1" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "-0.1" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "1/2" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "1//2" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "/12" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "12/" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "12/1" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "12./1" 0 "" #'pperror)
(number-token? "12/.1" 0 "" #'pperror)
(defun operator-token? (str pos input errf ops)
;; tok can be string or char
(let ((typ (member str ops :test (lambda (a b) (equal a (cadr b))))))
(cond (typ
(setf typ (car typ)) ;; member returns remainder of list
(make-token :type (car typ) :string str
:start pos :lisp (or (third typ)
(read-from-string str)))))))
(defun str-to-keyword (str)
(intern (strcat ":" (string-upcase str))))
(defun keyword-token? (tok pos input errf style)
(let* ((tlen (length tok))
(keys (cdr style))
(klen (length keys)))
(cond ((not (< klen tlen)) nil)
((eql (car style) ':prefix)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(x nil))
((or (not (< i klen)) x)
(if (not x)
(let ((sym (symbol-token? (subseq tok i)
pos input errf )))
(cond (sym
(set-token-type sym ':key)
(set-token-lisp sym
(str-to-keyword (token-string sym)))
(unless (char= (char tok i) (nth i keys))
(setq x t))))
((eql (car style) ':suffix)
(do ((j (- tlen klen) (+ j 1))
(i 0 (+ i 1))
(x nil))
((or (not (< i klen)) x)
(if (not x)
(let ((sym (symbol-token? (subseq tok 0 (- tlen klen))
pos input errf )))
(cond (sym
(set-token-type sym ':key)
(set-token-lisp sym
(str-to-keyword (token-string sym)))
(unless (char= (char tok j) (nth i keys))
(setq x t)))))))
(setfn alpha-char-p both-case-p)
(defun class-token? (str pos input errf res)
(let ((a (char str 0)))
(if (char= a #\<)
(let* ((l (length str))
(b (char str (- l 1))))
(if (char= b #\>)
(let ((tok (symbol-token? (subseq str 1 (- l 1))
pos input errf)))
;; class token has <> removed!
(if tok (progn (set-token-type tok ':class)
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
(errexit "Not a class identifier" pos)))
(errexit "Not a class identifer" pos)))
; (keyword-token? ":asd" '(:prefix #\:))
; (keyword-token? "asd" KSTYLE)
; (keyword-token? "asd:" KSTYLE)
; (keyword-token? "123:" KSTYLE)
; (keyword-token? ":foo" '(:prefix #\:))
; (keyword-token? "foo=" '(:suffix #\=))
; (keyword-token? "--foo" '(:prefix #\- #\-))
; (keyword-token? ":123" '(:suffix #\:))
; (keyword-token? "--asd" '(:prefix #\-)) ; ok since -asd is legal symbol
;; determine if str is a reserved word using reserved as the list of
;; reserved words, of the form ((id string) (id string) ...) where
;; id identifies the token, e.g. :to and string is the token, e.g. "to"
(defun reserved-token? (str pos input errf reserved)
errf input
(let ((typ (member str reserved :test
(lambda (a b) (string-equal a (cadr b))))))
(if typ
(make-token :type (caar typ) :string str
:start pos)
(defun sal-string-to-symbol (str)
(let ((sym (intern (string-upcase str)))
(cond ((and sym ;; (it might be "nil")
(setf sal-sym (get sym :sal-name)))
(t sym))))
(putprop 'simrep 'sal-simrep :sal-name)
(putprop 'seqrep 'sal-seqrep :sal-name)
(defun contains-op-char (s)
;; assume most identifiers are very short, so we search
;; over identifier letters, not over operator characters
;; Minus (-) is so common, we don't complain about it.
(dotimes (i (length s))
(if (string-search (subseq s i (1+ i)) "*/+=<>!%^&|")
(return t))))
(defun test-for-suspicious-symbol (token)
;; assume token is of type :id
(let ((sym (token-lisp token))
(str (token-string token))
(pos (token-start token)))
(cond ((and sym ; nil is not suspicious, but it's not "boundp"
(not (fboundp sym)) ; existing functions not suspicious
(not (boundp sym)) ; existing globals not suspicious
(not (member sym *sal-local-variables*))
(not (eq sym '->)) ; used by make-markov, so let it pass
(contains-op-char str)) ; suspicious if embedded operators
(strcat "Identifier contains operator character(s).\n"
" Perhaps you omitted spaces around an operator")
(defun symbol-token? (str pos input errf)
;; if a potential symbol is preceded by #, drop the #
(if (and (> (length str) 1)
(char= (char str 0) #\#))
;; there are a couple of special cases: SAL defines #f and #?
(cond ((equal str "#f")
(return-from symbol-token?
(make-token :type ':id :string str :start pos :lisp nil)))
((equal str "#?")
(return-from symbol-token?
(make-token :type ':id :string str :start pos :lisp 'if)))
(setf str (subseq str 1)))))
;; let's insist on at least one letter for sanity's sake
;; exception: allow '-> because it is used in markov pattern specs
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)) ; i is index into string
(bad "Not an expression or symbol")
(chr nil)
(ltr 0) ; ltr is count of alphabetic letters in string
(dot nil) ; dot is index of "."
(pkg nil) ; pkg is index if package name "xxx:" found
(len (length str))
(err nil))
;; loop ends when i is at end of string or when err is set
((or (not (< i len)) err)
(if (or (> ltr 0) ; must be at least one letter, or
(equal str "->")) ; symbol can be "->"
(let ((info ()) sym)
(if pkg (push (cons ':pkg pkg) info))
(if dot (push (cons ':slot dot) info))
;(display "in symbol-token?" str)
(setf sym (sal-string-to-symbol str))
(make-token :type ':id :string str
:info info :start pos
:lisp sym))
(setq chr (char str i))
(cond ((alpha-char-p chr) (incf ltr))
; need to allow arbitrary lisp symbols
; ((member chr '(#\* #\+)) ;; special variable names can start/end
; (if (< 0 i (- len 2)) ;; with + or *
; (errexit bad pos)))
((char= chr #\/) ;; embedded / is not allowed
(errexit bad pos))
;((char= chr #\-) ;; hyphens are allowed anywhere in symbol
; (if (= ltr 0)
; (errexit errf input bad pos )
; (setq ltr 0)
; ))
((char= chr #\$) (incf ltr)) ;; "$" is treated as a letter
((char= chr #\:)
; allowable forms are :foo, foo:bar, :foo:bar
(if (> i 0) ;; lisp keyword symbols ok
(cond ((= ltr 0)
(errexit bad pos))
((not pkg)
(setq pkg i))
(t (errexit errf input
(format nil "Too many colons in ~s" str)
(setq ltr 0))
((char= chr #\.)
(if (or dot (= i 0) (= i (- len 1)))
(errexit bad pos)
(progn (setq dot i) (setq ltr 0)))))))
; (let ((i "foo")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i ".bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "bar.")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "1...")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "a1..." )) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "a{b")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "foo-bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "123-a")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "1a23-a")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "*foo*")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "+foo+")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "foo+bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "foo/bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i ":bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "::bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "foo:bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "cl-user:bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (let ((i "cl-user::bar")) (symbol-token? i 0 i #'pperror))
; (tokenize "aaa + bbb \"asdasdd\" aaa(1,2,3)")
; (tokenize "aaa+bbb \"asdasdd\" aaa(1,2,3)")
(setf *in-sal-parser* nil)
;; line number info for debugging
(setf *sal-line-number-info* t)
(setf *sal-line* 0)
(defun add-line-info-to-expression (expr token)
(let (line-no)
(cond ((and token ;; null token means do not change expr
*sal-line-number-info* ;; is this feature enabled?
(stringp *sal-input-text*))
;; first, get line number
(setf line-no (pos-to-line (token-start token) *sal-input-text*))
`(prog2 (setf *sal-line* ,line-no) ,expr))
(t expr))))
;; single statement is handled just like an expression
(setfn add-line-info-to-stmt add-line-info-to-expression)
;; list of statements is simple to handle: prepend SETF
(defun add-line-info-to-stmts (stmts token)
(let (line-no)
(cond ((and *sal-line-number-info* ;; is this feature enabled?
(stringp *sal-input-text*))
(setf line-no (pos-to-line (token-start token) *sal-input-text*))
(cons `(setf *sal-line* ,line-no) stmts))
(t stmts))))
;; PARSE-ERROR -- print error message, return from top-level
(defun parse-error (e)
(unless (sal-error-line e)
(setf (sal-error-line e) *sal-input*))
(pperror e)
(return-from sal-parse (values nil e *sal-tokens*)))
;; SAL-PARSE -- parse string or token input, translate to Lisp
;; If input is text, *sal-input-text* is set to the text and
;; read later (maybe) by ERREXIT.
;; If input is a token list, it is assumed these are leftovers
;; from tokenized text, so *sal-input-text* is already valid.
;; *Therefore*, do not call sal-parse with tokens unless
;; *sal-input-text* is set to the corresponding text.
(defun sal-parse (grammar pat input multiple-statements file)
(progv '(*sal-input-file-name*) (list file)
(let (rslt expr rest)
; ignore grammar and pat (just there for compatibility)
; parse input and return lisp expression
(cond ((stringp input)
(setf *sal-input-text* input)
(setq input (tokenize input *reserved-words* #'parse-error))))
(setf *sal-input* input) ;; all input
(setf *sal-tokens* input) ;; current input
(cond ((null input)
(values t nil nil)) ; e.g. comments compile to nil
(setf rslt (or (maybe-parse-command)
(errexit "Syntax error")))
;; note: there is a return-from parse in parse-error that
;; returns (values nil error <unparsed-tokens>)
(cond ((and *sal-tokens* (not multiple-statements))
(errexit "leftover tokens")))
;((null rslt)
; (errexit "nothing to compile")))
(values t rslt *sal-tokens*))))))
;; TOKEN-IS -- test if the type of next token matches expected type(s)
;; type can be a list of possibilities or just a symbol
;; Usually, suspicious-id-warn is true by default, and any symbol
;; with embedded operator symbols, e.g. x+y results in a warning
;; that this is an odd variable name. But if the symbol is declared
;; as a local, a parameter, a function name, or a global variable,
;; then the warning is suppressed.
(defun token-is (type &optional (suspicious-id-warn t))
(let ((token-type
(if *sal-tokens* (token-type (car *sal-tokens*)) nil))
; input can be list of possible types or just a type:
(setf rslt (or (and (listp type)
(member token-type type))
(and (symbolp type) (eq token-type type))))
; test if symbol has embedded operator characters:
(cond ((and rslt suspicious-id-warn (eq token-type :id))
(test-for-suspicious-symbol (car *sal-tokens*))))
(defun maybe-parse-command ()
(if (token-is '(:define :load :chdir :variable :function
; :system
:play :print :display :plot))
(if (and (token-is '(:return)) *audacity-top-level-return-flag*)
(defun parse-command ()
(cond ((token-is '(:define :variable :function))
((token-is :load)
((token-is :chdir)
((token-is :play)
; ((token-is :system)
; (parse-system))
((token-is :print)
(parse-print-display :print 'sal-print))
((token-is :display)
(parse-print-display :display 'display))
((token-is :plot)
((and *audacity-top-level-return-flag* (token-is :return))
; ((token-is :output)
; (parse-output))
(errexit "Command not found"))))
(defun parse-stmt ()
(cond ((token-is :begin)
((token-is '(:if :when :unless))
((token-is :set)
((token-is :loop)
((token-is :print)
(parse-print-display :print 'sal-print))
((token-is :display)
(parse-print-display :display 'display))
((token-is :plot)
; ((token-is :output)
; (parse-output))
((token-is :exec)
((token-is :exit)
((token-is :return)
((token-is :load)
((token-is :chdir)
; ((token-is :system)
; (parse-system))
((token-is :play)
(errexit "Command not found"))))
;; GET-PARM-NAMES -- given parms like (a b &key (x 1) (y 2)),
;; return list of parameters: (a b x y)
(defun get-parm-names (parms)
(let (rslt)
(dolist (p parms)
(cond ((symbolp p)
(if (eq p '&key) nil (push p rslt)))
(t (push (car p) rslt))))
(reverse rslt)))
;; RETURNIZE -- make a statement (list) end with a sal-return-from
;; SAL returns nil from begin-end statement lists
(defun returnize (stmt)
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
(let (rev expr)
(setf rev (reverse stmt))
(setf expr (car rev)) ; last expression in list
(cond ((and (consp expr) (eq (car expr) 'sal-return-from))
stmt) ; already ends in sal-return-from
(reverse (cons (list 'sal-return-from *sal-fn-name* nil)
(defun parse-declaration ()
(if (token-is :define) (parse-token)) ; SAL extension: "define" is optional
(let (bindings setf-args formals parms stmt locals loc)
(cond ((token-is :variable)
(setf bindings (parse-bindings))
(setf loc *rslt*) ; the "variable" token
(dolist (b bindings)
(cond ((symbolp b)
(push b setf-args)
(push `(if (boundp ',b) ,b) setf-args))
(push (first b) setf-args)
(push (second b) setf-args))))
(add-line-info-to-stmt (cons 'setf (reverse setf-args)) loc))
((token-is :function)
(if (token-is :id nil)
(setf *sal-fn-name* (token-lisp (parse-token)))
(errexit "function name expected here"))
(setf locals *sal-local-variables*)
(setf formals (parse-parms))
(setf stmt (parse-stmt))
;; stmt may contain a return-from, so make this a progn or prog*
(cond ((and (consp stmt)
(not (eq (car stmt) 'progn))
(not (eq (car stmt) 'prog*)))
(setf stmt (list 'progn stmt))))
;; need return to pop traceback stack
(setf stmt (returnize stmt))
;; get list of parameter names
(setf parms (get-parm-names formals))
(setf *sal-local-variables* locals)
;; build the defun
(prog1 (list 'defun *sal-fn-name* formals
(list 'sal-trace-enter
(list 'quote *sal-fn-name*)
(cons 'list parms)
(list 'quote parms))
(setf *sal-fn-name* nil)))
(errexit "bad syntax")))))
(defun parse-one-parm (kargs)
;; kargs is a flag indicating previous parameter was a keyword (all
;; the following parameters must then also be keyword parameters)
;; returns: (<keyword> <default>) or (nil <identifier>)
;; where <keyword> is a keyword parameter name (nil if not a keyword parm)
;; <default> is an expression for the default value
;; <identifier> is the parameter name (if not a keyword parm)
(let (key default-value id)
(cond ((and kargs (token-is :id))
(errexit "positional parameter not allowed after keyword parameter"))
((token-is :id)
;(display "parse-one-1" (token-is :id) (car *sal-tokens*))
(setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
(push id *sal-local-variables*)
(list nil id))
((token-is :key)
(setf key (sal-string-to-symbol (token-string (parse-token))))
(cond ((or (token-is :co) (token-is :rp))) ; no default value
(setf default-value (parse-sexpr))))
(list key default-value))
(errexit "expected keyword name"))
(errexit "expected parameter name")))))
(defun parse-parms ()
;(display "parse-parms" *sal-tokens*)
(let (parms parm kargs expecting)
(if (token-is :lp)
(parse-token) ;; eat the left paren
(errexit "expected left parenthesis"))
(setf expecting (not (token-is :rp)))
(while expecting
(setf parm (parse-one-parm kargs))
;(display "parm" parm)
;; returns list of (kargs . parm)
(if (and (car parm) (not kargs)) ; kargs just set
(push '&key parms))
(setf kargs (car parm))
;; normally push the <id>; for keyword parms, push id and default value
(push (if kargs parm (cadr parm)) parms)
(if (token-is :co)
(setf expecting nil)))
(if (token-is :rp) (parse-token)
(errexit "expected right parenthesis"))
;(display "parse-parms" (reverse parms))
(reverse parms)))
(defun parse-bindings ()
(let (bindings bind)
(setf *rslt* (parse-token)) ; skip "variable" or "with"
; return token as "extra" return value
(setf bind (parse-bind))
(push (if (second bind) bind (car bind))
(while (token-is :co)
(setf bind (parse-bind))
;; if non-nil initializer, push (id expr)
(push (if (second bind) bind (car bind))
(reverse bindings)))
(defun parse-bind ()
(let (id val)
(if (token-is :id nil)
(setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
(errexit "expected a variable name"))
(cond ((token-is :=)
(setf val (parse-sexpr))))
(push id *sal-local-variables*)
(list id val)))
(defun parse-chdir ()
;; assume next token is :chdir
(or (token-is :chdir) (error "parse-chdir internal error"))
(let (path loc)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(setf path (parse-path))
(add-line-info-to-stmt (list 'setdir path) loc)))
(defun parse-play ()
;; assume next token is :play
(or (token-is :play) (error "parse-play internal error"))
(let ((loc (parse-token)))
(add-line-info-to-stmt (list 'sal-play (parse-sexpr)) loc)))
(defun parse-return ()
(or (token-is :return) (error "parse-return internal error"))
(let (loc expr)
;; this seems to be a redundant test
(if (and (null *sal-fn-name*)
(not *audacity-top-level-return-flag*))
(errexit "Return must be inside a function body"))
(setf loc (parse-token))
(setf expr (parse-sexpr))
(if *sal-fn-name*
(add-line-info-to-stmt (list 'sal-return-from *sal-fn-name* expr) loc)
(list 'defun 'main '() (list 'sal-trace-enter '(quote main) '() '())
(add-line-info-to-stmt expr loc)))))
(defun parse-load ()
;; assume next token is :load
(or (token-is :load) (error "parse-load internal error"))
(let (path args loc)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(setf path (parse-path)) ; must return path or raise error
(setf args (parse-keyword-args))
(add-line-info-to-stmt (cons 'sal-load (cons path args)) loc)))
(defun parse-keyword-args ()
(let (args)
(while (token-is :co)
(cond ((token-is :key)
(push (token-value) args)
(push (parse-sexpr) args))))
(reverse args)))
'(defun parse-system ()
;; assume next token is :system
(or (token-is :system) (error "parse-system internal error"))
(let (path arg args)
(setf path (parse-sexpr))
(list 'sal-system path)))
(defun parse-path ()
(if (token-is '(:id :string))
(token-lisp (parse-token))
(errexit "path not found")))
(defun parse-print-display (token function)
;; assumes next token is :print
(or (token-is token) (error "parse-print-display internal error"))
(let (args arg loc)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(setf arg (parse-sexpr))
(setf args (list arg))
(while (token-is :co)
(parse-token) ; remove and ignore the comma
(setf arg (parse-sexpr))
(push arg args))
(add-line-info-to-stmt (cons function (reverse args)) loc)))
(defun parse-plot ()
;; assumes next token is :plot
(or (token-is :plot) (error "parse-plot internal error"))
(let (arg args loc)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(setf arg (parse-sexpr))
(setf args (list arg))
(cond ((token-is :co) ; get duration parameter
(parse-token) ; remove and ignore the comma
(setf arg (parse-sexpr))
(push arg args)
(cond ((token-is :co) ; get n points parameter
(parse-token) ; remove and ignore the comma
(setf arg (parse-sexpr))))))
(add-line-info-to-stmt (cons 's-plot (reverse args)) loc)))
;(defun parse-output ()
; ;; assume next token is :output
; (or (token-is :output) (error "parse-output internal error"))
; (parse-token)
; (list 'sal-output (parse-sexpr)))
(defun maybe-parse-block ()
(if (token-is :begin) (parse-block)))
(defun parse-block ()
;; assumes next token is :block
(or (token-is :begin) (error "parse-block internal error"))
(let (args stmts (locals *sal-local-variables*))
(cond ((token-is :with)
(setf args (parse-bindings))))
(while (not (token-is :end))
(push (parse-stmt) stmts))
(setf stmts (reverse stmts))
;(display "parse-block" args stmts)
(setf *sal-local-variables* locals)
(cons 'prog* (cons args stmts))))
;; MAKE-STATEMENT-LIST -- convert stmt to a stmt list
;; if it is a (PROGN ...) then return cdr -- it's already a list
;; otherwise, put single statement into a list
(defun make-statement-list (stmt)
(cond ((atom stmt)
(list stmt))
((eq (car stmt) 'progn)
(cdr stmt))
(list stmt))))
(setf *conditional-tokens* '(:if :when :unless))
(defun maybe-parse-conditional ()
(if (token-is *conditional-tokens*)
(defun parse-conditional ()
;; assumes next token is :if
(or (token-is *conditional-tokens*)
(error "parse-conditional internal error"))
(let (test then-stmt else-stmt if-token)
(cond ((token-is :if)
(setf if-token (parse-token))
(setf test (parse-sexpr if-token))
(if (not (token-is :then))
(errexit "expected then after if"))
(if (not (token-is :else)) ;; no then statement
(setf then-stmt (parse-stmt)))
(cond ((token-is :else)
(setf else-stmt (parse-stmt))))
;(display "cond" test then-stmt else-stmt)
(if else-stmt
(list 'if test then-stmt else-stmt)
(list 'if test then-stmt)))
((token-is :when)
(setf test (parse-sexpr))
(setf then-stmt (parse-stmt))
(cons 'when (cons test (make-statement-list then-stmt))))
((token-is :unless)
(setf test (parse-sexpr))
(setf else-stmt (parse-stmt))
(cons 'unless (cons test (make-statement-list else-stmt)))))))
(defun maybe-parse-assignment ()
(if (token-is :set) (parse-assignment)))
(defun parse-assignment ()
;; first token must be set
(or (token-is :set) (error "parse-assignment internal error"))
(let (assignments rslt vref op expr set-token)
(setf set-token (parse-token))
(push (parse-assign) assignments) ; returns (target op value)
(while (token-is :co)
(parse-token) ; skip the comma
(push (parse-assign) assignments))
; now assignments is ((target op value) (target op value)...)
(dolist (assign assignments)
(setf vref (first assign) op (second assign) expr (third assign))
(cond ((eq op '=))
((eq op '-=) (setf expr `(diff ,vref ,expr)))
((eq op '+=) (setf expr `(sum ,vref ,expr)))
((eq op '*=) (setq expr `(mult ,vref ,expr)))
((eq op '/=) (setq expr `(/ ,vref ,expr)))
((eq op '&=) (setq expr `(nconc ,vref (list ,expr))))
((eq op '@=) (setq expr `(cons ,expr ,vref)))
2015-04-08 03:10:17 +00:00
((eq op '^=) (setq expr `(nconc ,vref (append ,expr nil))))
((eq op '<=) (setq expr `(min ,vref ,expr)))
((eq op '>=) (setq expr `(max ,vref ,expr)))
(t (errexit (format nil "unknown assignment operator ~A" op))))
(push (list 'setf vref expr) rslt))
(setf rslt (add-line-info-to-stmts rslt set-token))
(if (> (length rslt) 1)
(cons 'progn rslt)
(car rslt))))
;; PARSE-ASSIGN -- based on parse-bind, but with different operators
;; allows arbitrary term on left because it could be an array
;; reference. After parsing, we can check that the target of the
;; assignment is either an identifier or an (aref ...)
(defun parse-assign ()
(let ((lhs (parse-term) op val))
(cond ((token-is '(:= :-= :+= :*= :/= :&= :@= :^= :<= :>=))
(setf op (parse-token))
(setf op (if (eq (token-type op) ':=) '= (token-lisp op)))
(setf val (parse-sexpr))))
(cond ((and (consp lhs) (eq (car lhs) 'aref))) ;; aref good
((symbolp lhs)) ;; id good
(t (errexit "expected a variable name or array reference")))
(list lhs op val)))
(defun maybe-parse-loop ()
(if (token-is :loop) (parse-loop)))
;; loops are compiled to do*
;; bindings go next as usual, but bindings include for variables
;; and repeat is converted to a for +count+ from 0 to <sexpr>
;; stepping is done after statement
;; termination clauses are combined with OR and
;; finally goes after termination
;; statement goes in do* body
(defun parse-loop ()
(or (token-is :loop) (error "parse-loop: internal error"))
(let (bindings termination-tests stmts sexpr rslt finally
(locals *sal-local-variables*))
(parse-token) ; skip "loop"
(if (token-is :with)
(setf bindings (reverse (parse-bindings))))
(while (token-is '(:repeat :for))
(cond ((token-is :repeat)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(push (list 'sal:loopcount 0 '(1+ sal:loopcount)) bindings)
(setf sexpr (parse-sexpr loc)) ; get final count expression
(push (list 'sal:loopfinal sexpr) bindings)
(push '(>= sal:loopcount sal:loopfinal) termination-tests))
((token-is :for)
(setf rslt (parse-for-clause))
; there can be multiple bindings, build bindings in reverse
(cond ((first rslt)
(setf bindings (append (reverse (first rslt))
(if (second rslt) (push (second rslt) termination-tests)))))
(while (token-is '(:while :until))
(cond ((token-is :while)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(push (list 'not (parse-sexpr loc)) termination-tests))
((token-is :until)
(setf loc (parse-token))
(push (parse-sexpr loc) termination-tests))))
; (push (parse-stmt) stmts)
(while (not (token-is '(:end :finally)))
(push (parse-stmt) stmts))
(cond ((token-is :finally)
(parse-token) ; skip "finally"
(setf finally (parse-stmt))))
(if (token-is :end)
(errexit "expected end after loop"))
(setf *sal-local-variables* locals)
`(do* ,(reverse bindings)
,(list (or-ize (reverse termination-tests)) finally)
,@(reverse stmts))))
;; OR-IZE -- compute the OR of a list of expressions
(defun or-ize (exprs)
(if (> (length exprs) 1) (cons 'or exprs)
(car exprs)))
(defun maybe-parse-exec ()
(if (token-is :exec) (parse-exec)))
(defun parse-exec ()
(or (token-is :exec) (error "parse-exec internal error"))
(let ((loc (parse-token))) ; skip the :exec
(parse-sexpr loc)))
(defun maybe-parse-exit ()
(if (token-is :exit) (parse-exit)))
(defun parse-exit ()
(let (tok loc)
(or (token-is :exit) (error "parse-exit internal error"))
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip the :exit
(cond ((token-is :id)
(setf tok (parse-token))
(cond ((eq (token-lisp tok) 'nyquist)
(add-line-info-to-stmt '(exit) loc))
((eq (token-lisp tok) 'sal)
(add-line-info-to-stmt '(sal-exit) loc))
(errexit "expected \"nyquist\" or \"sal\" after \"exit\""))))
(add-line-info-to-stmt '(sal-exit) loc)))))
;; PARSE-FOR-CLAUSE - returns (bindings term-test)
(defun parse-for-clause ()
(or (token-is :for) (error "parse-for-clause: internal error"))
(let (id init next rslt binding term-test list-id loc)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip for
(if (token-is :id)
(setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
(errexit "expected identifier after for"))
(cond ((token-is :=)
;; if the clause is just for id = expr, then assume that
;; expr depends on something that changes each iteration:
;; recompute and assign expr to id each time around
(parse-token) ; skip "="
(setf init (parse-sexpr loc))
(cond ((token-is :then)
(parse-token) ; skip "then"
(setf binding (list id init (parse-sexpr loc))))
(setf binding (list id init init))))
(setf binding (list binding)))
((token-is :in)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "in"
(setf list-id (intern (format nil "SAL:~A-LIST" id)))
(setf binding
(list (list list-id (parse-sexpr loc)
(list 'cdr list-id))
(list id (list 'car list-id) (list 'car list-id))))
(setf term-test (list 'null list-id)))
((token-is :over)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "over"
(setf start (parse-sexpr loc))
#| (cond ((token-is :by)
(parse-token) ; skip "by"
(parse-sexpr))) ;-- I don't know what "by" means - RBD |#
(setf list-id (intern (format nil "SAL:~A-PATTERN" id)))
(setf binding
(list (list list-id start)
(list id (list 'next list-id) (list 'next list-id)))))
((token-is '(:from :below :to :above :downto :by))
(cond ((token-is :from)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "from"
(setf init (parse-sexpr loc)))
(setf init 0)))
(cond ((token-is :below)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "below"
(setf term-test (list '>= id (parse-sexpr loc))))
((token-is :to)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "to"
(setf term-test (list '> id (parse-sexpr loc))))
((token-is :above)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "above"
(setf term-test (list '<= id (parse-sexpr loc))))
((token-is :downto)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "downto"
(setf term-test (list '< id (parse-sexpr loc)))))
(cond ((token-is :by)
(setf loc (parse-token)) ; skip "by"
(setf binding (list id init (list '+ id (parse-sexpr loc)))))
((or (null term-test)
(and term-test (member (car term-test) '(>= >))))
(setf binding (list id init (list '1+ id))))
(t ; loop goes down because of "above" or "downto"
2015-04-08 03:10:17 +00:00
; (display "for step" term-test)
(setf binding (list id init (list '1- id)))))
(setf binding (list binding)))
(errexit "for statement syntax error")))
(list binding term-test)))
;; parse-sexpr works by building a list: (term op term op term ...)
;; later, the list is parsed again using operator precedence rules
(defun parse-sexpr (&optional loc)
(let (term rslt)
(push (parse-term) rslt)
(while (token-is *sal-operators*)
(push (token-type (parse-token)) rslt)
(push (parse-term) rslt))
(setf rslt (reverse rslt))
;(display "parse-sexpr before inf->pre" rslt)
(setf rslt (if (consp (cdr rslt))
(inf->pre rslt)
(car rslt)))
(if loc
(setf rslt (add-line-info-to-expression rslt loc)))
(defun get-lisp-op (op)
(third (assoc op +operators+)))
;; a term is <unary-op> <term>, or
;; ( <sexpr> ), or
;; ? ( <sexpr> , <sexpr> , <sexpr> ), or
;; <id>, or
;; <id> ( <args> ), or
;; <term> [ <sexpr> ]
;; Since any term can be followed by indexing, handle everything
;; but the indexing here in parse-term-1, then write parse-term
;; to do term-1 followed by indexing operations
(defun parse-term-1 ()
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
(let (sexpr id vars loopvar n)
(cond ((token-is '(:- :!))
(list (token-lisp (parse-token)) (parse-term)))
((token-is :lp)
(parse-token) ; skip left paren
(setf sexpr (parse-sexpr))
(if (token-is :rp)
(errexit "right parenthesis not found"))
((token-is :?)
((token-is :lc)
(list 'quote (parse-list)))
((token-is '(:int :float :bool :list :string))
;(display "parse-term int float bool list string" (car *sal-tokens*))
(token-lisp (parse-token)))
((token-is :id) ;; aref or funcall
(setf id (token-lisp (parse-token)))
;; array indexing was here, but that only allows [x] after
;; identifiers. Move this to expression parsing.
(cond ((token-is :lp)
(setf sexpr (cons id (parse-pargs t)))
(if (token-is :rp)
(errexit "right paren not found"))
(t id)))
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
((token-is '(:seqv :seqrepv))
(setf id (intern (string-upcase (token-string (parse-token)))))
(display "parse-term-1" id)
(setf vars (parse-idlist))
(if (not (token-is :lp))
(errexit "expected list of behaviors"))
(setf sexpr (parse-pargs nil))
;; if this is seqrepv, move the first 2 parameters (loop var and
;; count expression) in front of the var list
(cond ((eq id 'SEQREPV)
(setf loopvar (pop sexpr))
(if (not (and loopvar (symbolp loopvar)))
(errexit "expected identifier as first \"parameter\""))
(setf n (pop sexpr))
(if (null n)
(errexit "expected repetition count as second parameter"))
(setf vars (cons id (cons n vars)))))
(setf sexpr (cons id (cons vars sexpr)))
(if (token-is :rp)
(errexit "right paren not found"))
(errexit "expression not found")))))
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
(defun parse-idlist ()
; similar to parse-parms, but simpler because no keywords and default vals
(let (parms parm kargs expecting)
(if (token-is :lp) (parse-token) ;; eat the left paren
(errexit "expected left parenthesis"))
(setf expecting (not (token-is :rp)))
(while expecting
(if (token-is :id)
(push (token-lisp (parse-token)) parms)
(errexit "expected variable name"))
(if (token-is :co) (parse-token)
(setf expecting nil)))
(if (token-is :rp) (parse-token)
(errexit "expected right parenthesis"))
(reverse parms)))
(defun parse-term ()
(let ((term (parse-term-1)))
; (display "parse-term" term (token-is :lb))
(while (token-is :lb)
(setf term (list 'aref term (parse-sexpr)))
(if (token-is :rb)
(errexit "right bracket not found")))
(defun parse-ifexpr ()
(or (token-is :?) (error "parse-ifexpr internal error"))
(let (condition then-sexpr else-sexpr)
(parse-token) ; skip the :?
(if (token-is :lp) (parse-token) (errexit "expected left paren"))
(setf condition (parse-sexpr))
(if (token-is :co) (parse-token) (errexit "expected comma"))
(setf then-sexpr (parse-sexpr))
(if (token-is :co) (parse-token) (errexit "expected comma"))
(setf else-sexpr (parse-sexpr))
(if (token-is :rp) (parse-token) (errexit "expected left paren"))
(list 'if condition then-sexpr else-sexpr)))
(defun keywordp (s)
(and (symbolp s) (eq (type-of (symbol-name s)) 'string)
(equal (char (symbol-name s) 0) #\:)))
(defun functionp (x) (eq (type-of x) 'closure))
(defun parse-pargs (keywords-allowed)
;; get a list of sexprs. If keywords-allowed, then at any point
;; the arg syntax can switch from [<co> <sexpr>]* to
;; [<co> <keyword> <sexpr>]*
;; also if keywords-allowed, it's a function call and the
;; list may be empty. Otherwise, it's a list of indices and
;; the list may not be empty
(let (pargs keyword-expected sexpr keyword)
(if (and keywords-allowed (token-is :rp))
nil ; return empty parameter list
(loop ; look for one or more [keyword] sexpr
; optional keyword test
(setf keyword nil)
2021-01-28 08:13:05 +00:00
; (display "pargs" (car *sal-tokens*))
(if (token-is :key)
(setf keyword (token-lisp (parse-token))))
; (display "parse-pargs" keyword)
; did we need a keyword?
(if (and keyword-expected (not keyword))
(errexit "expected keyword"))
; was a keyword legal
(if (and keyword (not keywords-allowed))
(errexit "keyword not allowed here"))
(setf keyword-expected keyword) ; once we get a keyword, we need
; one before each sexpr
; now find sexpr
(setf sexpr (parse-sexpr))
(if keyword (push keyword pargs))
(push sexpr pargs)
; (display "parse-pargs" keyword sexpr pargs)
(cond ((token-is :co)
(return (reverse pargs))))))))
;; PARSE-LIST -- parse list in braces {}, return list not quoted list
(defun parse-list ()
(or (token-is :lc) (error "parse-list internal error"))
(let (elts)
(while (not (token-is :rc))
(cond ((token-is '(:int :float :id :bool :key :string))
(push (token-lisp (parse-token)) elts))
((token-is *sal-operators*)
(push (intern (token-string (parse-token))) elts))
((token-is :lc)
(push (parse-list) elts))
((token-is :co)
(errexit "expected list element or right brace; do not use commas inside braces {}"))
(errexit "expected list element or right brace"))))
(reverse elts)))
(defparameter *op-weights*
(:\| 1)
(:& 2)
(:! 3)
(:= 4)
(:!= 4)
(:> 4)
(:>= 4)
(:< 4)
(:<= 4)
(:~= 4) ; general equality
(:+ 5)
(:- 5)
(:% 5)
(:* 6)
(:/ 6)
(:^ 7)
(:~ 8)
(:~~ 8)
(:@ 8)
(:@@ 8)))
(defun is-op? (x)
;; return op weight if x is operator
(let ((o (assoc (if (listp x) (token-type x) x)
(and o (cadr o))))
(defun inf->pre (inf)
;; this does NOT rewrite subexpressions because parser applies rules
;; depth-first so subexprs are already processed
(let (op lh rh w1)
(if (consp inf)
(do ()
((null inf) lh)
(setq op (car inf)) ; look at each element of in
(pop inf)
(setq w1 (is-op? op))
(cond ((numberp w1) ; found op (w1 is precedence)
(do ((w2 nil)
(ok t)
(li (list)))
((or (not inf) (not ok))
(setq rh (inf->pre (nreverse li)))
(setq lh (if lh (list (get-lisp-op op) lh rh)
(list (get-lisp-op op) rh nil))))
(setq w2 (is-op? (first inf)))
(cond ((and w2 (<= w2 w1))
(setq ok nil))
(push (car inf) li)
(pop inf)))))
(setq lh op))))