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#!/usr/bin/env bash
((${BASH_VERSION%%.*} >= 4)) || { echo >&2 "$0: Error: Please upgrade Bash."; exit 1; }
set -euxo pipefail
readonly appdir="$1" # input path (Audacity install directory)
readonly appimage="$2" # output path to use for created AppImage
# Helper functions
function download_github_release()
local -r repo_slug="$1" release_tag="$2" file="$3"
wget -q --show-progress "${repo_slug}/releases/download/${release_tag}/${file}"
chmod +x "${file}"
function extract_appimage()
# Extract AppImage so we can run it without having to install FUSE
local -r image="$1" binary_name="$2"
local -r dir="${image%.AppImage}.AppDir"
"./${image}" --appimage-extract >/dev/null # dest folder "squashfs-root"
mv squashfs-root "${dir}" # rename folder to avoid collisions
ln -s "${dir}/AppRun" "${binary_name}" # symlink for convenience
rm -f "${image}"
function download_appimage_release()
local -r github_repo_slug="$1" binary_name="$2" tag="$3"
local -r image="${binary_name}-x86_64.AppImage"
download_github_release "${github_repo_slug}" "${tag}" "${image}"
extract_appimage "${image}" "${binary_name}"
function download_linuxdeploy_component()
local -r component="$1" tag="$2"
download_appimage_release "linuxdeploy/$1" "$1" "$2"
function create_path()
local -r path="$1"
if [[ -d "${path}" ]]; then
return 1 # already exists
mkdir -p "${path}"
# Fetch AppImage packaging tools
if create_path "appimagetool"; then
cd "appimagetool"
download_appimage_release AppImage/AppImageKit appimagetool continuous
export PATH="${PWD%/}/appimagetool:${PATH}"
appimagetool --version
if create_path "linuxdeploy"; then
cd "linuxdeploy"
download_linuxdeploy_component linuxdeploy continuous
export PATH="${PWD%/}/linuxdeploy:${PATH}"
linuxdeploy --list-plugins
# Create symlinks
ln -sf --no-dereference . "${appdir}/usr"
ln -sf share/applications/audacity.desktop "${appdir}/audacity.desktop"
ln -sf share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/audacity.svg "${appdir}/audacity.svg"
ln -sf share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/audacity.svg "${appdir}/.DirIcon"
# Bundle dependencies
# HACK: Some wxWidget libraries depend on themselves. Add
# them to LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that linuxdeploy can find them.
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${appdir}/usr/lib/audacity:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH-}"
linuxdeploy --appdir "${appdir}" # add all shared library dependencies
# Build AppImage
# none
if [[ "${AUDACITY_UPDATE_INFO-}" ]]; then
# Enable updates. See
appimagetool_args+=( --updateinformation="${AUDACITY_UPDATE_INFO}" )
echo >&2 "$0: Automatic updates disabled"
# Create AppImage
cd "$(dirname "${appimage}")" # otherwise zsync created in wrong directory
appimagetool "${appimagetool_args[@]}" "${appdir}" "${appimage}"