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$nyquist plug-in
$version 4
$type generate
$name (_ "Rhythm Track")
$manpage "Rhythm_Track"
$preview linear
$action (_ "Generating Rhythm...")
$author (_ "Dominic Mazzoni")
$release 3.0.0
$copyright (_ "Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2")
;; by Dominic Mazzoni, David R. Sky and Steve Daulton.
;; Drip sound generator by Paul Beach
;; TODO: add more drum sounds
;; Released under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2:
;; For information about writing and modifying Nyquist plug-ins:
$control tempo (_ "Tempo (bpm)") real (_ "30 - 300 beats/minute") 120 30 300
$control timesig (_ "Beats per bar") int (_ "1 - 20 beats/measure") 4 1 20
$control swing (_ "Swing amount") float (_ "+/- 1") 0 -1 1
$control text (_ "Set 'Number of bars' to zero to enable the 'Rhythm track duration'.")
$control bars (_ "Number of bars") int (_ "1 - 1000 bars") 16 0 1000
$control click-track-dur (_ "Rhythm track duration") time (_ "Used if 'Number of bars' = 0") 0 0 nil
$control offset (_ "Start time offset") time (_ "Silence before first beat") 0 0 nil
$control click-type (_ "Beat sound") choice (("Metronome" (_ "Metronome Tick"))
(_ "Ping (short)")
(_ "Ping (long)")
(_ "Cowbell")
("ResonantNoise" (_ "Resonant Noise"))
("NoiseClick" (_ "Noise Click"))
(_ "Drip (short)")
(_ "Drip (long)")) 0
$control high (_ "MIDI pitch of strong beat") int (_ "18 - 116") 84 18 116
$control low (_ "MIDI pitch of weak beat") int (_ "18 - 116") 80 18 116
;; Helper functions:
(defun round-up (x)
(if (> x (truncate x))
(truncate (1+ x))
(truncate x)))
;; Filtering causes changes amplitude, so we normalize to
;; achieve a predictable level.
(defun normalize (sound)
(scale (/ (peak sound ny:all)) sound))
(defun s-rest-abs (d)
(abs-env (s-rest d)))
;; Click sound synthesis
;; Drip sound by Paul Beach
(defun drip (p) ;p is pitch in hz
(let* ((maxhz (/ *sound-srate* 2.1))
(hz1 (min maxhz (* 2.40483 p)))
(hz2 (min maxhz (* 5.52008 p)))
(hz3 (min maxhz (* 8.653 p)))
(hz4 (min maxhz (* 11.8 p))))
(stretch-abs 1
(mult (exp-dec 0 0.015 0.25)
(mult (hzosc hz1) 0.5)
(mult (hzosc hz2) 0.25)
(mult (hzosc hz3) 0.125)
(mult (hzosc hz4) 0.0625))))
;; Metronome tick by Steve Daulton.
(defun metronome-tick (hz peak)
(let* ((ln 300)
(sig-array (make-array ln))
(x 1))
;; generate some 'predictable' white noise
(dotimes (i ln)
(setf x (rem (* 479 x) 997))
(setf (aref sig-array i) (- (/ x 500.0) 1)))
(setf sig (sim (s-rest-abs 0.2)
(snd-from-array 0 44100 sig-array)))
(setf sig
(mult (abs-env (pwev 10 (/ ln 44100.0) 2 1 0))
(highpass8 (lowpass2 sig (* 2 hz) 6)
(let ((gain (/ (peak sig 300))))
; The '1.11' factor makes up for gain reduction in 'resample'
(mult (abs-env (pwlv 1.11 0.02 1.11 0.05 0 ))
(jcrev (mult peak gain sig) 0.01 0.1)))))
;; Cowbell by Steve Daulton.
(defun cowbell (hz)
(mult (pwev 0.3 0.8 0.0005)
(hzosc hz *tri-table*)
(hzosc (* hz 3.46) *tri-table*))
(mult (pwev 0.7 0.2 0.01)
(hzosc (* hz 7.3) *tri-table*)
(hzosc (* hz 1.52) *tri-table*))))
;; Single tick generators:
(defun get-metronome-tick (hz gain)
(sound-srate-abs 44100 (metronome-tick hz gain))
(defun get-ping (pitch ticklen)
(stretch-abs ticklen
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate* (pwl 0.005 amp 0.995 amp 1))
(osc pitch))))
(defun get-resonant-noise (pitch)
(stretch-abs 0.05 ; 50 milliseconds
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate* (pwl 0.05 amp 0.95 amp 1))
(normalize (lowpass2 (noise 1) (step-to-hz pitch) 20)))))
(defun get-noise-click (pitch)
(stretch-abs 0.005
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate* (pwl 0.005 amp 0.995 amp 1))
(normalize (lowpass2 (noise 1) (step-to-hz pitch) 2)))))
(defun get-drip (pitch ticklen)
(stretch-abs ticklen
(control-srate-abs *sound-srate* (pwl 0.005 amp 0.995 amp 1))
(normalize (drip (step-to-hz pitch))))))
(defun get-cowbell (pitch)
(mult 0.8 (cowbell (step-to-hz pitch))))
;; Make selected click
(defun click (type accent)
(setq pitch (if (= accent 1) high low))
(setq amp (if (= accent 1) 0.75 0.5))
(case type
(0 (get-metronome-tick (step-to-hz pitch) amp))
(1 (get-ping pitch 0.01))
(2 (get-ping pitch 0.08))
(3 (get-cowbell pitch))
(4 (get-resonant-noise pitch))
(5 (get-noise-click pitch))
(6 (get-drip pitch 0.007))
(t (get-drip pitch 0.1))))
(defun swing-adjust (i val)
(* val (/ 3.0) (rem (1+ i) 2)))
;Make one measure and save it in the global *measure*
(defun makemeasure ()
(setf *measure*
(s-rest (* timesig beatlen)) ;required for trailing silence
(click click-type 1) ;accented beat
(simrep (x (- timesig 1))
(at-abs (* beatlen (+ x 1 (swing-adjust x swing)))
(cue (click click-type 0))))))) ;unaccented beat
(defun make-click-track (bars mdur)
(setf *measure* (set-logical-stop (cue *measure*) (* timesig beatlen)))
(seqrep (i bars) (cue *measure*)))
(setf beatlen (/ 60.0 tempo))
;call function to make one measure
; If 'Number of bars' = 0, calculate bars from 'Rhythm track duration'.
(when (= bars 0)
(setq bars (/ click-track-dur (* timesig beatlen))))
;if previewing, restrict number of bars
(let ((preview (/ (get '*project* 'preview-duration)
(* timesig beatlen))))
(if (not (get '*track* 'view)) ;NIL if previewing
(setq bars (min preview bars))))
;round up number of bars
(setq bars (round-up bars))
;; Calculate LEN for progress bar.
(setq len (/ (* 60.0 *sound-srate* timesig bars) tempo))
(if (< bars 1)
(_ "Set either 'Number of bars' or
'Rhythm track duration' to greater than zero.")
(if (get '*track* 'view) ;NIL if previewing
(seq (s-rest offset)
(make-click-track bars (* timesig beatlen)))
;; Don't preview the offset (silence).
(make-click-track bars (* timesig beatlen))))