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2017-07-23 16:39:51 +00:00
Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
Dominic Mazzoni
Shane T. Mueller
Leland Lucius
See ToolManager.h for details.
\file ToolManager.cpp
Implements ToolManager
\class ToolManager
\brief Manages the ToolDocks and handles the dragging, floating, and
docking of ToolBars.
#include "ToolManager.h"
#include "../commands/CommandContext.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h".
#include <wx/wxprec.h>
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/app.h>
#include <wx/dcclient.h>
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/frame.h>
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/region.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include <wx/sysopt.h>
#include <wx/timer.h>
#include <wx/utils.h>
#include <wx/window.h>
#endif /* */
#include <wx/minifram.h>
#include <wx/popupwin.h>
#include "../AColor.h"
#include "../AllThemeResources.h"
#include "../ImageManipulation.h"
#include "../Prefs.h"
#include "../Project.h"
#include "../widgets/AButton.h"
#include "../widgets/ASlider.h"
#include "../widgets/MeterPanelBase.h"
#include "../widgets/Grabber.h"
/// Methods for ToolFrame
#define sizerW 11
// Constructor
( AudacityProject *parent, ToolManager *manager, ToolBar *bar, wxPoint pos )
: wxFrame( FindProjectFrame( parent ),
#if !defined(__WXMAC__) // bug1358
, mParent{ parent }
int width = bar->GetSize().x;
int border = 1;
// Save parameters
mManager = manager;
mBar = bar;
// Transfer the bar to the ferry
// Bug 2120 (comment 6 residual): No need to set a minimum size
// if the toolbar is not resizable. On GTK, setting a minimum
// size will prevent the frame from shrinking if the toolbar gets
// reconfigured and needs to resize smaller.
if (bar->IsResizable())
// We use a sizer to maintain proper spacing
auto s = std::make_unique<wxBoxSizer>(wxHORIZONTAL);
// Add the bar to the sizer
s->Add(bar, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, border);
// Add space for the resize grabber
if (bar->IsResizable())
s->Add(sizerW, 1);
width += sizerW;
SetSize(width + 2 * ToolBarFloatMargin,
bar->GetDockedSize().y + 2 * ToolBarFloatMargin);
// Attach the sizer and resize the window to fit
// Inform toolbar of change
bar->SetDocked( NULL, true );
// Make sure resizable floaters don't get any smaller than initial size
if( bar->IsResizable() )
// Calc the minimum size of the frame
mMinSize = bar->GetMinSize() + ( GetSize() - bar->GetSize() );
void ToolFrame::OnGrabber( GrabberEvent & event )
// Pass it on to the manager since it isn't in the handling hierarchy
mManager->ProcessEvent( event );
// The current size determines the min size for resizing...
// the 'lock in' is at that aspect ratio.
void ToolFrame::LockInMinSize(ToolBar * pBar)
mBar = pBar;
wxSize sz = mBar->GetSize();
SetClientSize( sz );
int yDesiredMin = 26;
int y = sz.GetHeight();
if (y > yDesiredMin) {
sz.SetWidth((sz.GetWidth() * yDesiredMin) / y);
sz.SetHeight( yDesiredMin );
mMinSize = sz -wxSize( 10, 0);
void ToolFrame::OnToolBarUpdate( wxCommandEvent & event )
// Resize floater window to exactly contain toolbar
// use actual size rather than minimum size.
if (mBar)
mBar->GetParent()->SetClientSize( mBar->GetSize() );// ->GetMinSize() );
// Allow it to propagate to our parent
void ToolFrame::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent & WXUNUSED(event) )
wxPaintDC dc( this );
wxSize sz = GetSize();
wxRect r;
dc.SetPen( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText ) );
dc.SetBackground( wxBrush( theTheme.Colour( clrMedium ) ) );
dc.SetBrush( *wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
dc.DrawRectangle( 0, 0, sz.GetWidth(), sz.GetHeight() );
if( mBar && mBar->IsResizable() )
r.x = sz.x - sizerW - 2,
r.y = sz.y - sizerW - 2;
r.width = sizerW + 2;
r.height = sizerW + 2;
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft(), r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() );
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft() + 3, r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() + 3 );
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft() + 6, r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() + 6 );
AColor::Line(dc, r.GetLeft() + 9, r.GetBottom(), r.GetRight(), r.GetTop() + 9 );
void ToolFrame::OnMotion( wxMouseEvent & event )
// Don't do anything if we're docked or not resizeable
if( !mBar || mBar->IsDocked() || !mBar->IsResizable() )
// Retrieve the mouse position
wxPoint pos = ClientToScreen( event.GetPosition() );
if( HasCapture() && event.Dragging() )
wxRect rect = GetRect();
rect.SetBottomRight( pos );
// Keep it within max size, if specified
wxSize maxsz = mBar->GetMaxSize();
if (maxsz != wxDefaultSize)
if (maxsz.x != wxDefaultCoord && rect.width > maxsz.x)
rect.width = maxsz.x;
if (maxsz.y != wxDefaultCoord && rect.height > maxsz.y)
rect.height = maxsz.y;
if( rect.width < mMinSize.x )
rect.width = mMinSize.x;
if( rect.height < mMinSize.y )
rect.height = mMinSize.y;
Resize( rect.GetSize() );
else if( HasCapture() && event.LeftUp() )
else if( !HasCapture() )
wxRect rect = GetRect();
wxRect r;
r.x = rect.GetRight() - sizerW - 2,
r.y = rect.GetBottom() - sizerW - 2;
r.width = sizerW + 2;
r.height = sizerW + 2;
// Is left click within resize grabber?
if( r.Contains( pos ) && !event.Leaving() )
mOrigSize = GetSize();
if( event.LeftDown() )
SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW );
void ToolFrame::OnCaptureLost( wxMouseCaptureLostEvent & WXUNUSED(event) )
if( HasCapture() )
void ToolFrame::OnClose( wxCloseEvent & event )
void ToolFrame::OnKeyDown( wxKeyEvent &event )
if( HasCapture() && event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_ESCAPE ) {
Resize( mOrigSize );
void ToolFrame::Resize( const wxSize &size )
SetMinSize( size );
SetSize( size );
Refresh( false );
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( ToolFrame, wxFrame );
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ToolFrame, wxFrame )
EVT_GRABBER( wxID_ANY, ToolFrame::OnGrabber )
EVT_PAINT( ToolFrame::OnPaint )
EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS( ToolFrame::OnMotion )
EVT_MOUSE_CAPTURE_LOST( ToolFrame::OnCaptureLost )
EVT_CLOSE( ToolFrame::OnClose )
EVT_KEY_DOWN( ToolFrame::OnKeyDown )
IMPLEMENT_CLASS( ToolManager, wxEvtHandler );
/// Methods for ToolManager
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( ToolManager, wxEvtHandler )
EVT_GRABBER( wxID_ANY, ToolManager::OnGrabber )
EVT_TIMER( wxID_ANY, ToolManager::OnTimer )
static ToolManager::GetTopPanelHook &getTopPanelHook()
static ToolManager::GetTopPanelHook theHook;
return theHook;
auto ToolManager::SetGetTopPanelHook( const GetTopPanelHook &hook )
-> GetTopPanelHook
auto &theHook = getTopPanelHook();
auto result = theHook;
theHook = hook;
return result;
static const AudacityProject::AttachedObjects::RegisteredFactory key{
[]( AudacityProject &parent ){
return std::make_shared< ToolManager >( &parent ); }
ToolManager &ToolManager::Get( AudacityProject &project )
return project.AttachedObjects::Get< ToolManager >( key );
const ToolManager &ToolManager::Get( const AudacityProject &project )
return Get( const_cast< AudacityProject & >( project ) );
// Constructor
ToolManager::ToolManager( AudacityProject *parent )
: wxEvtHandler()
wxPoint pt[ 3 ];
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Save original transition
mTransition = wxSystemOptions::GetOptionInt( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION );
// Initialize everything
mParent = parent;
mLastPos.x = mBarPos.x = -1;
mLastPos.y = mBarPos.y = -1;
mDragWindow = NULL;
mDragDock = NULL;
mDragBar = NULL;
// Create the down arrow
pt[ 0 ].x = 0;
pt[ 0 ].y = 0;
pt[ 1 ].x = 9;
pt[ 1 ].y = 9;
pt[ 2 ].x = 18;
pt[ 2 ].y = 0;
// Create the shaped region
mDown = std::make_unique<wxRegion>( 3, &pt[0] );
// Create the down arrow
pt[ 0 ].x = 9;
pt[ 0 ].y = 0;
pt[ 1 ].x = 0;
pt[ 1 ].y = 9;
pt[ 2 ].x = 9;
pt[ 2 ].y = 18;
// Create the shaped region
mLeft = std::make_unique<wxRegion>( 3, &pt[0] );
// Create the indicator frame
// parent is null but FramePtr ensures destruction
mIndicator = FramePtr{ safenew wxFrame( NULL,
wxSize( 32, 32 ),
// Hook the creation event...only needed on GTK, but doesn't hurt for all
mIndicator->Bind( wxEVT_CREATE,
this );
// Hook the paint event...needed for all
mIndicator->Bind( wxEVT_PAINT,
this );
// It's a little shy
void ToolManager::CreateWindows()
auto parent = mParent;
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *parent );
// Hook the parents mouse events...using the parent helps greatly
// under GTK
window.Bind( wxEVT_LEFT_UP,
this );
window.Bind( wxEVT_MOTION,
this );
this );
wxWindow *topDockParent = getTopPanelHook()( window );
// Create the top and bottom docks
mTopDock = safenew ToolDock( this, topDockParent, TopDockID );
mBotDock = safenew ToolDock( this, &window, BotDockID );
// Create all of the toolbars
// All have the project as parent window
size_t ii = 0;
for (const auto &factory : RegisteredToolbarFactory::GetFactories()) {
if (factory) {
mBars[ii] = factory( *parent );
wxASSERT( false );
// We own the timer
mTimer.SetOwner( this );
// Process the toolbar config settings
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
2019-05-20 19:29:29 +00:00
// Destructor
void ToolManager::Destroy()
if ( mTopDock || mBotDock ) { // destroy at most once
// Save the toolbar states
// This function causes the toolbars to be destroyed, so
// clear the configuration of the ToolDocks which refer to
// these toolbars. This change was needed to stop Audacity
// crashing when running with Jaws on Windows 10 1703.
mTopDock = mBotDock = nullptr; // indicate that it has been destroyed
for ( size_t ii = 0; ii < ToolBarCount; ++ii )
// This table describes the default configuration of the toolbars as
// a "tree" and must be kept in pre-order traversal.
// In fact this tree is more of a broom -- nothing properly branches except
// at the root.
// "Root" corresponds to left edge of the main window, and successive siblings
// go from top to bottom. But in practice layout may wrap this abstract
// configuration if the window size is narrow.
static struct DefaultConfigEntry {
int barID;
int rightOf; // parent
int below; // preceding sibling
} DefaultConfigTable [] = {
// Top dock row, may wrap
{ TransportBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
{ ToolsBarID, TransportBarID, NoBarID },
{ RecordMeterBarID, ToolsBarID, NoBarID },
{ PlayMeterBarID, RecordMeterBarID, NoBarID },
{ MixerBarID, PlayMeterBarID, NoBarID },
{ EditBarID, MixerBarID, NoBarID },
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// DA: Transcription Toolbar not docked, by default.
{ TranscriptionBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
{ TranscriptionBarID, EditBarID, NoBarID },
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// start another top dock row
{ ScrubbingBarID, NoBarID, TransportBarID },
{ DeviceBarID, ScrubbingBarID, TransportBarID },
// Hidden by default in top dock
{ MeterBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
// Bottom dock
{ SelectionBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
{ TimeBarID, SelectionBarID, NoBarID },
// Hidden by default in bottom dock
{ SpectralSelectionBarID, NoBarID, NoBarID },
// Static member function.
void ToolManager::OnResetToolBars(const CommandContext &context)
auto &project = context.project;
auto &toolManager = ToolManager::Get( project );
void ToolManager::Reset()
// Disconnect all docked bars
for ( const auto &entry : DefaultConfigTable )
int ndx = entry.barID;
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ].get();
ToolBarConfiguration::Position position {
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
(entry.rightOf == NoBarID) ? nullptr : mBars[ entry.rightOf ].get(),
(entry.below == NoBarID) ? nullptr : mBars[ entry.below ].get()
bar->SetSize( 20,20 );
wxWindow *floater;
ToolDock *dock;
bool expose = true;
// Disconnect the bar
if( bar->IsDocked() )
bar->GetDock()->Undock( bar );
floater = NULL;
floater = bar->GetParent();
// Decide which dock.
if (ndx == SelectionBarID
|| ndx == SpectralSelectionBarID
|| ndx == TimeBarID
dock = mBotDock;
dock = mTopDock;
// PRL: Destroy the tool frame before recreating buttons.
// This fixes some subtle sizing problems on macOs.
bar->Reparent( dock );
//OK (and good) to DELETE floater, as bar is no longer in it.
if( floater )
// Recreate bar buttons (and resize it)
#if 0
if( bar->IsResizable() )
// Hide some bars.
if( ndx == MeterBarID
|| ndx == SpectralSelectionBarID
2016-08-14 14:59:07 +00:00
|| ndx == ScrubbingBarID
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// DA: Hides three more toolbars.
|| ndx == DeviceBarID
|| ndx == TranscriptionBarID
|| ndx == SelectionBarID
expose = false;
2020-04-11 07:08:33 +00:00
// Next condition will always (?) be true, as the reset configuration is
// with no floating toolbars.
if( dock != NULL )
// when we dock, we reparent, so bar is no longer a child of floater.
dock->Dock( bar, false, position );
Expose( ndx, expose );
// The (tool)bar has a dragger window round it, the floater.
// in turn floater will have mParent (the entire App) as its
// parent.
// Maybe construct a NEW floater
// this happens if we have just been bounced out of a dock.
if( floater == NULL ) {
floater = safenew ToolFrame( mParent, this, bar, wxPoint(-1,-1) );
bar->Reparent( floater );
// This bar is undocked and invisible.
// We are doing a reset toolbars, so even the invisible undocked bars should
// be moved somewhere sensible. Put bar near center of window.
// If there were multiple hidden toobars the ndx * 10 adjustment means
// they won't overlap too much.
floater->CentreOnParent( );
floater->Move( floater->GetPosition() + wxSize( ndx * 10 - 200, ndx * 10 ));
bar->SetDocked( NULL, false );
Expose( ndx, false );
// TODO:??
// If audio was playing, we stopped the VU meters,
// It would be nice to show them again, but hardly essential as
// they will show up again on the next play.
// SetVUMeters(AudacityProject *p);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
void ToolManager::RegenerateTooltips()
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
for (const auto &bar : mBars) {
if (bar)
int ToolManager::FilterEvent(wxEvent &event)
// Snoop the global event stream for changes of focused window. Remember
// the last one of our own that is not a grabber.
if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_KILL_FOCUS) {
auto &focusEvent = static_cast<wxFocusEvent&>(event);
auto window = focusEvent.GetWindow();
auto top = wxGetTopLevelParent(window);
if(auto toolFrame = dynamic_cast<ToolFrame*>(top))
top = toolFrame->GetParent();
// window is that which will GET the focus
if ( window &&
!dynamic_cast<Grabber*>( window ) &&
!dynamic_cast<ToolFrame*>( window ) &&
top == FindProjectFrame( mParent ) )
// Note this is a dangle-proof wxWindowRef:
mLastFocus = window;
return Event_Skip;
// Read the toolbar states
void ToolManager::ReadConfig()
wxString oldpath = gPrefs->GetPath();
std::vector<int> unordered[ DockCount ];
std::vector<ToolBar*> dockedAndHidden;
bool show[ ToolBarCount ];
int width[ ToolBarCount ];
int height[ ToolBarCount ];
int x, y;
int dock, ndx;
bool someFound { false };
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Change to the bar root
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );
ToolBarConfiguration::Legacy topLegacy, botLegacy;
int vMajor, vMinor, vMicro;
gPrefs->GetVersionKeysInit(vMajor, vMinor, vMicro);
bool useLegacyDock = false;
// note that vMajor, vMinor, and vMicro will all be zero if either it's a new audacity.cfg file
// or the version is less than 1.3.13 (when there were no version keys according to the comments in
// InitPreferences()). So for new audacity.cfg
// file useLegacyDock will be true, but this doesn't matter as there are no Dock or DockV2 keys in the file yet.
if (vMajor <= 1 ||
(vMajor == 2 && (vMinor <= 1 || (vMinor == 2 && vMicro <= 1)))) // version <= 2.2.1
useLegacyDock = true;
// Load and apply settings for each bar
for( ndx = 0; ndx < ToolBarCount; ndx++ )
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ].get();
//wxPoint Center = mParent->GetPosition() + (mParent->GetSize() * 0.33);
//wxPoint Center(
// wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_X ) /2 ,
// wxSystemSettings::GetMetric( wxSYS_SCREEN_Y ) /2 );
// Change to the bar subkey
gPrefs->SetPath( bar->GetSection() );
bool bShownByDefault = true;
int defaultDock = TopDockID;
if( ndx == SelectionBarID )
defaultDock = BotDockID;
if( ndx == MeterBarID )
bShownByDefault = false;
2016-08-14 14:59:07 +00:00
if( ndx == ScrubbingBarID )
bShownByDefault = false;
if( ndx == TimeBarID )
defaultDock = BotDockID;
if( ndx == SpectralSelectionBarID ){
defaultDock = BotDockID;
bShownByDefault = false; // Only show if asked for.
// Read in all the settings
if (useLegacyDock)
gPrefs->Read( wxT("Dock"), &dock, -1); // legacy version of DockV2
gPrefs->Read( wxT("DockV2"), &dock, -1);
const bool found = (dock != -1);
if (found)
someFound = true;
if (!found)
dock = defaultDock;
ToolDock *d;
ToolBarConfiguration::Legacy *pLegacy;
case TopDockID: d = mTopDock; pLegacy = &topLegacy; break;
case BotDockID: d = mBotDock; pLegacy = &botLegacy; break;
default: d = nullptr; pLegacy = nullptr; break;
bool ordered = ToolBarConfiguration::Read(
d ? &d->GetConfiguration() : nullptr,
bar, show[ ndx ], bShownByDefault)
&& found;
gPrefs->Read( wxT("X"), &x, -1 );
gPrefs->Read( wxT("Y"), &y, -1 );
gPrefs->Read( wxT("W"), &width[ ndx ], -1 );
gPrefs->Read( wxT("H"), &height[ ndx ], -1 );
bar->SetVisible( show[ ndx ] );
// Docked or floating?
if( dock )
// Default to top dock if the ID isn't valid
if( dock < NoDockID || dock > DockCount ) {
dock = TopDockID;
// Create the bar with the correct parent
if( dock == TopDockID )
bar->Create( mTopDock );
bar->Create( mBotDock );
// Set the width and height
if( width[ ndx ] != -1 && height[ ndx ] != -1 )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], height[ ndx ] );
bar->SetSize( sz );
// Set the width
if( width[ ndx ] >= bar->GetSize().x )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], bar->GetSize().y );
bar->SetSize( sz );
// note that this section is here because if you had been using sync-lock and now you aren't,
// the space for the extra button is stored in audacity.cfg, and so you get an extra space
// in the EditToolbar.
// It is needed so that the meterToolbar size gets preserved.
// Longer-term we should find a better fix for this.
wxString thisBar = bar->GetSection();
if( thisBar != wxT("Edit"))
// Set the width
if( width[ ndx ] >= bar->GetSize().x )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], bar->GetSize().y );
bar->SetSize( sz );
// make a note of docked and hidden toolbars
if (!show[ndx])
if (!ordered)
// These must go at the end
unordered[ dock - 1 ].push_back( ndx );
// Create the bar (with the top dock being temporary parent)
bar->Create( mTopDock );
// Construct a NEW floater
ToolFrame *f = safenew ToolFrame( mParent, this, bar, wxPoint( x, y ) );
// Set the width and height
if( width[ ndx ] != -1 && height[ ndx ] != -1 )
wxSize sz( width[ ndx ], height[ ndx ] );
f->SetSizeHints( sz );
f->SetSize( sz );
if( (x!=-1) && (y!=-1) )
// Required on Linux Xfce
wxSize msz(width[ndx],height[ndx]-1);
// Inform toolbar of change
bar->SetDocked( NULL, false );
// Show or hide it
Expose( ndx, show[ ndx ] );
// Change back to the bar root
//gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("..") ); <-- Causes a warning...
// May or may not have gone into a subdirectory,
// so use an absolute path.
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );
// Add all toolbars to their target dock
for( dock = 0; dock < DockCount; dock++ )
ToolDock *d = ( dock + 1 == TopDockID ? mTopDock : mBotDock );
// Add all unordered toolbars
for( int ord = 0; ord < (int) unordered[ dock ].size(); ord++ )
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
ToolBar *t = mBars[ unordered[ dock ][ ord ] ].get();
// Dock it
d->Dock( t, false );
// Show or hide the bar
Expose( t->GetId(), show[ t->GetId() ] );
// hidden docked toolbars
for (auto bar : dockedAndHidden) {
bar->SetVisible(false );
bar->GetDock()->Dock(bar, false);
// Restore original config path
gPrefs->SetPath( oldpath );
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Reinstate original transition
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
if (!someFound)
// Save the toolbar states
void ToolManager::WriteConfig()
if( !gPrefs )
wxString oldpath = gPrefs->GetPath();
int ndx;
// Change to the bar root
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("/GUI/ToolBars") );
// Save state of each bar
for( ndx = 0; ndx < ToolBarCount; ndx++ )
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
ToolBar *bar = mBars[ ndx ].get();
// Change to the bar subkey
gPrefs->SetPath( bar->GetSection() );
// Search both docks for toolbar order
bool to = mTopDock->GetConfiguration().Contains( bar );
bool bo = mBotDock->GetConfiguration().Contains( bar );
// Save
// Note that DockV2 was introduced in 2.2.2 to fix bug #1554. Dock is retained so that
// the toolbar layout is not changed when opening a version before 2.2.2, and in particular
// its value is compatible with versions 2.1.3 to 2.2.1 which have this bug.
ToolDock* dock = bar->GetDock(); // dock for both shown and hidden toolbars
gPrefs->Write( wxT("DockV2"), static_cast<int>(dock == mTopDock ? TopDockID : dock == mBotDock ? BotDockID : NoDockID ));
gPrefs->Write( wxT("Dock"), static_cast<int>( to ? TopDockID : bo ? BotDockID : NoDockID));
dock = to ? mTopDock : bo ? mBotDock : nullptr; // dock for shown toolbars
(dock ? &dock->GetConfiguration() : nullptr, bar);
wxPoint pos( -1, -1 );
wxSize sz = bar->GetSize();
if( !bar->IsDocked() && bar->IsPositioned() )
pos = bar->GetParent()->GetPosition();
sz = bar->GetParent()->GetSize();
gPrefs->Write( wxT("X"), pos.x );
gPrefs->Write( wxT("Y"), pos.y );
gPrefs->Write( wxT("W"), sz.x );
gPrefs->Write( wxT("H"), sz.y );
// Change back to the bar root
gPrefs->SetPath( wxT("..") );
// Restore original config path
gPrefs->SetPath( oldpath );
// Return a pointer to the specified toolbar
ToolBar *ToolManager::GetToolBar( int type ) const
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
return mBars[ type ].get();
// Return a pointer to the top dock
ToolDock *ToolManager::GetTopDock()
return mTopDock;
const ToolDock *ToolManager::GetTopDock() const
return mTopDock;
// Return a pointer to the bottom dock
ToolDock *ToolManager::GetBotDock()
return mBotDock;
const ToolDock *ToolManager::GetBotDock() const
return mBotDock;
// Queues an EVT_TOOLBAR_UPDATED command event to notify any
// interest parties of an updated toolbar or dock layout
void ToolManager::Updated()
// Queue an update event
wxCommandEvent e( EVT_TOOLBAR_UPDATED );
GetProjectFrame( *mParent ).GetEventHandler()->AddPendingEvent( e );
// Return docked state of specified toolbar
bool ToolManager::IsDocked( int type )
return mBars[ type ]->IsDocked();
// Returns the visibility of the specified toolbar
bool ToolManager::IsVisible( int type )
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ].get();
return t && t->IsVisible();
#if 0
// If toolbar is floating
if( !t->IsDocked() )
// Must return state of floater window
return t->GetParent()->IsShown();
// Return state of docked toolbar
return t->IsShown();
// Toggles the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolManager::ShowHide( int type )
Expose( type, !mBars[ type ]->IsVisible() );
// Set the visible/hidden state of a toolbar
void ToolManager::Expose( int type, bool show )
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
ToolBar *t = mBars[ type ].get();
// Handle docked and floaters differently
if( t->IsDocked() )
t->GetDock()->Expose( type, show );
t->Expose( show );
// Ask both docks to (re)layout their bars
void ToolManager::LayoutToolBars()
// Update the layout
if (mTopDock)
if (mBotDock)
// Handle toolbar dragging
void ToolManager::OnMouse( wxMouseEvent & event )
// Go ahead and set the event to propagate
// Can't do anything if we're not dragging. This also prevents
// us from intercepting events that don't belong to us from the
// parent since we're Connect()ed to a couple.
if( !mClicked )
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
// Retrieve the event position
wxPoint pos =
( (wxWindow *)event.GetEventObject() )->ClientToScreen( event.GetPosition() ) - mDragOffset;
if( !event.LeftIsDown() )
// Button was released...finish the drag
// Transition the bar to a dock
if (!mDidDrag) {
if (mPrevDock)
else if( mDragDock && !event.ShiftDown() )
// Trip over...everyone ashore that's going ashore...
mDragDock->Dock( mDragBar, true, mDragBefore );
// Done with the floater
2016-08-08 13:54:53 +00:00
mDragWindow = nullptr;
// Calling SetDocked() to force the grabber button to popup
mDragBar->SetDocked( NULL, false );
else if( event.Dragging() && pos != mLastPos )
if (!mDidDrag) {
// Must set the bar afloat if it's currently docked
mDidDrag = true;
wxPoint mp = event.GetPosition();
mp = GetProjectFrame( *mParent ).ClientToScreen(mp);
if (!mDragWindow) {
// We no longer have control
if (mPrevDock)
mPrevDock->GetConfiguration().Remove( mDragBar );
// Rearrange the remaining toolbars before trying to re-insert this one.
// Make toolbar follow the mouse
mDragWindow->Move( pos );
// Remember to prevent excessive movement
mLastPos = pos;
// Calc the top dock hittest rectangle
wxRect tr = mTopDock->GetRect();
tr.SetBottom( tr.GetBottom() + 10 );
tr.SetPosition( mTopDock->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( tr.GetPosition() ) );
// Calc the bottom dock hittest rectangle
wxRect br = mBotDock->GetRect();
br.SetTop( br.GetTop() - 10 );
br.SetBottom( br.GetBottom() + 20 );
br.SetPosition( mBotDock->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( br.GetPosition() ) );
// Add half the bar height. We could use the actual bar height, but that would be confusing as a
// bar removed at a place might not dock back there if just let go.
// Also add 5 pixels in horizontal direction, so that a click without a move (or a very small move)
// lands back where we started.
pos += wxPoint( 5, 20 );
// To find which dock, rather than test against pos, test against the whole dragger rect.
// This means it is enough to overlap the dock to dock with it.
wxRect barRect = mDragWindow->GetRect();
ToolDock *dock = NULL;
if( tr.Intersects( barRect ) )
dock = mTopDock;
else if( br.Intersects( barRect ) )
dock = mBotDock;
// Looks like we have a winner...
if( dock )
wxPoint p;
wxRect r;
// Calculate where the bar would be placed
mDragBefore = dock->PositionBar( mDragBar, pos, r );
// If different than the last time, the indicator must be moved
if( r != mBarPos )
wxRect dr = dock->GetRect();
// Hide the indicator before changing the shape
// Decide which direction the arrow should point
if( r.GetTop() >= dr.GetHeight() )
const auto &box = mDown->GetBox();
p.x = dr.GetLeft() + ( dr.GetWidth() / 2 )
- (box.GetWidth() / 2);
p.y = dr.GetBottom() - box.GetHeight();
mCurrent = mDown.get();
// r is the rectangle of the toolbar being dragged.
// A tall undocked toolbar will become at most 2 tbs
// high when docked, so the triangular drop indicator
// needs to use that height, h, not the bar height
// for calculating where to be drawn.
const int tbs = toolbarSingle + toolbarGap;
int h = wxMin(r.GetHeight(), 2*tbs-1);
p.x = dr.GetLeft() + r.GetLeft();
p.y = dr.GetTop() + r.GetTop() +
( ( h - mLeft->GetBox().GetHeight() ) / 2 );
mCurrent = mLeft.get();
// Change the shape while hidden and then show it if okay
mIndicator->SetShape( *mCurrent );
if( !event.ShiftDown() )
// Move it into position
// LL: Do this after the Show() since KDE doesn't move the window
// if it's not shown. (Do it outside if the previous IF as well)
mIndicator->Move( dock->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( p ) );
// Remember for next go round
mBarPos = r;
// Hide the indicator if it's still shown
if( mBarPos.x != -1 )
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Hide any
mBarPos.x = -1;
mBarPos.y = -1;
// Remember to which dock the drag bar belongs.
mDragDock = dock;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Reinstate original transition
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
// Deal with NEW capture lost event
void ToolManager::OnCaptureLost( wxMouseCaptureLostEvent & event )
// Can't do anything if we're not dragging. This also prevents
// us from intercepting events that don't belong to us from the
// parent since we're Connect()ed to a couple.
if( !mDragWindow )
// Simulate button up
wxMouseEvent e(wxEVT_LEFT_UP);
// Watch for shift key changes
void ToolManager::OnTimer( wxTimerEvent & event )
// Go ahead and set the event to propagate
// Can't do anything if we're not dragging. This also prevents
// us from intercepting events that don't belong to us from the
// parent since we're Connect()ed to a couple.
if( !mDragWindow )
bool state = wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT );
if( mLastState != state )
mLastState = state;
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
mIndicator->Show( !state );
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
// Handle Indicator paint events
// Really only needed for the Mac since SetBackgroundColour()
// doesn't seem to work with shaped frames.
void ToolManager::OnIndicatorPaint( wxPaintEvent & event )
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// TODO: Better to use a bitmap than a triangular region.
wxWindow *w = (wxWindow *)event.GetEventObject();
wxPaintDC dc( w );
// TODO: Better (faster) to use the existing spare brush.
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
wxBrush brush( theTheme.Colour( clrTrackPanelText ) );
dc.SetBackground( brush );
// Handle Indicator creation event
// Without this, the initial Indicator window will be a solid blue square
// until the next time it changes.
void ToolManager::OnIndicatorCreate( wxWindowCreateEvent & event )
#if defined(__WXGTK__)
mIndicator->SetShape( *mCurrent );
void ToolManager::UndockBar( wxPoint mp )
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Disable window animation
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, 1 );
// Adjust the starting position
mp -= mDragOffset;
// Inform toolbar of change
mDragBar->SetDocked( NULL, true );
// Construct a NEW floater
mDragWindow = safenew ToolFrame( mParent, this, mDragBar, mp );
// Make sure the ferry is visible
// Notify parent of change
#if defined(__WXMAC__)
// Reinstate original transition
wxSystemOptions::SetOption( wxMAC_WINDOW_PLAIN_TRANSITION, mTransition );
// Transition a toolbar from float to dragging
void ToolManager::OnGrabber( GrabberEvent & event )
// No need to propagate any further
event.Skip( false );
return HandleEscapeKey();
// Remember which bar we're dragging
2016-08-10 04:54:29 +00:00
mDragBar = mBars[ event.GetId() ].get();
// Remember state, in case of ESCape key later
if (mDragBar->IsDocked()) {
mPrevDock = dynamic_cast<ToolDock*>(mDragBar->GetParent());
mPrevSlot = mPrevDock->GetConfiguration().Find(mDragBar);
mPrevPosition = mDragBar->GetParent()->GetPosition();
// Calculate the drag offset
wxPoint mp = event.GetPosition();
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
mDragOffset = mp -
mDragBar->GetParent()->ClientToScreen( mDragBar->GetPosition() ) +
wxPoint( 1, 1 );
mClicked = true;
if( mPrevDock )
mDragWindow = nullptr;
mDragWindow = (ToolFrame *) mDragBar->GetParent();
// We want all mouse events from this point on
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *mParent );
if( !window.HasCapture() )
// Start monitoring shift key changes
mLastState = wxGetKeyState( WXK_SHIFT );
mTimer.Start( 100 );
void ToolManager::HandleEscapeKey()
if (mDragBar) {
if(mPrevDock) {
// Sheriff John Stone,
// Why don't you leave me alone?
// Well, I feel so break up
// I want to go home.
mPrevDock->Dock( mDragBar, true, mPrevSlot );
// Done with the floater
2016-08-08 13:54:53 +00:00
mDragWindow = nullptr;
else {
// Floater remains, and returns to where it begain
auto parent = mDragBar->GetParent();
mDragBar->SetDocked(NULL, false);
void ToolManager::DoneDragging()
// Done dragging - ensure grabber button isn't pushed
if( mDragBar )
2021-02-16 07:56:19 +00:00
mDragBar->SetDocked( mDragBar->GetDock(), false );
// Release capture
auto &window = GetProjectFrame( *mParent );
if( window.HasCapture() )
// Hide the indicator
mDragWindow = NULL;
mDragDock = NULL;
mDragBar = NULL;
mPrevDock = NULL;
mPrevSlot = { ToolBarConfiguration::UnspecifiedPosition };
mLastPos.x = mBarPos.x = -1;
mLastPos.y = mBarPos.y = -1;
mDidDrag = false;
mClicked = false;
bool ToolManager::RestoreFocus()
if (mLastFocus) {
auto temp1 = AButton::TemporarilyAllowFocus();
auto temp2 = ASlider::TemporarilyAllowFocus();
auto temp3 = MeterPanelBase::TemporarilyAllowFocus();
return true;
return false;
2020-02-14 15:20:25 +00:00
#include "../commands/CommandContext.h"
#include "../Menus.h"
ToolBarID id, const CommandID &name, const TranslatableString &label_in,
const Registry::OrderingHint &hint,
std::vector< ToolBarID > excludeIDs )
: mId{ id }
, mAttachedItem{
Registry::Placement{ wxT("View/Other/Toolbars/Toolbars/Other"), hint },
( MenuTable::FinderScope(
[this](AudacityProject &) -> CommandHandlerObject&
{ return *this; } ),
MenuTable::Command( name, label_in,
CommandManager::Options{}.CheckTest( [id](AudacityProject &project){
auto &toolManager = ToolManager::Get( project );
return toolManager.IsVisible( id ); } ) ) ) }
, mExcludeIds{ std::move( excludeIDs ) }
void AttachedToolBarMenuItem::OnShowToolBar( const CommandContext &context )
auto &project = context.project;
auto &toolManager = ToolManager::Get( project );
if( !toolManager.IsVisible( mId ) )
for ( const auto excludedID : mExcludeIds )
toolManager.Expose( excludedID, false );