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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
#ifndef __AUDACITY_RULER__
#define __AUDACITY_RULER__
#include "wxPanelWrapper.h" // to inherit
#include "../NumberScale.h" // member variable
#include <wx/colour.h> // member variable
#include <wx/pen.h> // member variable
class wxDC;
class wxFont;
class Envelope;
class ZoomInfo;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API Ruler {
enum RulerFormat {
// Constructor / Destructor
// Required Ruler Parameters
void SetBounds(int left, int top, int right, int bottom);
void SetOrientation(int orient);
// min is the value at (x, y)
// max is the value at (x+width, y+height)
// (at the center of the pixel, in both cases)
void SetRange(double min, double max);
// An overload needed for the special case of fisheye
// min is the value at (x, y)
// max is the value at (x+width, y+height)
// hiddenMin, hiddenMax are the values that would be shown without the fisheye.
// (at the center of the pixel, in both cases)
void SetRange(double min, double max, double hiddenMin, double hiddenMax);
// Optional Ruler Parameters
// If twoTone is true, cause zero and positive numbers to appear black, negative in another color.
void SetTwoTone(bool twoTone);
// IntFormat, RealFormat, or TimeFormat
void SetFormat(RulerFormat format);
// Specify the name of the units (like "dB") if you
// want numbers like "1.6" formatted as "1.6 dB".
void SetUnits(const TranslatableString &units);
void SetDbMirrorValue( const double d );
// Logarithmic
void SetLog(bool log);
// Minimum number of pixels between labels
void SetSpacing(int spacing);
// If this is true, the edges of the ruler will always
// receive a label. If not, the nearest round number is
// labeled (which may or may not be the edge).
void SetLabelEdges(bool labelEdges);
// Makes a vertical ruler hug the left side (instead of right)
// and a horizontal ruler hug the top (instead of bottom)
void SetFlip(bool flip);
// Set it to false if you don't want minor labels.
void SetMinor(bool value);
// Good defaults are provided, but you can override here
void SetFonts(const wxFont &minorFont, const wxFont &majorFont, const wxFont &minorMinorFont);
struct Fonts {
wxFont major, minor, minorMinor;
int lead;
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Fonts GetFonts() const;
void SetNumberScale(const NumberScale &scale);
// The ruler will not draw text within this (pixel) range.
// Use this if you have another graphic object obscuring part
// of the ruler's area. The values start and end are interpreted
// relative to the Ruler's local coordinates.
void OfflimitsPixels(int start, int end);
// Calculates and returns the maximum size required by the ruler
void GetMaxSize(wxCoord *width, wxCoord *height);
// The following functions should allow a custom ruler setup:
// autosize is a GREAT thing, but for some applications it's
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// useful the definition of a label array and label step by
// the user.
void SetCustomMode(bool value);
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// If this is the case, you should provide an array of labels, start
// label position, and labels step. The range eventually specified will be
// ignored.
void SetCustomMajorLabels(
const TranslatableStrings &labels, int start, int step);
void SetCustomMinorLabels(
const TranslatableStrings &labels, int start, int step);
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void SetUseZoomInfo(int leftOffset, const ZoomInfo *zoomInfo);
// Drawing
// Note that it will not erase for you...
void Draw(wxDC& dc) const;
void Draw(wxDC& dc, const Envelope* envelope) const;
// If length <> 0, draws lines perpendiculars to ruler corresponding
// to selected ticks (major, minor, or both), in an adjacent window.
// You may need to use the offsets if you are using part of the dc for rulers, borders etc.
void DrawGrid(wxDC& dc, int length, bool minor = true, bool major = true, int xOffset = 0, int yOffset = 0) const;
// So we can have white ticks on black...
void SetTickColour( const wxColour & colour)
{ mTickColour = colour; mPen.SetColour( colour );}
// Force regeneration of labels at next draw time
void Invalidate();
struct TickSizes;
class Label {
double value;
int pos;
int lx, ly;
TranslatableString text;
void Draw(wxDC &dc, bool twoTone, wxColour c) const;
using Labels = std::vector<Label>;
using Bits = std::vector< bool >;
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void ChooseFonts( wxDC &dc ) const;
void UpdateCache( wxDC &dc, const Envelope* envelope ) const;
struct Updater;
bool mbTicksOnly; // true => no line the length of the ruler
bool mbTicksAtExtremes;
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wxColour mTickColour;
wxPen mPen;
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int mLeft, mTop, mRight, mBottom;
int mLength;
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std::unique_ptr<Fonts> mpUserFonts;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Fonts> mpFonts;
double mMin, mMax;
double mHiddenMin, mHiddenMax;
Bits mUserBits;
static std::pair< wxRect, Label > MakeTick(
Label lab,
wxDC &dc, wxFont font,
std::vector<bool> &bits,
int left, int top, int spacing, int lead,
bool flip, int orientation );
struct Cache;
mutable std::unique_ptr<Cache> mpCache;
// Returns 'zero' label coordinate (for grid drawing)
int FindZero( const Labels &labels ) const;
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int GetZeroPosition() const;
int mOrientation;
int mSpacing;
double mDbMirrorValue;
bool mHasSetSpacing;
bool mLabelEdges;
RulerFormat mFormat;
bool mLog;
bool mFlip;
bool mCustom;
bool mbMinor;
TranslatableString mUnits;
bool mTwoTone;
const ZoomInfo *mUseZoomInfo;
int mLeftOffset;
NumberScale mNumberScale;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API RulerPanel final : public wxPanelWrapper {
using Range = std::pair<double, double>;
struct Options {
bool log { false };
bool flip { false };
bool labelEdges { false };
bool ticksAtExtremes { false };
bool hasTickColour{ false };
wxColour tickColour;
Options() {}
Options &Log( bool l )
{ log = l; return *this; }
Options &Flip( bool f )
{ flip = f; return *this; }
Options &LabelEdges( bool l )
{ labelEdges = l; return *this; }
Options &TicksAtExtremes( bool t )
{ ticksAtExtremes = t; return *this; }
Options &TickColour( const wxColour c )
{ tickColour = c; hasTickColour = true; return *this; }
RulerPanel(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
wxOrientation orientation,
const wxSize &bounds,
const Range &range,
Ruler::RulerFormat format,
const TranslatableString &units,
const Options &options = {},
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize);
void DoSetSize(int x, int y,
int width, int height,
int sizeFlags = wxSIZE_AUTO) override;
void OnErase(wxEraseEvent &evt);
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent &evt);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent &evt);
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void SetTickColour( wxColour & c){ ruler.SetTickColour( c );}
// We don't need or want to accept focus.
bool AcceptsFocus() const override { return false; }
// So that wxPanel is not included in Tab traversal - see wxWidgets bug 15581
bool AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard() const override { return false; }
Ruler ruler;
#endif //define __AUDACITY_RULER__