
388 lines
12 KiB
Raw Normal View History

use strict 'vars';
use File::Spec;
my $traceLevel = 3;
# whether to box the clusters by sub-folder, but always color nodes regardless
my @clusterlist = qw(
my %clusters;
@clusters{@clusterlist} = ();
sub clustering
return exists( $clusters{ $_[0] } );
# whether to prune redundant arcs implied in transitive closure
my $pruning = 1;
# whether to insert hyperlinks
my $links = 1;
# Step 1: collect short names and paths to .cpp files
# We assume that final path components uniquely identify the files!
my $dir = "../src";
my %names; # string to string
foreach my $file (`find $dir -name '*.cpp' -o -name '*.h' -o -name '*.mm'`) {
my $short = $file;
chop $short;
$short =~ s|\.cpp$||;
$short =~ s|\.h$||;
$short =~ s|\.mm$||;
my $shorter = ($short =~ s|^.*/||r);
$names{$shorter} = $short;
#my $linkroot = "";
my $linkroot = "file://" . File::Spec->rel2abs( $dir );
print STDERR "Found ", scalar( keys %names ), " filename(s)\n" if $traceLevel >= 1;
# Step 2: collect inclusions in each .cpp/.h pair, and folder information,
# and build a graph
my $arcs = 0;
my %graph; # hash from names to sets of names
my $grepcmd = "grep '^ *# *include[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\\.h\"'"; # find include directives with quotes
my $sedcmd = "sed -E 's|^[^\"]*\"([^\"]*)\\.h\".*\$|\\1|'"; # extract quoted path
my %folders; # build our own tree like the directories
my $nFolders = 1;
while( my ($shorter, $short) = each(%names) ) {
# find relevant files (.cpp and .h, and sometimes .mm too)
my $pat = "${short}.*";
my @files = glob $pat;
# store path information, for subgraph clustering later
$short = substr $short, length( $dir ) + 1;
my @ownComponents = split '/', $short;
my $last = pop @ownComponents;
my $folder = \%folders;
# this improves the graph in some ways:
# files that we just put directly under src should be treated as if in
# a separate subfolder.
@ownComponents = ("UNCLASSIFIED") if not @ownComponents;
# store paths in a hash from strings to references to hashes from strings to references to ...
# (ensuring a nonempty set at key "" for each node of this tree)
while (@ownComponents) {
my $component = shift @ownComponents;
if (not exists $$folder{ $component }) {
my %empty = ("",());
$$folder{ $component } = \%empty;
$folder = $$folder{ $component };
# at the last folder, hash empty string specially, to the set of files
if (not exists $$folder{ "" }) {
my %empty = ("",());
$$folder{ "" } = \%empty;
$$folder{""}{$last} = ();
my %empty;
$graph{$shorter} = \%empty; # be sure leaf nodes are not omitted from hash
foreach (`cat @files | $grepcmd | $sedcmd`) {
my @components = split '/';
my $include = $components[-1];
# omit self-arcs and arcs to .h files external to the project
if (($shorter ne $include) && (exists $names{$include})) {
$graph{$shorter}{$include} = (), ++$arcs;
print STDERR "Found ", scalar( keys %graph ), " node(s) and ${arcs} arc(s)\n" if $traceLevel >= 1;
# Step 3: compute an acyclic quotient graph
my %quotientMap; # from node name to reference to array of node names
sub SCCID {
# given reference to an array of names
# use the first name in the array as an ID
my $scc = shift;
return $$scc[0];
sub SCCLabel {
# given reference to an array of names
# use concatenation of names as the displayed label
my $scc = shift;
return join "\n", @$scc;
my %quotientGraph; # to be populated, from SCC ID to array of:
# [ array of immediately reachable SCC IDs,
# array of transitively reachable SCC ids,
# rank number ]
# The first member may be pruned to only those nodes reachable by a longest
# path of length one
# find strongly connected components with Tarjan's algorithm, which discovers
# the nodes of the quotient graph in a bottom-up topologically sorted order
my %temp; # assigns numbers to node names
my $count = 1;
my @stack; # names
my $traceDepth = 0;
$arcs = 0;
my $prunedArcs = 0;
my $maxRank = -1;
my $largest = 0;
# three utility procedures for discovery of one s.c.c.
sub merge {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my $na = @$a;
my $nb = @$b;
my @result;
while ($na && $nb) {
if ($$a[-$na] lt $$b[-$nb]) {
push @result, $$a[-($na--)];
elsif ($$b[-$nb] lt $$a[-$na]) {
push @result, $$b[-($nb--)];
else {
push @result, $$a[-($na--)]; $nb--;
push @result, $$a[-($na--)] while $na;
push @result, $$b[-($nb--)] while $nb;
sub diff {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
my $na = @$a;
my $nb = @$b;
my @result;
while ($na && $nb) {
if ($$a[-$na] lt $$b[-$nb]) {
push @result, $$a[-($na--)];
elsif ($$b[-$nb] lt $$a[-$na]) {
else {
$na--; $nb--;
push @result, $$a[-($na--)] while $na;
sub discoverOneComponent {
my ($sorted, $traceIndent) = @_; # reference to sorted array of names
# first populate the quotient map
foreach my $node (@$sorted) {
$quotientMap{ $node } = $sorted;
# now add arcs to the quotient graph
my $qhead = $$sorted[0]; # identifier of quotient node, agreeing with sub SCCID
$#{$quotientGraph{ $qhead }} = 2; # reserve results
my $data = $quotientGraph{ $qhead }; # reference to results
my $rank = -1;
my @reachable;
my %direct;
my @merged;
foreach my $node (@$sorted) {
my $tails = $graph{ $node };
foreach my $tail ( keys %$tails ) {
# it is guaranteed that all destination nodes are already in quotientMap,
# because of the bottom-up discovery sequence, so this works:
my $qtail = SCCID( $quotientMap{ $tail } );
$direct{ $qtail } = () if ( $qhead ne $qtail );
my $tailData = $quotientGraph{ $qtail };
my $tailRank = $$tailData[2];
$rank = $tailRank if $tailRank > $rank;
@reachable = merge( $$tailData[1], \@reachable );
my @direct = sort ( keys %direct ); # all direct arcs
my @pruned = diff( \@direct, \@reachable ); # all nonredundant direct arcs
$prunedArcs += @pruned; # count for trace information
$arcs += @direct; # count for trace information
@reachable = merge( \@pruned, \@reachable ); # all nodes reachable (excluding self)
$$data[0] = $pruning ? \@pruned : \@direct;
$$data[1] = \@reachable;
$$data[2] = $rank;
if ($traceLevel >= 3) {
print STDERR "${traceIndent}${qhead}";
print STDERR " and ", (scalar(@$sorted) - 1), " other(s)" if scalar(@$sorted) > 1;
print STDERR " discovered at rank ${rank}\n";
$maxRank = $rank if $rank > $maxRank;
$largest = @$sorted if @$sorted > $largest;
#recursive procedure
sub tarjan {
my ($name, $num) = @_;
my $traceIndent = " " x $traceDepth;
if ( exists( $temp{$name} ) ) {
# have visited
my $number = $temp{$name};
if ($number > 0) {
#scc not fully known
print STDERR "${traceIndent}${name} ${number} revisited\n" if $traceLevel >= 3;
return $number;
else {
#scc known
return $num; # unchanged
else {
# first visit
push @stack, $name;
$temp{$name} = my $number = $count++;
print STDERR "${traceIndent}${name} ${number} discovering\n" if $traceLevel >= 3;
# recur on directly reachable nodes
my $least = $number;
my $tails = $graph{$name};
foreach my $name2 ( keys %$tails ) {
my $result = tarjan( $name2, $number );
$least = $result if $result < $least;
if ($least == $number) {
# finished a component (this was the first discovered node in it)
my $node;
my @scc;
do {
$node = pop @stack;
$temp{ $node } = 0;
push @scc, $node;
} while( $node ne $name );
my @sorted = sort @scc;
discoverOneComponent( \@sorted, $traceIndent );
return $num; # unchanged
else {
# not finished
print STDERR "${traceIndent}${name} deferred to ${least}\n" if $traceLevel >= 3;
return $least;
# top invocation of recursive procedure discovers all
foreach my $node ( keys %graph ) {
tarjan( $node, 0 );
#give trace information
if ($traceLevel >= 1) {
print STDERR "Found ", scalar(keys(%quotientGraph)), " strongly connected component(s) in ", (1 + $maxRank), " rank(s)\n";
print STDERR "Largest component size is ${largest}\n";
print STDERR "${arcs} arc(s) found (${prunedArcs} after pruning)\n";
# Step 4: output the graph in dot language
print STDERR "Generating .dot file\n" if $traceLevel >= 1;
# temporary redirection
my $fname = "";
open my $fh, ">", $fname or die "Can't open file";
*STDOUT = $fh;
# header
my $graphAttr =
# $clustering ?
"labeljust=l labelloc=b"
# : ""
print "strict digraph{ graph [";
print $graphAttr;
print " newrank=true";
#print " mclimit=0.01";
#print " nslimit=1";
#print " rank=max";
#print " rankdir=LR";
print "]\n";
print "node [style=filled]";
# nodes and their clusters
# group the nodes into subgraphs corresponding to directories
print "\n";
print "// Nodes\n";
my $hue = 0;
my $saturation = 1.0;
my $huestep = 1.0 / $nFolders;
sub subgraph{
my ($foldername, $hashref) = @_;
my $clustered = clustering( $foldername );
my $cluster = $clustered ? "cluster" : "";
my $clusterAttr = $clustered ? "style=bold color=\"blue\"" : "";
print STDERR "subgraph \"$foldername\"\n" if $traceLevel >= 3;
my $color = "${hue},${saturation},1.0";
$hue += $huestep;
$saturation = 1.5 - $saturation; # alternate bold and pale
my $attrs = $clusterAttr . "label=\"$foldername\"";
print "\nsubgraph \"${cluster}${foldername}\" { $attrs node [fillcolor=\"${color}\"]\n";
# describe the nodes at this level, stored as a set (i.e. a hash to
# don't-care values) at key ""
foreach my $name (sort (keys %{$$hashref{""}})) {
next unless $name; # ignore dummy element
my $scc = $quotientMap{ $name };
my $id = SCCID( $scc );
# only want the name that is the representative of its s.c.c.
# equivalence class
next unless $name eq $id;
my $label = SCCLabel( $scc );
print " \"${id}\" [label=\"$label\"";
# insert other node attributes here as key=value pairs,
print " URL=\"${linkroot}${foldername}/${id}.cpp\"" if $links;
# separated by spaces
# now recur, to describe nested clusters
foreach my $name ( sort( keys %$hashref ) ) {
next unless $name; # we just did the special entry at key "" above,
# which is a set of leaves at this level, not a subtree
subgraph( "${foldername}/${name}", $$hashref{ $name } );
print "}\n";
subgraph( "", \%folders );
# now describe the arcs
print "\n";
print "// Arcs\n";
while( my ($head, $data) = each( %quotientGraph ) ) {
foreach my $tail ( @{$$data[0]} ) {
print " \"$head\" -> \"$tail\" [";
# insert arc attributes here as key=value pairs,
print "penwidth=2.0";
# separated by spaces
print "}\n";
# restore
# Step 5: generate image
print STDERR "Generating image...\n" if $traceLevel >= 1;
my $verbosity = ($traceLevel >= 2) ? "-v" : "";
`dot $verbosity -O -Tsvg $fname`;
print STDERR "done\n" if $traceLevel >= 1;