
415 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
James Crook
\file HelpText.cpp
\brief Given a key, returns some html.
#include "HelpText.h"
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/sstream.h>
#include <wx/txtstrm.h>
#include "FileNames.h"
#include "Internat.h"
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
#include "AllThemeResources.h"
#include "Theme.h"
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
wxString HtmlColourOfIndex( int i ){
wxColour c = theTheme.Colour(i);
return wxString::Format("\"#%02X%02X%02X\"",
c.Red(), c.Green(), c.Blue() );
static wxString WrapText( const wxString & Text )
return wxString(wxT(""))+
wxT("<html><head></head>") +
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
wxT("<body bgcolor=") + HtmlColourOfIndex(clrTrackInfo) + wxT(">") +
wxT("<font color=") + HtmlColourOfIndex(clrTrackPanelText) + wxT(">") +
wxT("<p>") + Text +
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
static wxString InnerLink( const wxString &Key, const wxString& Text )
return wxString(wxT("")) +
wxT("<a href='innerlink:") +
Key +
wxT("'>") +
Text +
static wxString WikiLink( const wxString &Key, const wxString& Text )
return wxString(wxT("")) +
wxT("<a href='") +
Key +
wxT("'>") +
Text +
static wxString FileLink( const wxString &Key, const wxString& Text )
return wxString(wxT("")) +
wxT("<a href='") +
wxT("file:") +
FileNames::HtmlHelpDir() +
Key +
wxT("'>") +
Text +
static wxString TypedLink( const wxString &Key, const wxString& Text )
return wxString(wxT("")) +
wxT("<a href='") +
Key +
wxT("'>") +
Text +
static wxString LinkExpand( const wxString & Text )
wxString Temp = Text;
int i,j,k;
while( (i=Temp.First( wxT("[[") ))!= wxNOT_FOUND )
wxString Key = Temp.Mid(i+2);
j = Key.First( wxT("|") );
if( j==wxNOT_FOUND )
return Temp;
wxString LinkText = Key.Mid( j+1);
k = LinkText.First( wxT("]]") );
if( k==wxNOT_FOUND )
return Temp;
Key = Key.Mid( 0, j );
LinkText = LinkText.Mid( 0, k );
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
LinkText=wxString("<font color=") + HtmlColourOfIndex(clrSample) + wxT(">") +LinkText+"</font>";
wxString Replacement;
if( Key.StartsWith( wxT("wiki:") ))
Replacement = WikiLink( Key.Mid( 5 ), LinkText );
else if( Key.StartsWith( wxT("file:") ))
Replacement = FileLink( Key.Mid( 5 ), LinkText );
else if( Key.StartsWith( wxT("http:") ))
Replacement = TypedLink( Key, LinkText );
else if( Key.StartsWith( wxT("https:") ))
Replacement = TypedLink( Key, LinkText );
else if( Key.StartsWith( wxT("mailto:") ))
Replacement = TypedLink( Key, LinkText );
else if( Key.StartsWith( wxT("*URL*") ))
Replacement = TypedLink( Key, LinkText );
Replacement = InnerLink( Key, LinkText );
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
Temp = Temp.Mid( 0, i ) + Replacement + Temp.Mid( i + j + k + 5 );// 5 for the [[|]]
return Temp;
TranslatableString TitleText( const wxString & Key )
return XO("Welcome!");
if(Key ==wxT("play") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Playing Audio");
if((Key ==wxT("record") ) || (Key ==wxT("norecord") ))
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Recording Audio");
if(Key ==wxT("inputdevice") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Recording - Choosing the Recording Device");
if(Key ==wxT("inputsource") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Recording - Choosing the Recording Source");
if(Key ==wxT("inputlevel") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Recording - Setting the Recording Level");
if((Key ==wxT("edit") ) || (Key==wxT("grey")))
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Editing and greyed out Menus");
if(Key ==wxT("export") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Exporting an Audio File");
if(Key ==wxT("save") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Saving an Audacity Project");
if(Key ==wxT("wma-proprietary") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Support for Other Formats");
if(Key ==wxT("burncd") )
2012-03-20 15:36:02 +00:00
/* i18n-hint: Title for a topic.*/
return XO("Burn to CD" );
if(Key == wxT("remotehelp") )
return XO("No Local Help");
// Uh oh, no translation...
return Verbatim( Key );
static wxString HelpTextBuiltIn( const wxString & Key )
// PRL: Is it necessary to define these outside of conditional compilation so that both get into the .pot file?
const auto alphamsg = XO(
"<br><br>The version of Audacity you are using is an <b>Alpha test version</b>.");
const auto betamsg = XO(
"<br><br>The version of Audacity you are using is a <b>Beta test version</b>.");
if (Key == wxT("welcome"))
wxStringOutputStream o;
wxTextOutputStream s(o);
#if defined(IS_ALPHA) || defined(IS_BETA)
<< wxT("<hr><center><h3>")
<< XO("Get the Official Released Version of Audacity")
<< wxT("</h3></center>")
<< VerCheckHtml()
#ifdef IS_ALPHA
<< alphamsg
<< betamsg
<< wxT(" ")
<< XO(
"We strongly recommend that you use our latest stable released version, which has full documentation and support.<br><br>")
<< XO(
"You can help us get Audacity ready for release by joining our [[|community]].<hr><br><br>")
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// DA: Support methods text.
// Deliberately not translated.
<< wxT("<center><h3>DarkAudacity ")
<< wxT("</h3></center>")
<< wxT("<br><br>DarkAudacity is based on Audacity:")
<< wxT("<ul><li>")
<< wxT(" [[|]] - for differences between them.")
<< wxT("</li><li>")
<< wxT(
" email to [[|]] - for help using DarkAudacity.")
<< wxT("</li><li>")
<< wxT(
" [[|Tutorials]] - for getting started with DarkAudacity.")
<< wxT("</li></ul>")
<< wxT("<br><br>Audacity has these support methods:")
<< wxT("<ul><li>")
<< wxT(" [[|Manual]] - for comprehensive Audacity documentation")
<< wxT("</li><li>")
<< wxT(" [[|Forum]] - for large knowledge base on using Audacity.")
<< wxT("</li></ul>")
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
<< wxT("<center><h3>Audacity ")
<< wxT("</h3><h3>")
<< XO("How to get help")
<< wxT("</h3></center>")
<< XO("These are our support methods:")
<< wxT("<p><ul><li>")
/* i18n-hint: Preserve '[[help:Quick_Help|' as it's the name of a link.*/
<< XO("[[help:Quick_Help|Quick Help]] - if not installed locally, [[|view online]]")
<< wxT("</li><li>")
<< XO(
/* i18n-hint: Preserve '[[help:Main_Page|' as it's the name of a link.*/
" [[help:Main_Page|Manual]] - if not installed locally, [[|view online]]")
<< wxT("</li><li>")
<< XO(
" [[|Forum]] - ask your question directly, online.")
<< wxT("</li></ul></p><p>")
<< wxT("<b>")
<< XO("More:</b> Visit our [[|Wiki]] for tips, tricks, extra tutorials and effects plug-ins.")
<< wxT("</p>")
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
auto result = o.GetString();
result.Replace( "//","//" );
result.Replace( "//","//" );
return WrapText( result );
2011-07-29 08:34:04 +00:00
wxStringOutputStream o;
wxTextOutputStream s(o);
<< wxT("<p>")
<< XO(
"Audacity can import unprotected files in many other formats (such as M4A and WMA, \
2011-07-29 08:34:04 +00:00
compressed WAV files from portable recorders and audio from video files) if you download and install \
2018-02-05 15:08:38 +00:00
the optional [[| \
FFmpeg library]] to your computer.")
<< wxT("</p><p>")
<< XO(
"You can also read our help on importing \
2018-02-05 15:08:38 +00:00
[[|MIDI files]] \
2018-08-29 17:20:50 +00:00
and tracks from [[| \
2018-02-05 15:08:38 +00:00
audio CDs]].")
<< wxT("</p>")
return WrapText( o.GetString() );
2011-07-29 08:34:04 +00:00
// Remote help allows us to link to a local copy of the help if it exists,
// or provide a message that takes you to the Internet if it does not.
// It's used by the menu item Help > Index
if(Key == wxT("remotehelp") )
wxStringOutputStream o;
wxTextOutputStream s(o);
// *URL* will be replaced by whatever URL we are looking for.
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
// DA: View the manual on line is expected.
<< XO(
"The Manual does not appear to be installed. \
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
Please [[*URL*|view the Manual online]].<br><br>\
To always view the Manual online, change \"Location of Manual\" in \
Interface Preferences to \"From Internet\".")
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
<< XO(
"The Manual does not appear to be installed. \
Please [[*URL*|view the Manual online]] or \
2018-02-05 15:08:38 +00:00
[[| \
download the Manual]].<br><br>\
To always view the Manual online, change \"Location of Manual\" in \
Interface Preferences to \"From Internet\".")
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
return WrapText( o.GetString() );
return {};
wxString HelpText( const wxString & Key )
// Possible future enhancement...
// We could look for the text as a local file and use
// that if we find it...
// if( wxFileExists( Path+Key ) )
// ...
wxString Text;
Text = HelpTextBuiltIn( Key );
if( !Text.empty())
return LinkExpand( Text );
// Perhaps useful for debugging - we'll return key that we didn't find.
return WrapText( Key );
2017-04-02 22:07:13 +00:00
wxString FormatHtmlText( const wxString & Text ){
wxString localeStr = wxLocale::GetSystemEncodingName();
wxT("<html><head><META http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=") +
localeStr +
wxT("\"></head>") +
WrapText( LinkExpand( Text ))+
// Function to give the extra arguments to put on the version check string.
const wxString VerCheckArgs(){
wxString result = wxString("from_ver=") + AUDACITY_VERSION_STRING;
#ifdef REV_LONG
result += wxString("&CommitId=")+wxString(REV_LONG).Left(6);
result += wxString("&Time=") + wxString( __DATE__ ) + wxString( __TIME__ );
result.Replace(" ","");
return result;
// Text of hyperlink to check versions.
const wxString VerCheckHtml()
wxStringOutputStream o;
wxTextOutputStream s(o);
<< "<center>[["
<< VerCheckUrl().GET()
<< "|"
<< XO("Check Online")
<< "]]</center>\n";
return o.GetString();
// Url with Version check args attached.
const URLString VerCheckUrl()
//The version we intend to use for live Audacity.
#define VER_CHECK_URL ""
//For testing of our scriptlet.
//#define VER_CHECK_URL ""
//For testing locally
//#define VER_CHECK_URL "http://localhost:63342/WorkingDocs/demos/download.html?"
return wxString( wxT(VER_CHECK_URL)) +VerCheckArgs();