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Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
?? Dominic Mazzoni
?? Markus Meyer
#include "Audacity.h"
#include "MemoryX.h"
#include "SampleFormat.h"
#include "widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
#include "ondemand/ODTaskThread.h"
#include "xml/XMLTagHandler.h"
#include "Experimental.h"
#include "RealFFTf.h"
#include <wx/gdicmn.h>
#include <wx/longlong.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <vector>
2015-07-05 15:22:03 +00:00
class BlockArray;
class DirManager;
class Envelope;
2015-07-05 15:22:03 +00:00
class Sequence;
class SpectrogramSettings;
class WaveCache;
class WaveTrackCache;
class SpecCache {
// Make invalid cache
: algorithm(-1)
, pps(-1.0)
, start(-1.0)
, windowType(-1)
, frequencyGain(-1)
#if 0
, freq(NULL)
, where(NULL)
, dirty(-1)
// Make valid cache, to be filled in
SpecCache(size_t cacheLen, int algorithm_,
double pps_, double start_, int windowType_, size_t windowSize_,
unsigned zeroPaddingFactor_, int frequencyGain_)
: len(cacheLen)
, algorithm(algorithm_)
, pps(pps_)
, start(start_)
, windowType(windowType_)
, windowSize(windowSize_)
, zeroPaddingFactor(zeroPaddingFactor_)
, frequencyGain(frequencyGain_)
, freq{}
// Sample counts corresponding to the columns, and to one past the end.
, where(len + 1)
, dirty(-1)
where[0] = 0;
bool Matches(int dirty_, double pixelsPerSecond,
const SpectrogramSettings &settings, double rate) const;
bool CalculateOneSpectrum
(const SpectrogramSettings &settings,
WaveTrackCache &waveTrackCache,
int xx, sampleCount numSamples,
double offset, double rate, double pixelsPerSecond,
int lowerBoundX, int upperBoundX,
2015-08-17 01:14:41 +00:00
const std::vector<float> &gainFactors,
2016-08-25 17:41:40 +00:00
float* __restrict scratch,
float* __restrict out) const;
void Allocate(const SpectrogramSettings &settings);
void Populate
(const SpectrogramSettings &settings, WaveTrackCache &waveTrackCache,
int copyBegin, int copyEnd, size_t numPixels,
sampleCount numSamples,
double offset, double rate, double pixelsPerSecond);
const size_t len { 0 }; // counts pixels, not samples
const int algorithm;
const double pps;
const double start;
const int windowType;
const size_t windowSize { 0 };
const unsigned zeroPaddingFactor { 0 };
const int frequencyGain;
std::vector<float> freq;
std::vector<sampleCount> where;
int dirty;
class SpecPxCache {
SpecPxCache(size_t cacheLen)
2016-04-14 16:17:59 +00:00
: len{ cacheLen }
, values{ len }
valid = false;
scaleType = 0;
range = gain = -1;
minFreq = maxFreq = -1;
size_t len;
2016-04-14 16:17:59 +00:00
Floats values;
bool valid;
int scaleType;
int range;
int gain;
int minFreq;
int maxFreq;
class WaveClip;
// Array of pointers that assume ownership
using WaveClipHolder = movable_ptr< WaveClip >;
using WaveClipHolders = std::vector < WaveClipHolder >;
using WaveClipConstHolders = std::vector < movable_ptr< const WaveClip > >;
// Temporary arrays of mere pointers
using WaveClipPointers = std::vector < WaveClip* >;
using WaveClipConstPointers = std::vector < const WaveClip* >;
// A bundle of arrays needed for drawing waveforms. The object may or may not
// own the storage for those arrays. If it does, it destroys them.
2015-06-02 23:15:29 +00:00
class WaveDisplay
2015-06-02 23:15:29 +00:00
int width;
sampleCount *where;
float *min, *max, *rms;
int* bl;
std::vector<sampleCount> ownWhere;
std::vector<float> ownMin, ownMax, ownRms;
std::vector<int> ownBl;
WaveDisplay(int w)
: width(w), where(0), min(0), max(0), rms(0), bl(0)
// Create "own" arrays.
void Allocate()
ownWhere.resize(width + 1);
where = &ownWhere[0];
if (width > 0) {
min = &ownMin[0];
max = &ownMax[0];
rms = &ownRms[0];
bl = &ownBl[0];
else {
min = max = rms = 0;
bl = 0;
class AUDACITY_DLL_API WaveClip final : public XMLTagHandler
// It is an error to copy a WaveClip without specifying the DirManager.
WaveClip(const WaveClip&) PROHIBITED;
WaveClip& operator= (const WaveClip&) PROHIBITED;
// typical constructor
2016-08-13 04:38:31 +00:00
WaveClip(const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager, sampleFormat format, int rate);
// essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the
// current project's DirManager, because we might be copying
// from one project to another
2016-11-26 20:20:28 +00:00
WaveClip(const WaveClip& orig,
const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager,
bool copyCutlines);
// Copy only a range from the given WaveClip
WaveClip(const WaveClip& orig,
const std::shared_ptr<DirManager> &projDirManager,
2016-11-26 20:20:28 +00:00
bool copyCutlines,
double t0, double t1);
virtual ~WaveClip();
void ConvertToSampleFormat(sampleFormat format);
void TimeToSamplesClip(double t0, sampleCount *s0) const;
int GetRate() const { return mRate; }
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Set rate without resampling. This will change the length of the clip
void SetRate(int rate);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
// Resample clip. This also will set the rate, but without changing
// the length of the clip
void Resample(int rate, ProgressDialog *progress = NULL);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
void SetOffset(double offset);
double GetOffset() const { return mOffset; }
void Offset(double delta) // NOFAIL-GUARANTEE
{ SetOffset(GetOffset() + delta); }
double GetStartTime() const;
double GetEndTime() const;
sampleCount GetStartSample() const;
sampleCount GetEndSample() const;
2015-07-05 15:22:03 +00:00
sampleCount GetNumSamples() const;
// One and only one of the following is true for a given t (unless the clip
// has zero length -- then BeforeClip() and AfterClip() can both be true).
// Within() is true if the time is substantially within the clip
bool WithinClip(double t) const;
bool BeforeClip(double t) const;
bool AfterClip(double t) const;
bool GetSamples(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len, bool mayThrow = true) const;
void SetSamples(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
sampleCount start, size_t len);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
Envelope* GetEnvelope() { return mEnvelope.get(); }
const Envelope* GetEnvelope() const { return mEnvelope.get(); }
2015-07-05 15:22:03 +00:00
BlockArray* GetSequenceBlockArray();
// Get low-level access to the sequence. Whenever possible, don't use this,
// but use more high-level functions inside WaveClip (or add them if you
// think they are useful for general use)
Sequence* GetSequence() { return mSequence.get(); }
/** WaveTrack calls this whenever data in the wave clip changes. It is
* called automatically when WaveClip has a chance to know that something
* has changed, like when member functions SetSamples() etc. are called. */
void MarkChanged() // NOFAIL-GUARANTEE
{ mDirty++; }
/** Getting high-level data from the for screen display and clipping
* calculations and Contrast */
bool GetWaveDisplay(WaveDisplay &display,
double t0, double pixelsPerSecond, bool &isLoadingOD) const;
bool GetSpectrogram(WaveTrackCache &cache,
const float *& spectrogram,
const sampleCount *& where,
size_t numPixels,
double t0, double pixelsPerSecond) const;
std::pair<float, float> GetMinMax(
double t0, double t1, bool mayThrow = true) const;
float GetRMS(double t0, double t1, bool mayThrow = true) const;
// Set/clear/get rectangle that this WaveClip fills on screen. This is
// called by TrackArtist while actually drawing the tracks and clips.
void ClearDisplayRect() const;
void SetDisplayRect(const wxRect& r) const;
void GetDisplayRect(wxRect* r);
/** Whenever you do an operation to the sequence that will change the number
* of samples (that is, the length of the clip), you will want to call this
* function to tell the envelope about it. */
void UpdateEnvelopeTrackLen();
/// You must call Flush after the last Append
void Append(samplePtr buffer, sampleFormat format,
size_t len, unsigned int stride=1,
XMLWriter* blockFileLog = NULL);
/// Flush must be called after last Append
void Flush();
void AppendAlias(const wxString &fName, sampleCount start,
size_t len, int channel,bool useOD);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
void AppendCoded(const wxString &fName, sampleCount start,
size_t len, int channel, int decodeType);
/// This name is consistent with WaveTrack::Clear. It performs a "Cut"
/// operation (but without putting the cutted audio to the clipboard)
void Clear(double t0, double t1);
/// Clear, and add cut line that starts at t0 and contains everything until t1.
void ClearAndAddCutLine(double t0, double t1);
/// Paste data from other clip, resampling it if not equal rate
void Paste(double t0, const WaveClip* other);
/** Insert silence - note that this is an efficient operation for large
* amounts of silence */
void InsertSilence( double t, double len, double *pEnvelopeValue = nullptr );
/** Insert silence at the end, and causes the envelope to ramp
linearly to the given value */
void AppendSilence( double len, double envelopeValue );
/// Get access to cut lines list
WaveClipHolders &GetCutLines() { return mCutLines; }
const WaveClipConstHolders &GetCutLines() const
{ return reinterpret_cast< const WaveClipConstHolders& >( mCutLines ); }
size_t NumCutLines() const { return mCutLines.size(); }
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
/** Find cut line at (approximately) this position. Returns true and fills
* in cutLineStart and cutLineEnd (if specified) if a cut line at this
* position could be found. Return false otherwise. */
bool FindCutLine(double cutLinePosition,
double* cutLineStart = NULL,
double *cutLineEnd = NULL) const;
/** Expand cut line (that is, re-insert audio, then DELETE audio saved in
* cut line). Returns true if a cut line could be found and sucessfully
* expanded, false otherwise */
void ExpandCutLine(double cutLinePosition);
/// Remove cut line, without expanding the audio in it
bool RemoveCutLine(double cutLinePosition);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
/// Offset cutlines right to time 't0' by time amount 'len'
void OffsetCutLines(double t0, double len);
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
/// Lock all blockfiles
void Lock();
/// Unlock all blockfiles
void Unlock();
2016-04-12 03:38:33 +00:00
void CloseLock(); //similar to Lock but should be called when the project closes.
// not balanced by unlocking calls.
///Delete the wave cache - force redraw. Thread-safe
void ClearWaveCache();
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
///Adds an invalid region to the wavecache so it redraws that portion only.
2016-08-22 22:06:34 +00:00
void AddInvalidRegion(sampleCount startSample, sampleCount endSample);
// XMLTagHandler callback methods for loading and saving
2014-06-03 20:30:19 +00:00
bool HandleXMLTag(const wxChar *tag, const wxChar **attrs) override;
void HandleXMLEndTag(const wxChar *tag) override;
XMLTagHandler *HandleXMLChild(const wxChar *tag) override;
2017-02-22 19:23:35 +00:00
void WriteXML(XMLWriter &xmlFile) const /* not override */;
// AWD, Oct 2009: for pasting whitespace at the end of selection
bool GetIsPlaceholder() const { return mIsPlaceholder; }
void SetIsPlaceholder(bool val) { mIsPlaceholder = val; }
// used by commands which interact with clips using the keyboard
bool SharesBoundaryWithNextClip(const WaveClip* next) const;
// Cache of values to colour pixels of Spectrogram - used by TrackArtist
mutable std::unique_ptr<SpecPxCache> mSpecPxCache;
mutable wxRect mDisplayRect {};
double mOffset { 0 };
int mRate;
int mDirty { 0 };
std::unique_ptr<Sequence> mSequence;
std::unique_ptr<Envelope> mEnvelope;
mutable std::unique_ptr<WaveCache> mWaveCache;
mutable ODLock mWaveCacheMutex {};
mutable std::unique_ptr<SpecCache> mSpecCache;
SampleBuffer mAppendBuffer {};
size_t mAppendBufferLen { 0 };
// Cut Lines are nothing more than ordinary wave clips, with the
// offset relative to the start of the clip.
WaveClipHolders mCutLines {};
// AWD, Oct. 2009: for whitespace-at-end-of-selection pasting
bool mIsPlaceholder { false };