
341 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Audacity: A Digital Audio Editor
Dominic Mazzoni
Vaughan Johnson
#include <set>
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
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#include <wx/intl.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
class wxDialog;
class wxWindow;
#include "../WaveTrack.h"
#include "../Shuttle.h"
#include "../ShuttleGui.h"
#include "../Internat.h"
#include "../widgets/ProgressDialog.h"
class SelectedRegion;
class TimeWarper;
#define PLUGIN_EFFECT 0x0001
#define BUILTIN_EFFECT 0x0002
// ADVANCED_EFFECT was introduced for Lynn Allan's 'CleanSpeech'
// it allows the list of effects to be filtered to exclude
// the advanced effects.
// Left in when CLEANSPEECH was removed, as it may be useful at some point.
#define ADVANCED_EFFECT 0x0004
// HIDDEN_EFFECT allows an item to be excluded from the effects
// menu
#define HIDDEN_EFFECT 0x0008
#define INSERT_EFFECT 0x0010
#define PROCESS_EFFECT 0x0020
#define ANALYZE_EFFECT 0x0040
#define ALL_EFFECTS 0x00FF
// Flag used to disable prompting for configuration
// parameteres.
#define CONFIGURED_EFFECT 0x8000
//CLEAN-ME: Rogue value to skip unwanted effects in a chain.
//lda: SKIP_EFFECT_MILLISECOND is a rogue value, used where a millisecond
//time is required to indicate "Don't do this effect".
//It is used in SpikeCleaner and TruncSilence.
//MERGE: Maybe we can remove this now that we have configurable batch
//and so can just drop the steps we don't want?
class AUDACITY_DLL_API Effect {
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// public methods
// Used by the outside program to determine properties of an effect and
// apply the effect to one or more tracks.
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// Each subclass of Effect should override this method.
// This name will go in the menu bar;
// append "..." if your effect pops up a dialog
virtual wxString GetEffectName() = 0;
// Each subclass of Effect should override this method.
// This should return the category of this effect, which
// will determine where in the menu it's placed.
virtual std::set<wxString> GetEffectCategories() = 0;
// Previously optional. Now required to identify effects for Chain support.
// Each subclass of Effect should override this method.
// This should be human-readable, but should NOT be translated. Use wxT(""), not _("").
virtual wxString GetEffectIdentifier() = 0;
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// Each subclass of Effect should override this method.
// This name will go in the progress dialog, but can be used
// elsewhere, and it should describe what is being done.
// For example, if the effect is "Filter", the action is
// "Filtering", or if the effect is "Bass Boost", the action
// is "Boosting Bass Frequencies".
virtual wxString GetEffectAction() = 0;
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// Each subclass of Effect should override this method.
// This description will go in the History state.
// Override to include effect parameters, so typically useful only after PromptUser.
virtual wxString GetEffectDescription() {
// Default provides effect name.
return wxString::Format(_("Applied effect: %s"),
// Return flags which tell you what kind of effect this is.
// It will be either a built-in or a plug-in effect, and it
// will be one of Insert, Process, or Analyze.
virtual int GetEffectFlags() {
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// Default of BUILTIN_EFFECT | PROCESS_EFFECT | ADVANCED_EFFECT (set in constructor) -
// covers most built-in effects.
return mFlags;
// Return true if the effect supports processing via batch chains.
virtual bool SupportsChains() {
// All builtin effect support chains (???)
return (mFlags & BUILTIN_EFFECT) != 0;
// Called to set or retrieve parameter values. Return true if successful.
virtual bool TransferParameters( Shuttle & WXUNUSED(shuttle) ) {
return true;
void SetEffectFlags( int NewFlags )
mFlags = NewFlags;
// The Effect class fully implements the Preview method for you.
// Only override it if you need to do preprocessing or cleanup.
virtual void Preview(bool dryOnly = false);
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// Most effects just use the previewLength, but time-stretching/compressing
// effects need to use a different input length, so override this method.
2013-02-15 00:24:43 +00:00
virtual double CalcPreviewInputLength(double previewLength);
// Get an unique ID assigned to each registered effect.
// The first effect will have ID zero.
int GetID() {
return mID;
// Returns true on success. Will only operate on tracks that
// have the "selected" flag set to true, which is consistent with
// Audacity's standard UI.
bool DoEffect(wxWindow *parent, int flags, double projectRate, TrackList *list,
TrackFactory *factory, SelectedRegion *selectedRegion,
wxString params);
wxString GetPreviewName();
//ANSWER-ME: Isn't this pointless?
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// None of the built-in functions has an ampersand in the result of
// GetEffectName(), the only strings on which this method is used.
// In fact, the example 'E&qualizer' does not exist in the code!
// Strip ampersand ('&' char) from string. This effectively removes the
// shortcut from the string ('E&qualizer' becomes 'Equalizer'). This is
// important for sorting.
static wxString StripAmpersand(const wxString& str);
// protected virtual methods
// Each subclass of Effect overrides one or more of these methods to
// do its processing.
// The constructor is called once by each subclass at the beginning of the program.
// Avoid allocating memory or doing time-consuming processing here.
virtual ~Effect();
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// Called once each time an effect is called. Perform any initialization;
// make sure that the effect can be performed on the selected tracks and
// return false otherwise
virtual bool Init() {
return true;
// If necessary, open a dialog to get parameters from the user.
// This method will not always be called (for example if a user
// repeats an effect) but if it is called, it will be called
// after Init.
virtual bool PromptUser() {
return true;
// Check whether effect should be skipped
// Typically this is only useful in automation, for example
// detecting that zero noise reduction is to be done,
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// or that normalisation is being done without Dc bias shift
// or amplitude modification
virtual bool CheckWhetherSkipEffect() { return false; }
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// Actually do the effect here.
virtual bool Process() = 0;
// clean up any temporary memory
virtual void End() {
// protected data
// The Effect base class will set these variables, some or all of which
// may be needed by any particular subclass of Effect.
wxWindow *mParent;
ProgressDialog *mProgress;
double mProjectRate; // Sample rate of the project - new tracks should
// be created with this rate...
TrackFactory *mFactory;
TrackList *mTracks; // the complete list of all tracks
TrackList *mOutputTracks; // used only if CopyInputTracks() is called.
double mT0;
double mT1;
TimeWarper *mWarper;
// protected methods
// These methods can be used by subclasses of Effect in order to display a
// progress dialog or perform common calculations
// The Progress methods all return true if the user has cancelled;
// you should exit immediately if this happens (cleaning up memory
// is okay, but don't try to undo).
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// Pass a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0
bool TotalProgress(double frac);
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// Pass a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, for the current track
// (when doing one track at a time)
bool TrackProgress(int whichTrack, double frac, wxString = wxT(""));
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// Pass a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0, for the current track group
// (when doing stereo groups at a time)
bool TrackGroupProgress(int whichGroup, double frac);
int GetNumWaveTracks() { return mNumTracks; }
int GetNumWaveGroups() { return mNumGroups; }
// Calculates the start time and selection length in samples
void GetSamples(WaveTrack *track, sampleCount *start, sampleCount *len);
void SetTimeWarper(TimeWarper *warper);
TimeWarper *GetTimeWarper();
// protected static data
// Preferences shared by all effects
static double sDefaultGenerateLen;
int mFlags;
double mLength;
// type of the tracks on mOutputTracks
int mOutputTracksType;
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// private methods
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// Use these two methods to copy the input tracks to mOutputTracks, if
// doing the processing on them, and replacing the originals only on success (and not cancel).
void CopyInputTracks(int trackType = Track::Wave);
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// If bGoodResult, replace mWaveTracks tracks in mTracks with successfully processed
// mOutputTracks copies, get rid of old mWaveTracks, and set mWaveTracks to mOutputTracks.
// Else clear and delete mOutputTracks copies.
void ReplaceProcessedTracks(const bool bGoodResult);
// Use this to append a new output track.
void AddToOutputTracks(Track *t);
// Used only by the base Effect class
void CountWaveTracks();
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// private data
// Used only by the base Effect class
wxArrayPtrVoid mIMap;
wxArrayPtrVoid mOMap;
int mNumTracks; //v This is really mNumWaveTracks, per CountWaveTracks() and GetNumWaveTracks().
int mNumGroups;
int mID;
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friend class BatchCommands;// so can call PromptUser.
friend class EffectManager;// so it can delete effects and access mID.
// Base dialog for generate effect
#define ID_EFFECT_PREVIEW ePreviewID
// Base dialog for regular effect
class AUDACITY_DLL_API EffectDialog:public wxDialog
// constructors and destructors
EffectDialog(wxWindow * parent,
const wxString & title,
int type = PROCESS_EFFECT,
int additionalButtons = 0);
void Init();
virtual void PopulateOrExchange(ShuttleGui & S);
virtual bool TransferDataToWindow();
virtual bool TransferDataFromWindow();
virtual bool Validate();
virtual void OnPreview(wxCommandEvent & event);
int mType;
int mAdditionalButtons;
// Utility functions
float TrapFloat(float x, float min, float max);
double TrapDouble(double x, double min, double max);
long TrapLong(long x, long min, long max);